Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Video: What is Steampunk?

Springfield Steampunk Festival – ßeptember 23, 24 and 25, 2016



  1. Do any of the gears and gadgets actually *do* anything, or is this entirely a costume event?

    1. Of course not Philip. Not a soul there has a grasp of mechanical design. Best I can garner is it's a silly hat and cleavage show. Sad really. The venue was once home to many of the most brilliant minds in industry. 100 years later, few attending could comprehend principle of conjugate motion. just sad....

    2. that is absolutely not true anonymous ... you really need to read up a lot more on steampunk ... there are a lot of "gears and gadgets" that do actually do things ... sometimes amazing things ... especially read up on bruce rosenbaum .. who will be speaking again this year at the festival ... there are all kinds of workshops on how to do various things ... it is absolutely not just a costume event ... take a look at the website and check the schedule out ...

    3. Really? Did you attend last year? I did. There were PLENTY of well thought out designs that required a good understanding of STEM.

    4. Those of you reading this who possess the creative talent to make "gears and gadgets do anything" you are more than welcome to add your genius to the Springfield Steampunk Festival.

  2. Hello just wanted to give credit to SAPA-TV for the above video. Thank you for posting this on your blog! :-) Sabrina Smith, Coordinator, Springfield VT Steampunk

  3. Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce8/10/16, 2:01 PM

    It's wondeful to see so many fun, imaginative people coming together in Springfield for such a unique event! And what a well-produced video! <3 Springfield Love <3

  4. Wow anonymous...goes to show how much you know. A lot of Steampunk fans design their gadgets to actually work. And so what if they don't. Steampunk is rich in history and creativity. For Springfield, Steampunk ties in the towns machine and industrial history and therefore, people learn about it. Steampunk is a wonderful pastime and yes, an escape from reality. No drugs, no alcoholism, no criminal activity associated with Steampunk.

  5. George T. McNaughton8/11/16, 12:05 PM

    The Steampunk Festival was a great success last year, and will hopefully be a bigger success this year. Despite its off-putting name the retro-fitting industrial chic of Steampunk is very, very useful as a way of guiding the redevelopment of Springfield. Some of the Steampunk projects are merely decorative, but many are in fact functional machines. Come watch and learn to Springfield's festival this coming fall.

  6. chuck gregory8/11/16, 1:34 PM

    12:03-- There's no reason why we can't have both serious engineering and creative art on that theme. We have to concentrate on protecting the former from Wall Street (i.e., no repeat of the rape of Precision Valley with our other industries) so that we can truly enjoy the latter at our leisure.

  7. Is this steampunk - or is it too functional?



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