Friday, November 11, 2016

Video: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick

More than 400,000 American soldiers died in World War II. Here is the incredible truth about the nazi war machine which the rich elite have managed to hide from the world for seventy years.


  1. Not one checkable citation, just sensational claims. I should redo the math of why I spend time reading this site.

  2. Couldn't get the video to work, but Henry Ford's face leads me to believe they're talking about Ford, IBM, and other Allied companies who profited from doing business with the Nazis, even during the war. This is old news, people.

  3. chuck gregory11/11/16, 4:02 PM

    Actually, Phillip, corporations exhibit the traits of sociopaths. Not only did Henry Ford admire fascism, but his company supplied what the Nazis wanted, with no regard for the social, ethical or political ramifications. Precision Valley didn't suffer the Depression the way the rest of the country did because J&L, Parks and Woolson, Bryant Grinder, Fellows, etc., landed orders for the Soviet Union's five-year plan to industrialize. You might want to see the video, "The Corporation."

    Springfield in general is blind to the fact that unless all the stakeholders rather than just the shareholders participate in the decisions of a business, bad things happen. We need to learn how to protect ourselves from Wall Street's excesses.

    1. But Chuck, isn't that prosperity what drew you to Springfield? Now if a change of heart, you must be ecstatic of our dying community with little or no opportunity, a vacant Main Street, failed school system, an out of control opiate epidemic and armed robberies so common they hardly make the news. Isn't it great now sans major industry?

  4. None of the factual stuff was hidden. You only have to look for it. Google is handy, not thorough. Including Chuck's Marxist approach.

    1. I'll have to disagree with your characterization of Chuck's approach as "Marxist." If you actually read the works of Marx you will find Chuck falls to the LEFT of Karl.

  5. Read "Trading With the Enemy", available from Amazon. Ford built factories in Europe which produced vehicles for the Reich, and also over a million wood gas fuel devices for civilian vehicles. After the war, Ford was paid by the US government for damage done by Allied bombers to their European factories.


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