Sunday, December 23, 2018

GoFundMe campaign to build border wall raises millions, riles migrant advocates

The campaign, called “We The People Will Fund The Wall” and launched this week by a disabled Florida veteran, had raised more than $13 million from more than 213,000 people by Friday afternoon. The goal? $1 billion.


  1. What a Great American and all the others that donated, Sometimes there are signs of America being Great Again!

    Brian Kolfage makes sure that we don't live on Fake News but Great News.

    1. Your a fools errand. I can only assume that those who have donated are all Mexicans. Who's going to pay for the wall? Did you donate Roger?

  2. chuck gregory12/23/18, 3:01 PM

    I usually don't share subscription material, but Roy Edroso says it's okay to share this vet's visit to the Oval Office:

    1. More Fake Distractions from Chuck and his liberal patsies, Chuck Gregory and Chuck Shumer 2 communist!

    2. Roger, you are a troll. Do you really think Chuck Shumer is a communist? I know you like the Russians, so is that a compliment?

    3. I put Shumer and Putin in the same category yes. Both are untrustworthy, only looking out for themselves not the people of their countries, both a liars and steal from their people. They both should never have been elected.
      Shumer and Putin met in NYC back in 2003 to open a Russian tied gas station, should there not be an investigation, there has to be collusion somewhere, they met in person, sound familiar?

    4. Putin wasn't elected in a free and fair election. Neither was Trump. There's your comparison, Roger. You're flailing around like a punch-drunk boxer, just like your President is. Trump's rallying cry should be "No Coherence."

    5. 1:31....floating around in his safe warm pool of delusion holding firmly to his no-cost Obama ducky.

  3. P. T. Barnum is laughing in his grave.


    1. NBC is all Fake News, or just ignore the Real News and hope it goes away.

  5. Lots of experts here that have never lived and worked in proximity to the Mexican border. Recall the explanation regarding libtards needing a cause to instill self worth? Well here's another example. Sleep well in your bucolic, Northern New England home while violent, deported felons and MS13 members stream thru another's home town. It's all about feeling good about yourself at someone else's expense.

  6. Why should we sweat those so distant chimeras, when Springfielders have been sleeping next door to neighbors who have killed a half dozen of us over the years?

    1. Well the MS13 Gang is not just in Texas and border States, they are nation wide, we have President that is going after them to keep their numbers down. But with so must crazy push back by people who think the border only affects people in the southern sates, just wait unless we do something it's coming to Springfield VT. Build The Wall, then Electrify It!

  7. Actually, if the people who want a wall are willing to pay for it, then let it be. It will do little good, but likewise little harm.

    1. I agree every who is stared of the southern border, put your money were your mouth is... don't drag the rest of us into it.

    2. There are Patriots doing just that, once built all Americans will benefit with a safer Country, worth every penny.

  8. I don't think Trump actually wants the wall. He could have had it several times already. Having it will deprive him of a major campaign issue, and when it doesn't work, it will be a failure that weakens his support. Better to not have it, and use it as a rallying cry.

  9. FACTS:
    Today, 702 miles of fencing separates the United States from Mexico, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. But just 36 miles are double-layered. That’s because a 2007 amendment in the federal budget bill let the U.S. Department of Homeland Security determine what was necessary. Still, the fence they voted for is not as substantial as the wall Trump is proposing. Trump himself called the 2006 fence a "nothing wall." Trump wants concrete, rebar, and steel and there are too many logistical challenges to do what he wants to reinforce what is already there and anything new.....the nature of the terrain....corrosive salt spray, changing tides, heavy winds in the west, the Imperial Dunes in inland CA that has a 7-mile floating fence that works with the shifting sands. Between AZ and NM it's too mountainous with several 9000 ft.'s even unfenceable. The TX floodplains of the Rio Grande presents a huge logistic hhurdle. The river traces the border between TX andMexico. When hurricanes hit the fences act as a dam where the water should flow freely. As per a 1970 boundary treaty between the US and Mexico neither country can build any structure taht would disrupt the flow of the Rio Grande or Colorado Rivers between AZ andf Baja CA. There's also the fact that 66% of the land at the border is privately or state-owned. The rest is gov't. or Native tribe owned. 75 miles is part of an Indian reservation. In may places the habitat will be destroyed and ecosystems threatened. Environmental threats also carry economic threats.....tourists spend upwards of $500 million per year. Too many reasons NOT to build the wall.

    1. Most of the drugs coming into the U.S. come in by boat. Building a wall, even if it could be done, will do nothing to stop that. We'd be better off giving the money to the Coast Guard.

    2. RE: "Most of the drugs coming into the U.S. come in by boat."

      That's not accurate. The issue is Chinese manufactured, synthetic opiates. Opiates popular right here by the majority of addicts. Our ports of entry are too risky for smugglers. So Mexico becomes the easy option. From there, mules are recruited to make remote border crossings. We can do little to halt clandestine, Chinese production or improve corrupt Mexican customs. But we sure as hell can protect our border. Or maybe you're content with paying lip service to the addiction epidemic?

  10. Much of the illegal drug trafficking intercepted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection isn’t coming over a fence. It happens at the nation’s ports of entry. Usually drugs are found hidden in cars or trucks entering the United States. During the 2016 fiscal year, CBP agents seized 246,000 kilograms of marijuana, meth, cocaine and heroin at southwest ports of entry compared with 589,000 kilograms outside ports of entry.

    The sheer volume of vehicular traffic at the ports can make finding drugs challenging. For example, San Diego, the busiest land crossing in the country, sees more than 40 million cars pass through each year.

