Wednesday, May 2, 2018

National Day of Prayer

The Association of Springfield Area Churches will be having a prayer table at the First Congregational Church on Main St in Springfield, VT from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on the National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 3. Anyone can come and leave prayer requests for the volunteers who will be praying at the table, or ask the volunteers to pray with you for a personal concern.

The first National Day of Prayer was called for by President Abraham Lincoln in 1863. It has been celebrated annually since 1952 based on a joint resolution of the United States Congress and signed into law by then president, Harry S. Truman. In 1988 President Ronald Reagan designated the National Day of Prayer as the first Thursday in May each year. It is a call for people of all faiths to take time to pray for our nation in a spirit of humility and repentance. The National Day of Prayer belongs to all Americans. It is a day that transcends differences, bringing together citizens from all backgrounds. Every president since 1952 has signed a National Day of Prayer proclamation

The National Day of Prayer has great significance for us as a nation as it enables us to recall and to teach the way in which our founding fathers sought the wisdom of God when faced with critical decisions. It stands as a call for us to humbly come before God, seeking His guidance for our leaders and His grace upon us as a people. The unanimous passage of the bill establishing the National Day of Prayer as an annual event, signifies that prayer is as important to our nation today as it was in the beginning. It is a reminder that we can and should do better to live in ways that support and encourage each other to improve ourselves, our communities, and our nation.

Like Thanksgiving or Christmas, this day has become a national observance placed on all Hallmark calendars and observed annually across the nation and in Washington, D.C. Every year, local, state, and federal observances were held from sunrise in Maine to sunset in Hawaii, uniting Americans from all socio-economic, political and ethnic backgrounds in prayer for our nation. It is estimated that over two million people attended more than 30,000 observances – organized by approximately 40,000 volunteers. At state capitols, county court houses, on the steps of city halls, and in schools, businesses, churches and homes, people stopped their activities and gathered for prayer.

George Keeler, Secretary
Association of Springfield Area Churches


  1. With Trump in the White House, EVERY DAY is a National Day of Prayer!

    1. Yes, continued prayers because our prayers worked!!! MAGA!!

    2. Who were you praying to, BEELZEBUB? MAGGOT!!!

    3. 4/26/18 9:07 AM Refer to Romans 13:1 enough said.

    4. Really, 2:57? So you "submitted" to Obama for eight years, without complaining? I BET NOT! I wonder how well you would have "submitted" to Hillary! Do you realize that you've just justified EVERYTHING that Vermont's "liberal" government will EVER do? YOU MUST NOW OBEY BERNIE!!!!!! Do yourself a BIG favor, don't use the Word of God as a worldly political tool. It's blasphemous, and you reveal your ignorance when you do it!

  2. 7:56,why are you such a bitter loser ?

    1. Speak for yourself; Trump hasn't done anything for you except give you the delusional belief that you're a winner! Bitter? I'M LAUGHING!

    2. The butt hurt runs deep. Thanks to Trump, I'm enjoying my tax break and insurance mandate relief. But you have to be a working tax payer to appreciate those benefits, which the troll here is not.

      Have yet to hear from any Trump hater exactly what they have lost under his administration. Is nothing but blind hate from an element that contributes nothing to the prosperity of their fellow man. Witnessing their torment does make me smile.

    3. I'm retired! My days as a "working taxpayer" are over. Your response clearly shows the level of ignorance inherent to the average Trump supporter. The delusional belief that ONLY YOU contribute something, when the reality is that most of us have done far more than you ever will. So, you're uninsured now? Planning on soaking the taxpayers when you get sick, eh? Yeah, that's how YOU contribute! Sucking the blood of this country while complaing about others' lack of contribution! You just THINK we don't notice! Enjoy your "Trump Change," it isn't going to last! Oh, I'm also a veteran, so don't tell me about "contributions," I gave at the office; THE RECRUITING OFFICE! Did you? Glad you're enjoying our suffering, when the shoe is on the other foot (as it will be soon) hearing you whine will be music to our ears!

    4. Fri ken Millennials. Gimmee Gimmee.

    5. 9:52 so fixing the failed trade policies of clinton isnt a good thing for the working class? you sound like a public servant. not smart enough to understand the symbiotic relationship between the private sector and the public. we are just your magic money machine.

