Monday, August 8, 2016

Paul Gibbs running for office

Springfield resident Paul Gibbs Jr. is a candidate in the Republican Primary. A retired U.S. Army veteran with 27 years of service, he served in Korea and Vietnam.

Hear his stand on some of the issues currently facing Springfield and the state, click on audio player below:

Paul Gibbs received the distinguished Veterans Award at the VT Republican "Honor our Veterans" reception last winter. Another great Veteran, former Lt. Governor Brian Dubie, giving him the reward.


  1. People who might vote for this man might want to check out his toxic rhetoric on his Facebook page. He refers liberals as satanic murderers - seemingly forgetting that roughly 50% his countrymen are liberals. A gentleman does not a veteran necessarily make. The people of Springfield deserve better

  2. chuck gregory10/7/16, 5:53 PM

    He was cited for brandishing a gun at a tailgater several years ago.

    I understand the reasonable Republicans are running as Independents again this time.


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