Friday, October 27, 2017

Trunk or Treat

Friday October 27th, Riverside Middle School. This year's Trunk or Treat event is going to be bigger and better.

During Trunk or Treat, children trick-or-treat from the decorated trunks of vehicles.

This popular event is from 5-7:30 and will include stories, games, haunted house, and food! The event is being coordinated by the All-4-One After School program in conjunction with the Lights on Afterschool Initiative.

For more information or to register your trunk call 802-885-2531 . Gather together with friends and neighbors to enjoy these safe Halloween festivities.    

The All-4-One Program opened in 1997 with a child care license from the State of Vermont Child Development Division and in 2004 with a 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant from the U.S. Department of Education. It now has a 5 STAR (Step Ahead Quality Rating) from the state of Vermont and serves yearly over 550 children, providing homework assistance, mentoring, tutoring, and classes and clubs in sports, recreation, STEAM, drama, Community Service and dozens of other subjects. The program is a collaboration between the school system, Springfield Parks and Recreation, Edgar May Facility, Springfield Town Library and other various members and businesses of the Springfield community.

The Afterschool Alliance is a nonprofit public awareness and advocacy organization working to ensure that all children have access to quality after school programs. More information on Lights On Afterschool is available at


  1. Further proof of how over protective parents are and lazy they've raised their kids to be. Used to be fun making our own creative costumes and going door to door. Many neighbors put great work into decorating their door yard or porch to add to the holiday. The police would host events at the grade schools and Ellis Theater got into it showing classic horror movies for teenagers. Was great fun and no one got harmed. No one. This trend reflects how useless many young people have become at self reliance and entertaining themselves. I sincerely hope this event fails.

    1. 7:17 Try harder to be an old curmudgeon.....YOU CAN'T.

    2. 7:17, in 1973.....I was five and got punched in the face on Cooper Street, and my 9 year old brother shaving creamed and kicked by teenagers. In short - what I'm trying to tell you is - STFU.

    3. 7:17 - "I sincerely hope this event fails"... sounds like a fun event to me. All I can think is that you are a very ignorant, angry person, blaming your miserable life on others. People like you do not help Springfield at all.

  2. Or this is merely "an event at a grade school" where "neighbors put great work into decorating" their trunk instead of their yard or porch.

    Plus, this "event" is four days before Halloween. For most families it doesn't take the place of trick or treating, it is just another "event".

    I have attended this event for two years and have had "great fun" and "no was harmed". Thank you to All-4-One for putting this awesome community event on!

    PS, I cannot think for the life of my why parents this day in age are so over protective. It's not like a madman with a gun ever shoots up an elementary school, high school, college, church, mall, movie theater, or concert.

    1. I pity the child raised to fear their own shadow in what's arguably the safest and least violent state. Such children grow up to be dysfunctional, neurotic adults unable to assume risk. Many become burdened with irrational fears, afraid to even move away from home. Beyond that, this foolish event is nothing more than schooling them to demand handouts. Good work Mom.

    2. Give those kids a couch and an electronic screen to stare at, numb like, plus a Halloween hand out and walla you have the next working class. Booooo

    3. "voila," means there you are" in French.

    4. Maybe he was humming his childhood soundtrack - Walla Walla Ding Dong from the 50's - reminiscing how no one in Springfield were alcoholics or had a mean bone in their body

  3. Don't forget your smartphone (sure you won't ) and walk around like a zombie staring into it. Watch out for the uncovered manhole,unless you have the app that looks up for you.

    1. Funny you should mention a manhole, 5:26. Last night I took a walk along Lincoln Street, which had no lights on at all, save for one of those solar-powered mini-filaments on a stalk which gives less light than a birthday cake candle. I was thinking about how the town had saved $20,000 a year by eliminating street lights, and I fell flat on my face as I stumbled over something. I thought I had broken my front teeth, and I got a bloody nose. It turned out the neighborhood kids had left their basketball hoop blocking the sidewalk, with a cement block for solidity. It was a good thing I wasn't staring into a smartphone. I would have felt foolish...

  4. First comment...This event Did Not Fail !! All kids were effectively dosed so as to make them as hyper as possible, bouncing off the walls. And made the local dentists grin ear to ear. Just say No to sugar free !!!

  5. Pretty ridiculous how people can politicize a holiday event for children. GET A LIFE YOU IDIOTS!

    1. Sugar Addiction Kills More People Than Illegal Drugs


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