    6. 5:55, you sound like a typical supply-sider. In other words, you understand nothing about economics. The relationship between the private sector and the public SHOULD be symbiotic, but since Reagan, it's been PARASITIC! The private sector is bleeding the public, with the government laundering the money! Stagnant wage growth, tax cuts for the rich, cuts to sevices; the money has been flowing upward for decades! Trump and the Republicans have made it exponentially worse! TRUMP HAS DONE NOTHING TO ADDRESS TRADE ISSUES; his tarrifs will only RAISE prices and KILL jobs! Notice where the stock market is now? WAKE THE HELL UP!

    7. Yeah, Wake the hell up! it's only up 36% since Trump took office.... Wake The Hell UP!

    8. How about that the labor Dept just reported that wages in the private sector rose the highest last quarter than any quarter since 2007! But then Rachael Maddox nor Anderson Copper is never going to report that.... Wonder how much the wages rose for Government workers... that's a number that they will never be release. Wake the hell Up!

    9. chuck gregory4/27/18, 10:48 AM

      Roger, I suggest you look at the level of wages for the bottom 80 percent since 1970. That much-flaunted "rise" last quarter was the equivalent of a wavelet lapping an inch up the shore, and the tiniest economic hiccup will cause the next quarter to report a loss-- but of course no administration will bruit that news about.

    10. Chuck, we're not living in 1970, we are looking at 2018, and comparing it to when the Democratic Teams were in charge to now. Job wages in the Pvt sector are up, why tear the increase down by negative comments, let Trump and team do what they can to get next quarter up again. Would you prefer it was down?

    11. chuck gregory4/27/18, 2:19 PM

      Roger, it's not partisan; it's systemic. When the top tax rate went to 54% under Reagan, $13 trillion that used to be tax revenue flooded Wall Street. There was so much money, the Street had to invent ways to lure investors to park it with them rather than some other exchange. The result was the eruption of hedge funds and the creation of the junk bond (more politely known as "high-yield" bonds). These were prime instruments put to use to eviscerate American businesses (think Bain Capital or KKR; read "Barbarians at the Gates"). And of course the Street got the government to pass laws rewarding them for moving factories out of the country.

      One trillion in tax dollars would more than amply refurbish every school in America, but Wall Street got it all and American workers got the shaft. THAT's why you need to look at how little difference one or even two or three quarters makes.

      What's needed? Higher taxes to put into the reconstruction of our infrastructure, not hiring outfits in Singapore to refurbish the Bay Bridge (that really happened, and Ahnuld Schwarzenegger thanked them profusely), but by hiring Americans who haven't had a decent day's pay in forty years to bring our roads, schools, air traffic control, libraries, waterways, bridges and municipal buildings up from the D-minus rating they have right now. Higher taxes on somebody.... Any ideas?

    12. I can tell you it can no longer be higher taxes, it has to be lower government spending and less entitlements for people, the burden for all we as American's spend can no longer be on the top 1%, 5% 10% or even 25%. We have to quit spending our trillions over seas trying to save the rest of the world. Look what Trump may have help save World War III, the Koreans could be putting their Peninsula back together, let it play out, but if so save us Trillions of dollars. But government spending is to high and entitlements are killing us, especially when much of the entitlement dollars are going to Illegals.

    13. Well, Roger, you hit all the right notes. Too bad it's the same old, tired song. You LITERALLY have EVERYTHING wrong, as usual, and your lack of education is evident in every post you make. How do you expect anyone to believe you have the answers to complex issues when you can't even compose a proper sentence, and routinely misspell words containing three or more letters? It's pretty obvious that you don't know what you're talking about, and are just repeating what you hear on wingnut talk radio! Furthermore, I highly doubt you belong to the top 1%, 5%, 10%, or even 25%; you're obviously not smart or educated enough!

    14. I was not chatting with you, your comments mean nothing to obviously had a poor upbringing and your parents or someone did you wrong along the way. All you can do is cut people down to your size. Does not work with everyone belittling people does not make you a better person nor does it make you look smarter, only lets us see you as being a small minded person. "Hypercritical, Insecure, Bully"

    15. Actually, Roger, you WERE chatting with me, or should I say, chatting AT me. Besides, cutting people down is YOUR specialty. I don't buy into your "trash populism;" I'm above you in every way that truly matters, and probably a few that don't. I'm simply pointing out the fact that what you say makes NO sense whatsoever, and is as ignorant and bigoted as it gets. I'm not the first person to point this out, either. If what you think and say was taught to you by your parents, I'd say that YOU were the one who was "done wrong." Getting "bullied" by me is nothing compared to the abuse you and your kind heap upon the poor, the disenfranchised, and the marginalized in America. How's it feel to be on the receiving end?

