Thursday, February 4, 2016

Gov. Shumlin pardons Springfield woman

Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin issued a pardon Thursday to Margaret Young of Springfield, citing her ability to overcome numerous challenges to attain a degree in occupational therapy.

MONTPELIER – Gov. Peter Shumlin today issued a pardon to Margaret Young of Springfield, Vt. At age 19, Young pleaded guilty to misdemeanor domestic assault against her ex-husband based on an incident that occurred while she was moving out of their shared residence. A mother of three, Young has overcome numerous challenges and has recently graduated with a degree in occupational therapy. Although she has obtained her license in her chosen field, she has been limited in her career options because of her conviction.

“I was impressed by Margaret’s commitment to her children, and to translating her personal experience into helping others overcome physical and cognitive challenges to pursue their goals. I continue to believe that past mistakes should not define a person’s future, and I am proud to give Margaret the opportunity to move beyond the circumstances of her youth to better her life and the lives of other Vermonters.”

This marks the sixth pardon issued by Gov. Shumlin.



  1. 19 years old with 3 children? Gee, clue of BIRTH CONTROL instead of having sex.

    1. And the Republicans want to defund Planned Parenthood...

  2. That is your take away from that article? Judge much?

  3. Must be you folks have knowledge not included in the article - which doesn't actually say that she had three children when she was 19. If she did, her apparently successful reconstruction of her life is even more commendable, eh?

    1. You seem like an excellent person. Thank you.


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