    When drugs are smuggled outside the ports of entry, they are either transported through underground tunnels, boats traveling off the Pacific coast, or by people trekking through remote areas. Experts say tunnels are used for heavy loads that are repackaged and loaded onto trucks and shipped throughout the U.S.


  11. The majority of illegal drugs enter the United States in an assortment of vehicles, with drugs hidden in secret compartments in door panels or the roof, gas tanks, tires and even engines.
    Smugglers also dig cross-border tunnels, primarily to move large volumes of marijuana. While many tunnels are rudimentary, others have lighting, tracks and ventilation systems, even elevators. As of March 2016, a total of 224 tunnels were discovered on the Southwest border since 1990.

    Cargo trains, tractor-trailers and passenger buses have been used to move illegal drugs. Trucks and trains carrying fresh produce such as watermelons, limes and other fruits and vegetables have been used to bring in narcotics. Drug shipments are often painted green and hidden within crates with fake watermelons or limes. Cocaine has been found in tomato crates.
    In recent years, the Coast Guard and Customs and Border Protection have started to see small speedboats from Mexico used to smuggle drugs into the United States, particularly in California, in an effort to get around border walls and Border Patrol agents. From 2011 to 2016, border officials said there were 309 known attempts to smuggle drugs across the border using boats; officials said there was no way of knowing how many boats actually reach shore.
    Drug trafficking organizations have also taken to the air. Border Patrol and other law enforcement agents have encountered smugglers using ultralight aircraft to conduct drug drops. Customs and Border Protection data showed that ultralight aircraft may have been used to transport drugs on 534 occasions from 2011 to 2016. Drones have also been used.

    1. 8:45....I've been fishing the Sea of Cortez yearly for over 20 years. Believe me, this is no "recent years" type of endeavor. In daylight it was very common to see 25'-35' pangas loaded ten feet above the gunnels with bales of pot tucked into rock caves waiting for nightfall. At night, we'd also hear the high pitched hum of go-fast boats running the cocaine.

      Happened day and night. Not a recent development.

  12. For example: The Emersons buying bath salts from China and forever ruined the town of Springfield, VT.

  13. To me it's all about common sense. We are all taught that if we're not strong we can't help others. If we can't take care of the homeless and mentally unstable Americans, we can't take care of outsiders. It's just common sense not being heartless

    1. But we can take care of less fortunate Americans. Every single one of them. Some Americans just don't believe we should, and they run the government right now.

    2. 7:07, we take care of less fortunate US citizens. "Americans" is a far broader term and we citizens have no responsibility to take care of ILLEGALS flooding our country.

      Comprende amigo?

    3. I'll leave it up to the more educated readers as to what a joke that is. It would be even worse if the Ayn Rand Republicans actually knew how to govern.

  14. Any money that is raised on the gofundme site cannot be used for the wall, but if you're dumb enough to contribute toward it, go for it. What do you want to bet Trump siphons it off for his own personal use? Grifter-in-Chief.

  15. I'm so confused. What is going to happen to all this money? Is the person who started the fund going to hire a contractor, finalize all the legal issues, etc. to build the wall? Will the money be somehow donated to the federal government? What if the wall never gets built, will these donations be returned to the contributors. Not a particularly well-thought-through plan....

  16. The goal of the gofundme, started by an AF veteran (triple amputee) is to raise $1 billion to help build the wall. If the goal isn't met, he claims that donors will be refunded. He says that he is working with someone in the WH who will guarantee that the money goes only to the wall.

    According to the Treasury Dept. money donated goes to a fund...."Gifts to the U.S." for general use by the federal government. It has to be reviewed by the Office of General Counsel. In this case (and all cases, I believe) DHS can't accept the gift without Congressional approval.

    So far approximately $16 million has been raised. The gofundme site receives 2.9 % of the funds raised and 30 cents per donation. Gofundme's take right now would be $545,000.

    There are ethical concerns to prevent outside money from influencing policy and swaying that agency's decisions.

    Kolfage, the AF veteran, operates a FB page (Right Wing News) and other sites that promote conspiracy theories. One of his FB pages was kicked off the platform in October.

    1. 5:34 defending Facebook....hahaha......what a clueless douche!....hahahahaha

  17. I would rather contribute to keep our troops in Syria. ISIS is the real threat, not family's looking for a better life.

    1. If it were only families looking for a better life, that would be one thing, but it's not and don't let the liberal heart string pullers think it is. Mom with Children can come here as far as I'm concerned, leave the thug men in Mexico.

    2. Some of the biggest cartel operators and most murderous narco-traffickers are women. See Sandra Beltran.....

  18. @7:20 PM, You do understand we have an immigration system in place? A system that has served well for well over 100 years. That no country on Earth has open citizenship for immigrants or refugees, right? Further understand Mexican citizens holding a passport are just as welcome to visit as Canadian citizens skiing Jay Peak. Those sneaking across the Southern border do so because they were denied a passport or smuggling. As a convicted, violent felon here in the United States entry to Canada is denied exactly the same way. But don't expect to see that in broadcast media.

    1. Yes, to all. You must have a DWI to know the Canada rule. What is your point? I concur, enforce existing rules and use technology to monitor the boarder.

    2. Another of our brave Police Officers shot in California and killed by yes another Illegal Alien previously Deported, Deport them all and Build the Wall.

    3. Was the officer stopped and killed for having a defective brake light?

  19. A Baited, Spin Question to deflect from the fact that an American Police Officer was killed by an Evil Murderer whom was not suppose to be in our country.
    You should go to work for Hillary Clinton or Patrick Leahey, deflection!


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