Last Wednesday, eight seniors from around the region were recognized with the 2016 Successful Aging Award from Senior Solutions. (Photo by Kiki Boyens)

2016-11-02 / Springfield
Seniors success awards given by Senior Solutions
Recipients of the 2016 Successful Aging Awards are, from left to right, Mike Knoras, Richie wyman, Ann Ottaviano, Peggy Knoras, Raymond Quillia, Charles Richardson, Shirley Squires and Bernadette McNeill.
Recipients of the 2016 Successful Aging Awards are, from left to right, Mike Knoras, Richie wyman, Ann Ottaviano, Peggy Knoras, Raymond Quillia, Charles Richardson, Shirley Squires and Bernadette McNeill. Photo by KIKI BOYENS
SPRINGFIELD — Last Wednesday, eight seniors from around the region were recognized with the 2016 Successful Aging Award from Senior Solutions.
The award recognizes the accomplishments of a senior who is at least 80 years old and has demonstrated through deeds and leadership, the fostering of strong communities that encompass and support all ages. The awardee exemplifies an awareness of living a balanced life recognizing their spiritual, health and social wellbeing.
Ann Ottaviano is an 81-year-old who resides in Wilmington. She is a very active senior involved in many aspects of the community. Ottaviano has served on the Library Board of Trustees for over 15 years as a very dedicated member. She has a great passion for the outdoors and hiking, and has been on the Wilmington Trails Committee for many years where she serves as the recording secretary.
Alison Maynard, who had nominated Ottaviano, said, “She is an avid hiker and traveler in addition to all she does to serve her town.”
Richie Wyman, whom most call Coach Wyman, is an 82-year-old resident of Springfield. He coached basketball and baseball at Springfield High School from 1960-1984. Wyman is well known in town and is always available to help people in need in their community in a very quiet and unassuming way. Whether it may be making sure a child gets a meal, a stranger gets a lift to the hospital, or helping out a neighbor or friend in need. He can always be counted on for his behind the scenes work with Habitat for Humanity and the Red Cross blood drives.
Dave Yesman, who nominated Richie, said, “There are many people, young and old who know Richie and they turn to him for advice as an elder of the town.”
Bernadette McNeill is a 91-year-old resident of Ludlow. This former office manager could very well rest on her laurels and enjoy her family, friends and retirement. Instead, she volunteers in the youth section of the town library and the young patrons love her. McNeil has always been an advocate of reading; she is often seen working with children. She is a steady volunteer on weekends and is always there for us helping with extra projects.
Ginger Palmer, who submitted McNeill’s name, stated, “Age seems to be merely a number to this lady who is often out there actively giving.”
Charlie Richardson is an 81-year-old resident of Dummerston. He serves as a deputy Fire warden for the town. He is a retired forester who started and still runs a wood pantry which supplies wood to needy people. Richardson is involved in all aspects of Dummerston Congregational Church, volunteering at the annual Strawberry Supper and Apple Pie Festival to name a few. He volunteers as a dishwasher at the Dummerston Senior Community meals. These are just few things Richardson helps with on a regular recurring basis, which includes helping anyone in town who might need a hand.
Ruth Barton, who nominated Richardson, said, “If there is a worker bee needed for any organization, family or individual in town you can be sure this quiet, unassuming man will be in the thick of it!”
Raymond Quillia is a 90-year-old resident of Rochester. He worked in a Civil Service Career for the Army as a Mobility Equipment Command top level administrator. He completed 30 years of assignments throughout the U. S., Germany and South Korea. Quillia helps with special events at The Quin Senior center cooking their turkeys “under the bucket” now known now as “Ray’s bucket Turkeys.” He has cooked all the turkeys annually for the Community Thanksgiving Dinner at the Federated Church, no matter what the weather. Quillia started the first public spring and picnic site in 2014 at Liberty Hill known as “St. Filians Spring.” He currently maintains the grounds around the spring.
Quillia was nominated by Sandy Haas, who said, “Ray is always looking to keep busy and has a very keen and active mind.”
Shirley Squires is an 85-year-old resident of Guilford. She has been described as an amazing dynamo of a woman in her community. Squires has a collection of over 1,100 nativity scenes. For more than a decade she has opened her home to strangers, guiding them on a tour of her collection displayed throughout her home and garage, on what she calls “A Touch of Heaven.” Squires has been active in raising more than a quarter of a million dollars to benefit the AIDS Project. She does this in honor of her son, Ron Squires, who served as a state congressman in the early nineties until he passed away from an AIDS related disease in 1993.
Richard Davis, who nominated Squires, said, “Shirley reaches out to people who are home bound or in the hospital, anyone who needs a helping hand.”
Mike Knoras, 85 years old, and Peggy Knoras, 80 years old, are Springfield residents. They are described as a strong support system for the Springfield community. Mike served on the town Select Board for 16 years. He was very much involved with many town government improvements and expansion. Mike is the head of the Social Functions Committee at St. Mary’s church in town. He organizes and runs 3 free community meals throughout the year at the church, Along with all the Lenten Fish Frys. Mike serves as a guardian for people in town who are not able to manage their own finances
Peggy has served as Springfield Humane Society’s Treasurer for many decades. She does all their bookkeeping, taxes and payroll also. She can always be counted on helping out at many of their fundraisers. She runs her own business out of her home and is also is very active at St. Mary’s church here in town. She has taught religious education, is an active member of the Catholic Daughters and can be counted on whenever a hand is needed with anything to do with the church. Peggy has and still helps several elderly residents with their bookkeeping needs.
Jill Market, who nominated Mike and Peggy, said, “Both continue to work countless hours helping out
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