Saturday, November 5, 2016

Minter campaigns in Springfield today

Democrat candidate for governor Sue Minter is making a campaign swing through southern Vermont today as part of her four day ‘An Economy for All’ statewide tour.

Tour will highlight Minter’s plan to create an affordable and innovative economy for all Vermonters
 On Thursday, Sue Minter for Vermont kicked off ‘An Economy for All’ Statewide Tour to highlight her plans for growing Vermont’s economy. As governor, Minter will build an economy that creates livable wage jobs, grows small businesses, and strengthens the middle class.
The tour highlights the choice between Minter’s innovative economic policies that strengthen middle-class families, and the stale, trickle-down economics that her opponent has copied and pasted from the national Republican playbook.
In the closing days of the campaign, Minter will be joined by Senator Patrick Leahy and Congressman Peter Welch to talk with small business owners, working families, and young Vermonters about her vision for the future. The tour will take her to southern Vermont on Saturday.
‘An Economy for All’ Statewide Tour 
Saturday, November 5th tour stops:
‘An Economy for All’ Meet & Greet with Rep. Peter Welch
10:00 a.m.
Northshire Books
4869 Main Street
Manchester Center, VT
‘Brewing a Strong Economy’ Visit with Rep. Peter Welch
11:00 a.m.
Madison Brewing Company
428 Main Street
Bennington, VT
VT Together Phone Bank Kick-Off with Rep. Peter Welch
12:00 p.m.
Vermont Democratic Party Bennington Field Office
423 Main Street
Bennington, VT
‘Brewing a Strong Economy’ Visit with Rep. Peter Welch
1:30 p.m.
Hermit Thrush Brewery
29 High Street, #101C
Guilford, VT
VT Together Canvass Kick-Off with Rep. Peter Welch
2:30 p.m.
Vermont Democratic Party Brattleboro Field Office
80 Flat Street, Suite 103
Brattleboro, VT
‘An Economy for All’ Meet & Greet with Rep. Peter Welch
4:00 p.m.
Sheri’s Place
30 Main Street
Springfield, VT
VT Together Phone Bank Kick-Off with Rep. Peter Welch
5:00 p.m.
Vermont Democratic Party Springfield Field Office
3 Main Street
Springfield, VT
‘Brewing a Strong Economy’ Visit with Rep. Peter Welch
6:00 p.m.
Harpoon Brewery
336 Ruth Carney Drive
Windsor, VT



  1. This is pure hucksterism: As governor, Minter will build an economy that creates livable wage jobs, grows small businesses, and strengthens the middle class.

    Vermont has been screwing its middle class for decades now thanks to a succession of incompetent Democrat central planners that have strangled the economy rather. Minter is just another panderer. The only thing she will change is the the tension of the noise around the state's economic neck - it will continue to tighten. The state's young people will continue to flee and be replaced with more government dependents. The state and local governments will reach into taxpayers' pockets to take even more money to mismanage their misguided trajectory. And they'll continue their destructive, confiscatory ways until they've emptied people's pockets or driven those with remaining means out of the state.

    Minter is another sham.

    1. Dear 932am: Cheer up, Sue's for you.

    2. Very well said. Prosperity can not exist without advanced, technology jobs, (Typically, bio medical, electronics, aerospace and defense manufacturing.) Progressives like Minter have done everything they can to deter these employers from doing business in Vermont.

      If you regret your ambitious children and grand children moving away to better themselves, then turn around and vote for Minter, well that's why you're deemed a selfish fool.

  2. chuck gregory11/6/16, 7:30 AM

    The number of young people in Vermont who leave are replaced by an equal number of young people who arrive. The whole Vermont income tax system is rigged against the middle class and for the top .03% (not that they themselves rigged it that way, I might note); we could have a tax system which would reduced taxes from 60% (for those earning $1 million) to 100% (for those earning $7500 or less) yet provides the same income as is now generated. By having corporations pay their fair share (right now, they only pay one-third of what all and Vermont families do) we could create jobs by rebuilding our public schools, thereby ensuring that our reputation for superior education at all levels. At present, Vermont's governmental spending is a very large part of the reason that we enjoy the highest quality of life among the states by population. We spend tax money to ensure that we take care of one another. And when it comes to Vermont's relationship with business, big business is definitely Vermont unfriendly. We do well not to prostitute ourselves to Wall Street.

  3. chuck,when the Vermonters leave they are replaced by welfare seeking,drug dealing,get everything thing for free,from people like you and the rest of the democrats,about time we get people that cares about everybody instead of just the people that voted for them,the democratic way,I'll give you everything for free,just vote for me,enough is enough

  4. chuck gregory11/7/16, 8:40 PM

    8:06, what are your cited sources for your statements?

    1. Open your liberal eyes and look around!!!!!!!! If u can't see it your part of the problem or your encouraging the problem. 8:06 is spot on. America is sick of the whiny ass poor me, help me, gimme gimme gimme. Why do u think hillary lost to President trump???


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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