Thursday, December 13, 2018

Family Center in need of donations

The year will soon be drawing to a close and the Springfield Family Center is in need of donations of non-perishable food items and also monetary donations to help those in need in the community have a great holiday meal. The non-perishables include canned vegetables, fruit, gravy, and soups.

No cranberry sauce, though, as we have plenty. Also needed are stuffing, cereal (hot or cold), and pie crusts, canned pie fruit, and cocoa mixes. Because the Family Center is a food shelf and also offers a free lunch meal five days a week, there is always a need for such other items as canned tuna fish, canned chicken and other meats, peanut butter, jelly, pasta and pasta sauce, packaged macaroni and cheese, and pudding mixes.

Any time children are on vacation, the family food budget can be stretched. Monetary donations are always gratefully accepted and help toward the purchase of the turkeys that are distributed for that wonderful holiday meal. The monetary donations also help in case we need to purchase some items that have run low on the food shelf.

The Springfield Family Center was established in 1971 to meet the needs of low-income families and individuals in Springfield. It now also includes North Springfield and Baltimore. Mike Wiese, executive director for more than four years, and the Board of Directors, staff and volunteers work hard to get the word out to help those in need so no one goes hungry at any time of the year. The use of the food shelf and lunch meals allows participants to have nutritious food and not have to choose between spending their limited income on medicine or heat instead of food.

Last year the food shelf provided food for 2,568 families and served 6,185 meals. These numbers increase each year. The Family Center can also direct people to other services that they might need.

Thank you to all who have volunteered and/or donated this year. We especially want to thank the Santa Claus Club, which provides warm clothing in October and toys in December for the little ones at holiday time. Also thank you to Willow Farm Pet Services for its donation drive in November, which collected food and monetary donations in our name. And, as always, thank you to Shaws Supermarket for its donation of surplus bread, baked goods, and other items to our food shelf throughout the year.

Food donations may be brought to the Springfield Family Center at 365 Summer St. in Springfield 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday or to the donation box in the Springfield Shaws. Monetary donations should be brought or mailed to the Family Center. If you or someone you know might need any of our services, please come to the center or call 802-885-3646. We are always looking for volunteers to help in many different ways.

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