Saturday, November 5, 2016

Opinion: Promises are not persuasive

I cannot understand why presidential candidates never say “I’m going to try to make” instead of “I will make” good on all my campaign promises.

If you think they can easily change the laws and policies of the good ol’ U.S. of A. as promised, you are dead wrong. Every promise must be approved by a very partisan Congress and Senate.

One of the current candidates says he is going to limit the length of time a senator and congressman can be in office. And I think this is a good idea. However, again, this promised change must be approved by the congressmen and senators themselves. Get my drift?

Because elected presidents do not have the power to keep many of their campaign promises, Bernie Sanders is right. We must start from the bottom up in order to make significant changes in our government.

So get out and vote, especially for your local candidates. It is very important.



  1. People want certainty. In war, they want it "over by Christmas." With economics they want good jobs, yesterday. The American public demands that they be lied to, because the lies are what they want to hear. It allows them the luxury of finger-pointing when they don't get what they've been promised, thereby absolving themselves of all responsibility. It's easier to keep believing the lies than to admit they're wrong. "It's not us, it's those lying, crooked politicians." In a democracy, we get the government we deserve.

    1. Anon 2:12, aside from the universal 'they', you are right. If we don't make an effort to get the government we want, we get the government someone else wants. That effort for good will be less impossible if The Donald wins the election - because 'they' are not prepared for him. Out of the scrum, maybe something good will come. 'Maybe' is better than no chance at all.

    2. Sorry, Bob, but you are one of "them" and Trump is the president we would deserve for being ignorant.


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