Saturday, October 16, 2010

Heavy rains drench Springfield

New England was hit by a nor'easter storm that began Thursday night and continued through most of Friday resulting in some road flooding in Springfield and a dramatic rise in water levels of the Black River.

3.96 inches of rain had fallen in Springfield by 6 pm Friday.

The Springfield Police Department issued the following advisement: Heavy rains in the area have caused many dirt roads to flood or deteriorate greatly. There is also extensive water build up on main roads. Just a reminder to motorists to slow down during inclement weather. Water build up on roadways can cause you to hydroplane at regularly posted speeds thus causing you to find yourself traveling off the roadway.

The Black River rose 5 feet yesterday, according to the USGS stream gauge in North Springfield. It went from 75 cubic feet per second passing by the gauge on Wednesday to around 3,500 cfs on Friday!

Airport Road in North Springfield had to be closed for a time due to about 2 feet of water on the road.

In Weathersfield on Thrasher Road, run-off carved a gaping channel down to bedrock as deep as 6 feet in some places. See dramatic photo:

The rain seems to be all over with on Saturday morning but cloudy gray skies persist along with gusty winds up to 31 mph.

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