Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cody Thurber Vermont Elks Soccer Shoot champion

Union Street School fourth grade student Cody Thurber went to St. Albans, Vermont for the Vermont Elks' Association Soccer Shoot competition on October 3rd and came home a first place champion in the 8 & 9 year old boys group.
vt-elks-soccer-shoot-champion-p1789-114.htm                                          Springfield's, Union Street School fourth grade student Cody Thurber went to St. Albans, Vermont for the Vermont Elks' Association Soccer Shoot competition on October 3rd and came home a first place champion in the 8 & 9 year old boys group.  •  Representing Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 he topped boys in his age group from twelve other Lodges in Vermont.  •  Cody is the son of Jaimi Munroe and BJ Thurber of Springfield.  •  He will now compete in the Elks' Region One Soccer Shoot in Portsmouth, NH, on the weekend of November 5, 6 and 7. He will be competing against boys in his age group from the six New England states and New York. His family will accompany him, with all expenses paid by the Elks for the weekend.  •  Caption for attached picture: Frt l to r; The family of Vt. Elks Soccer Champion, Cody Thurber are Dad BJ Thurber and Mom Jaimi Munroe. In back; Springfield Elks Soccer Chairman Andrew Murdock, Exalted Ruler James Morse and District Deputy South Matthew Moore both of Springfield Lodge #1560  •  

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