Sunday, December 23, 2018

E-Verify would stop illegal immigration - but Congress won't pass it

Our U.S. Congress refuses to pass the most powerful law to stop llegal immigration: E-Verify. That law, strictly enforced, would stop employers from hiring illegal aliens in their workforce.

By Frosty Wooldridge

According to the U.S. Border Patrol, no less than 1,500 illegal migrants violate our southern border with Mexico every night. Dr. Steven Camarota,, stated that an average of 500,000 illegal migrants cross into the USA annually. They arrive via legal visas that they disregard and remain in the USA to find jobs. They arrive as anchor baby mothers. They arrive as workers.

An estimated 7,000 to 10,000 people from Central America rush our southern borders in an attempt to illegally cross into America for jobs and a better life. The entire world sends us 1,000,000 (million) legal refugees annually, and we absorb them via our U.S. Congress that can't seem to see our country bursting at the seams with too many people already and another 100 million about to be imported over the next 30 years.

The biggest draw for illegal immigration: jobs.

This mass transit of humanity crossing our U.S. borders continues after 40 years. Why? Because our U.S. Congress refuses to pass the most powerful law to stop them: E-Verify. That law, strictly enforced, would stop employers from hiring illegal aliens in their workforce.

However, Congress passed laws in the 1970's, still on the books that state that anyone who hires, houses or transports illegal aliens faces a $2,000.00 fine for each illegal hired, transported or housed. And, up to five years in prison for hiring, transporting or housing an illegal alien.

The legislative and the executive branches failed to enforce those laws for the past 40 years. Result: 22 to 23 million illegal aliens now call the United States their home. They've embedded themselves so deeply that nothing can dislodge them. They've created underground economies, separate barrios, separate languages and parallel societies in America.

Those illegals send $69,000,000,000.000 (billion) in cash transfers back to their home countries annually. Mexico: $26 billion; China $16 billion; India $11 billion; Philippines $9 billion; Vietnam $7 billion. Please understand that illegal alien employers pay off the books, so they don't pay federal, state or local taxes. Thus, you not only get bilked out of your tax dollars, you pay for all those services for illegals in your state. (Source: (Cash transfers out of USA annually)

That money flies out of the USA while U.S. taxpayers foot the bill for those immigrants' children K-12, food stamps, breakfasts & lunches, medical care and housing assistance. At the same time, Americans pay out $296 billion in tax dollars to support illegal immigration through 15 different federal agencies.

Yet, former Republican Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner of Ohio suppressed passage of E-Verify his entire tenure. Same with House Speaker Paul Ryan. Same with Nancy Pelosi. The same goes for Senate leader Mitch McConnell. In fact, every leader of the Senate and the House for the past 40 years squashed any bills that would have arrested, detained, and prosecuted employers who hired illegal aliens. They also squashed any bills to stop anchor babies by keeping them in committee. Those democrats and republicans serve other masters other than American citizens.

Thus, we care-take 22 to 23 million illegal aliens in this country and their millions of babies, now estimated to be somewhere between 6 to 8 million anchor babies. (Source: Yale Study: September 2018; Illegal immigrant numbers study)

All the while, our unemployment rolls swell into the millions while we pay for food stamps, housing and welfare. More immigration means more American workers live in poverty from very low wages and fewer opportunities. A whopping 44 million Americans subsist on food stamps. Another 90,000 homeless dwell in tent cities in Los Angeles in the state where a mind-numbing six million illegal aliens live.

Why, pray tell, doesn't Congress pass E-Verify? Why don't they enforce the laws on the books? Why wouldn't they enforce E-Verify if it passed into law? Answer: big corporate giants like McDonald's; Chipotle's, Tyson Chicken, Hormel Foods, Montford beef, Marriott Hotels, Holiday Inn, construction firms, landscape firms, and cities throughout America dictate to their Congressional critters by bribing, cajoling with election money, and greasing their palms with greenback dollars.

In other words, our own leaders undermine the American working man and woman. Those same 535 scoundrels allow China to steal all our manufacturing jobs. They gave away our textiles, manufacturing, and car manufacturing to India, China, Mexico, and other cheap-labor countries.

And, like a bunch of sheep to the slaughter, Americans vote those folks back into office decade after decade.

Why aren't there term limits to stop this betrayal of the American people? Answer: once those people gain power, they never want to give it up. Congress will never vote for term limits.

As the late British Lord Acton said, “Power corrupts; and absolutely power corrupts absolutely.”

All the while, you and I face a harsh future paying for unemployment, food stamps, homeless, 18-year wars that cost us $5.9 trillion and growing fragmenting of our country. By 2042, the Pew Research Center states that American Blacks and Whites will become the new minority at 49 percent in our own country, which will be dominated by Mexicans at 51 percent.

All brought to you by endless legal and illegal immigration condoned and supported by our U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. Why don't you give a call to your two U.S. senators and House member today and thank them so much for screwing you and your family?

Electronic Barriers 
Trump invoked E-Verify during the 2016 campaign but has since stopped publicly promoting it. Yet E-Verify is more popular with the public than the wall; at least two-thirds of poll respondents support mandatory verification of a worker’s lawful status.

ACLU resistance to E-Verify mandate both puzzling, indefensible
Powerful lobbies want illegal immigration to continue. It doesn’t make sense for the ACLU to align itself with them – but the group has pulled out all the stops.


  1. I like the idea.

  2. What did Ralph Nader say? "The only difference between Democrats and Republicans is the velocity at which their knees hit the floor when Corporate America knocks at the door."

  3. Don't forget, though. Americans are too lazy to do or are disinterested in most of the jobs these illegal immigrants do. When was the last time you saw a white high school kid picking apples or vegetables to earn money?

    1. One reason for the disinterest is that the pay is too low, less than it would be if the employees were all legal citizens, on the books.

    2. dog, you make a good point. Due to a disproportionate population of young people raised locally in subsidized households there appears to be no work ethic demanding part time, entry level jobs. In a time not so long ago there were dozens of paper boys hitting the streets at daybreak. Gas station attendants eagerly washing windshields while filling your car. Grand Union and P&C were heavily staffed by students. In neighborhoods, kids competed for the opportunity to mow lawns, shovel and paint. Funds were used college savings, a first car, gas money, and movies. Now, these same young people occupy themselves with a foolish, $500 phone biding their time till they too can grab the golden ring of disability just like their single parent. There is absolutely no reliable, entry level labor force in Springfield upon which to build a business. Vermont desperately needs access to an educated, immigrant labor force prepared to learn high skilled trades.

  4. Thus a loss in tax revenues for the United Sates and another reason for the wall and legal entry into the US only.

    1. AND hear says Roger: "Thus" is a sophisticated word for him to use and understand (hahaha and so true). I sincerely hope he is not driving FAKE opinions beyond his ignorant redneck base.

    2. "hear" or "here"?

    3. Come on, quit picking on Anonymous Anonymous, your going to bring him down to our level, He is Smart, Funny, Rich, Generous, and Better than the rest of us. It's Ok Anonymous Anonymous I'm sure it was the computer that made that spelling error, I't couldn't have been you.

    4. Hey, stupid Roger, that wasn't me. You really think I'm the only one? I don't mind getting down in the sewer with you once in a while; a good shower afterward with anti-bacterial soap does the trick!

  5. I don't think your the only one that lives in his mommies basement no, tons of them around, its seems to be the way of the world, live off mommy, daddy and the government.

    1. Well, Roger, at least you've given up trying to B.S. everyone into thinking you're a human being. Keep the cheap insults coming, they suit you better.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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