    16. Roger, I thought you weren't "chatting" with me, and my opinion didn't matter! I really hit a nerve, didn't I! No, that isn't all I've got, but I'll bet it's enough for most people! You're starting to bore me, so GOODBYE!

    17. Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla!

    18. I have to tell you I have not seen a benefit in the tax breaks. Although higher gas prices and bracing for the tariff crap which will mean higher prices in wire and supplies
      Frank Gould

    19. Wages for government workers raised 1%, as it has been held to for many years. I understand that some private sector employees haven't had any raise, so I am grateful each time I receive a raise, but don't imply that all government workers make big bucks and don't have to worry about the cost of inflation resulting in less disposable income.

      - Civil Service Employee

  3. chuck gregory4/26/18, 8:08 AM

    The Sunday Doonesbury strip was about the evangelicals cutting back on the list of sinful behaviors. Our Glorious Leader can now go to Heaven, according to them. With the stroke of a pen he turns from a Pope Alexander to a King Richard II...

  4. Its amazing the comments we read about Trump being so horrible for this country yet, none of the comments have anything substance to them. A bunch of swears, made up words. All on a post that is a national day of Prayer, if you guys don't want to pray then don't, but to start this string of comments off with a Political note is embarrassing to be honest. Then to continue to berate Trump supporters is even more embarrassing. Trump has turned this country's place in the World, and economically 10 fold over what our previous eight years were, the numbers speak for themselves, and again I voted for him based on the choices we had, but think if there was any semblance of support from the Democratic party it would even be better, but they are just bitter and will not do what is best for all.

  5. No I'm and American, Family and Country first not Political Parties....

  6. Roger, do you think the GOP is correct in giving the top 1 percent most of the wealth in this country, (and probably other countries too)?

  7. Mary Schaefer5/3/18, 2:45 AM

    I thought when I looked at the comments I would see words praising God. My understanding is that this is a time to thank God for watching over our country and its citizens.

  8. chuck gregory5/3/18, 8:07 AM

    Mary Schaefer, there are those who use religion for worldly gain. I would be very wary of someone telling me that God is watching over America and us when He has given us a leader who has lied an average of 6 times a day since he got into office, has the attention span of a six-year-old, is a pathological narcissist, uses his office to enrich himself, is a likely multiple adulterer and sexual harasser and cheats consistently at golf.

    I would be especially wary if the people telling me to thank God had redefined their standards of Christian conduct to include him among their elect. And I would run screaming from them if I found out their income came from people who trusted them to show them the way to Heaven.

    America has always found a place in its heart for the religious con job-- Aimee Semple McPherson, Jimmy Swaggart and Pat Robertson spring to mind-- and the National Day of Prayer just might be part of a confidence game involving billions in taxpayers' money. Chris Hedges, theology school graduate, Middle East war correspondent and author, wrote a book about the religious right's secular evil in "Religious Fascism." The chief promoters of the Natonal Day of Prayer feature prominently in it.

    You might want to start looking into their profane world:

    1. Absolutely right. Most "Evangelical Churches" are nothing more than money-laundering and tax evasion scams. I worked for one once, and saw it all. "Mission trips" to countries with offshore banking? Yeah, right! Hijacking local and regional religions is one of the key elements of fascism. In the West, they're "Christian," in the Middle East, they're "Muslim." There are even fascists in China; they claim to be devout Buddhists! The truly devout are their biggest victims; the overwhelming amount of their "revenue" comes FROM the poor, it does not go TO the poor. Sickening.

    2. Chuck, None of those facts you espouse about Trump are true. Lies and average of 6 times a day, no way you can back that up which means the rest of what you espouse can not be taken as fact. Just because he is not the leader you want to run this country does not make him a liar.
      He has done so many good things, some of his minor short comings as a Human, I will overlook. Once you find the perfect person that has no flaws the media can be hypercritical of and exploit, lets us all know and have them run. People in Glass Houses....
      As for Prayer, I think you people on here should leave these Prayer groups alone, let them do their thing, they certainly hurt no one and many of these churches have community out reach programs to help the community, they are not "Jimmie Swaggart" I've seen the local churches, they barely make it, but help people.

