Sunday, October 10, 2010

Grant White honored in NESCAC weekly awards

Springfield High School sports star Grant White is now a first year student at Bowdoin College in Maine where he continues giving award-winning performances on the field.

BRUNSWICK, Maine - Bowdoin first-years Griffin Cardew (Ipswich, Mass.) and Grant White (Springfield, Vt.) have been recognized in weekly honors announced by the New England Small College Athletic Conference. Cardew was named the NESCAC Defensive Player of the Week while White was tabbed as the conference's Special Teams Player of the Week.

The duo proved critical as Bowdoin collected their first win of the season, 22-15, over Tufts on Saturday.

Cardew collected a pair of key interceptions, forced three pass break-ups, and had seven tackles (five solo) as the Polar Bear defense held the Tufts offense to just nine points in a 22-15 victory, Bowdoin's first win of the season. Cardrew's first interception stalled a Tufts drive and led to Bowdoin's first score of the game. With under two minutes remaining in the game and Tufts driving for the tying score, Cardew grabbed his second interception of the afternoon to seal the Polar Bear victory.

White led an all-around great day for the Bowdoin special teams, with the rookie punter playing a major part in the Polar Bears' victory. He helped Bowdoin win the battle of field position in the fourth quarter as he dropped three punts inside the Tufts 20, including a pair of boots which were downed inside the Jumbos' six-yard line. He averaged 37.5 yards per kick and also converted an 18-yard fake punt for a first down in the first half. White's performance was just one of the highlights of Bowdoin's special teams against Tufts which included a pair of blocked kicks by Matt Savard and Kevin O'Connor and a clutch fourth-quarter field goal by Bill Donahue to clinch the victory.

Bowdoin will return to action next Saturday when they make the long trip to Clinton, New York, to play at Hamilton College.

--Bowdoin Athletics

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