Monday, August 8, 2016

Randy Gray – Springfielder running for State Senate

I, Randy Gray, am running for the office of State Senator for The Windsor County District. Born, raised and residing in this area all my life, I have seen the area change in negative ways. Drugs, lack of job opportunities, high cost of living and taxes, unbearable heath care costs and a declining young population. We need positive change for Windsor County and Vermont.

For far too long we have had too few choices on the voter’s ballot. This year you will have a choice! Currently, I am the vice chair of the Springfield Republican Committee. I work full time as an office administrator and salesperson for a successful, growing company.

I am running to improve Vermont’s business outlook by making it more business friendly and affordable. In addition, I am hoping to help solve the growing drug problem with stiffer penalties and better prevention/interventions. Another reason is I want to work to reduce the high cost of living, wasteful government spending and excessive budgeting.

By improving our economy we can solve many of the issues listed prior, including giving our young generation a reason to stay. As an educated voter like many of you, I feel I have not been heard and now is my time to try to make a difference for us. I will listen to all of you, even though we may not agree on all issues, I will hear your voice.

I look forward to your feedback and hope to meet most during this summer season.

For more information see my website: or find me on Facebook.

Randy Gray 4 State Senate
North Springfield, Vermont    


  1. Interesting how certain articles about other candidates don't allow for comments. It's as if this site is protecting the guilty and incompetent from negative comments. I guess its OK to swing away at Randy though, one of the unprotected.

    1. Dick McCormack is a personal friend.

    2. Quelle surprise! It has been obvious that you are protecting him and preventing meaningful discussion about his track record while continually posting fluff articles. Not fair and not balanced.

  2. ^^ I thought the same exact thing as 12:38.

  3. Well, if he can't take the heat..... As much as I'm outraged by some of the radical left's wretched excesses when it comes to drugs, crime, social engineering etc., I'm always suspicious when I hear a Republican say he can solve all problems by making a place more "business friendly". This is usually a euphemism for "hostile to workers." I lived in Florida (a right-to-work state) and that's EXACTLY what it meant there. (Even the conservatives I knew couldn't take it, and moved back to New York.) It was no paradise; there was more poverty, crime, and drugs, despite a massive police presence. There were no decent jobs, and taxes were actually higher (they just found creative ways to hide them, like taxing your insurance.) I moved to Vermont to escape these things, I don't want them here!

  4. chuck gregory8/4/16, 6:29 PM

    12:38, incumbents almost always have the electoral advantage. Somewhere between three-quarters and 95%get re-elected. If they open their mouth, they're taking an unnecessary risk. Challengers also face a risk if they opine on matters vital to Vermonters (wages, affordable health care, news panic of the day, etc.), so they tend to be rather vague about how they are going to push to fix problems-- or they won't get elected.

    Could you specify which other articles here didn't allow for comments?

  5. I want to know more about Mr. Gray.

    1.) Does he support Trump (his position is important to me)?

    2.) Are his politics local minded and economic based with a personal social agenda. (for instance, pro life or pro choice)?

    I think everyone would like to know his stance.

  6. George T McNaughton8/5/16, 9:35 AM

    In general conversations with Randy Gray, he seems to be sincerely interested in local issues and problems, rather than the ideological purity that often works against moving Springfield forward. I see him more as an independent than a partisan player. I may be wrong, but am hoping he is the fresh face that the Republicans have been needing for some time in Vermont.

    1. George, I well respect your honest observations as someone that "gets it." You have spoke to the harsh truths others find offensive and created open exchanges for all to be heard.

      For years Springfield has declined becoming one of the least favorable communities to reside in Vermont. This didn't happen by accident or global economic forces. In short is was hideously incompetent leadership and planning. Sending the same people back to Montpelier that got us here is insanity. Don't blow this opportunity folks.

  7. chuck gregory8/6/16, 9:38 AM

    I have concerns about the ideological impartiality of someone who calls for three to five percent cuts "across the board" in the state budget. That smacks of the Koch brothers' influence to me. Their calls for such are done to improve their own wealth rather than to improve government.

    1. George T McNaughton8/6/16, 11:37 PM

      I doubt Koch Brothers have much influence on Randy Gray, and I think he meant that as a target, and did not really mean cut everything by that amount. I don't mind targets, so long as it is understood some things are going to have to increase and that means somethings will have to decrease by more than the target. Unless we can get healthcare costs under control, however, all this may be wishful thinking because the continued increases there are going to make the economy in Vermont even less sustainable. That plus costs associated with the opioids epidemic could bankrupt the State. Right now, perception would suggest that we are somewhat clueless on getting the epidemic under control.

    2. I doubt there is any Koch funded conspiracy here, perhaps just ideological like-mindedness. More supply-side economics with a new face. That's about all that the Republicans seem capable of; rebranding the same failed economic policies. That's why Trump is so popular with the right, he represents a rejection of the Republican orthodoxy.

  8. chuck gregory8/8/16, 7:02 PM

    so, where does he stand on single-payer health care? It's universal coverage, accessible to and affordable by all, which maintains the doctor-patient relationship and stays with the whole family even when the adults get laid off or go bankrupt. Vermont can afford it, and I will vote for the candidates who pursue it. I haven't heard any of the local candidates except Bob Forguites tie it into Springfield's needs.

  9. All,
    No, I have not received money or influence from the Koch Brothers.
    George is correct about the budget. Some things need to be cut and some need additional help. Where are we wasting money? At this time I have not been able to find the State budget breakdown, only general spending in departments, so I can't say specifically were I would focus. A good start might just be better management of what is currently in place? Inefficiency wastes a lot of money!
    Do I support Trump? I will say that I do not support Hillary. I will vote for Trump, he has not committed treason or committed perjury to the best of my knowledge.
    Business friendly does not necessarily mean worker unfriendly. I am talking about lowering the business tax and offering start up incentives for businesses to embark and come to this state. More funding and support for organizations like SRDC.
    Health care is complicated but something needs to be done. Is wasting more money on Vermont health connect the right thing to do? NO.
    Single payer? I do not support this Chuck and I am sorry. I do not support anything that involves one company in control of an entire state's healthcare. No competition is higher costs. I do not know the answer but I am open to a reasonable, affordable alternative that does not involve a monopoly.
    I do not have a personal agenda. I have a desire to help improve life and living for all families, our County and State.
    Drug dealers need to go down, for good! Stiffer penalties and higher bails.
    Addicts need the proper direction to free themselves from this waste of life. Inpatient treatment centers, not Methadone clinics.
    Early prevention programs in school, mandatory.
    Pro-Life, Pro-Choice? Not really and issue in Vermont right now but I will say that abortion should not be birth control. I am not a woman..
    As I have said on my web page, If you like what you've got, vote as you have. If you want change, vote for something new.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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