  9. Chuck, why do you so vehemently spew hatred and condemn faith? Do you envy the success of others? Do you feel God has forsaken you? Do you not acknowledge the selfless charity their wealth has yielded? I pray for you, that you will find tolerance in your soul and the wisdom to embrace a power greater than yourself. Life is short and bitterness is consuming your soul. Like me, take in a spring, hilltop sunrise. Listen the the natural world around you rejoice and know in your heart this is not the beauty of a Godless world.

  10. I love how a "day of prayer" ends up spewing hate. Maybe this is WHY a day of prayer is needed. Take a look at yourselves. I can sleep at night knowing that I was the best person I could be. Can you say the same? I wish that for you.

    1. There is a big difference between hatred and legitimate criticism. I've been a practicing Catholic my entire life, despite the sex scandals. The reason I stayed is because the Catholic Church spends 85% of its money helping the poor, and they NEVER spied on me, harassed me, or tried to kill me for not voting Republican. I can't say the same about Conservative Evangelicals, who did ALL OF THE ABOVE! I have faith in God; He's the only reason I survived the Evangelical Christians!

    2. chuck gregory5/3/18, 6:38 PM

      God is not watching out for the American people when 6,000,000 of them lose their homes AND the people who made them homeless receive huge bonuses thanks to the American people who paid with their taxes. I will grant that such an event might argue strongly for the existence of a God who punishes a stiff-necked people, but then we'd be praying today for the wrong reason.

      Jesus had it right when he said, "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's." Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Bank of America after the meltdown told the public he was "doing God's work." So, he got a pass...

    3. Chuck
      6,000,000 people losing there homes, where does that number come from. Galatians 6.5 For each will have to bear his own load....

    4. chuck gregory5/4/18, 11:33 AM

      Yup, when people are told they can afford to buy a home, present income documentation that marks them as clearly undercapitalized, but are cheerfully told by the mortgage broker (who makes $20,000 upfront off each loan) that they're good for it; when the mortgage servicer deliberately falsifies the submitted paperwork and then through manipulation puts the family into default and foreclosure, then the Bible tells the family (Galatians 6:5) it's their own fault. God has a sense of humor, Roger. I wonder how He felt about our National Prayer Day. I wonder how many of those 6,000,000 joined in.

      Bob Sullivan, who's into real estate for profit, was a quick grab for the number: But there are a lot, lot more.

      I suggest you read David Dayen's book, "Chain of Title," to see for yourself how much God cared about Americans who believed in the American dream.

      Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs, not Bank of America as I stated yesterday) just did the Lord's work . . .

    5. Chuck are you saying that every prayer is answered, I certainly don't think that is the premise of praying. I don't believe the expectation is that every prayer is answered. This is not I dream of Jeannie... or Bewitched...

    6. A "Witch Hunt". Saw Donny fly by on a broom last night.

    7. Jealousy is not a good personality trait...

    8. He was flying to Dallas to speak at the NRA conference today, Many of the NRA member's I'm sure are in a prayer group.

    9. Probably looking for another 55 million dollar donation. He's broke so I here.

    10. Not a single thing chuck posted @ 11:33 is true. Not a single thing! His integrity is somewhere equal to the President....

    11. All you have to do is prove your claim. Cite your sources.

  11. It was nice to see our President and Vice President acknowledging the Day today in the Rose Garden. We have a President and Vice President to stand for things that matter.

    1. Right like allowing cars to pollute more so the one percenters can get more wealthy. Roger do you agree with that.? Snuggle up to huckleberry. Donny don't lie, else on top of ....

  12. I don't agree that cars driven on the roads by everyone that owns one make 1%'s wealthy, we all drive cars, and if you say they pollute then we're all polluting. Not sure what the rest of your comments mean.

    1. Snuggle up with lying Sara.

  13. She is for sure a fantastic White House Press Secretary, I'm fairly confident she was Praying for our Country on National Prayer Day. One great American she is....

  14. I pray for Sara Huckabee Sanders every night! Have you noticed what a difference it's made?

    1. Don't forget Kellyann. Now she is one where my prayers have definitely been answered.


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