Keywords: ACLU, ACLU Director Allen Gilbert, AED, AH-HA, AO, Aaron Wallace, Aiello, Alaina Orth, Alaina Orth., Albert Pujois, Alcohol, Alexandra Johnstone, Alexis, Alexis Esposito, Alexis Locke, Amanda Frank, Amelia Thomas, America, American, American Foundation, American Heritage Dictionary, Amy Adams, Andrew Bladyka, Andy Bladyka, Angelina Mei, Angelina Mei, Joanna Coleman, Ankuda, Anne Katomski, April, Aquitaine, Aristotle, Artistry, Arts Festival, Floods, Springfield, Atrium, Audrey Hepburn, August, Baby Ballou Eyes, Language Teacher, Bailey Williams, Balance Nationals, Ballou, Belinda Hathorn, Bellows, Ben Sidler, Benoit, Billy Beane, Billy Wheeler, Bladyka, Blake, Bob Thibault, Boss, Brandon Boyle, Brattleboro, Brattleboro Union, Briana Condon, Brigham School, Britain, Bruce Springsteen, Bud Bowl, C-Editor C-Editor, Co-Editor, Photo Editor, CPR, Cameron Blais, Campus Connection, Campuses, Canaan, Cape Cod, Center Atrium, Center RVTC, Chairman, Charlie LaRosa, Charlotte Russe, Chelsea Howland, Chelsey Harmer, Chiffon Lace, Chinese, Chlebak, Christensen, Cinderella, Class, Co-Editor Sports Editor, Coach Kevin Spaulding, Cod, Coen, Coleman, College, Column Footprints, Condon, Conner Menning, Connie, Connie Larkin, Connor, Connor Menning, Cook, Cooper, Cooper Naess, Cornelius, Cosmos, Courtney, Courtney Downing, Dad, Dagan Warner, Dagan Warner Springfield, Daly, Dana, Danielle Dulaney, Daria, Daria Milanya Ballou, Daric Barton, Dartmouth College, Dasha, Dave Slivka, December, Defibrillator, Derek Graham, Devan McCarty, Development Pipeline, Diane Root, Dikeman, Director Michael Hatt, Division III, Division III State, Dodge, Downing, Dropkick Murphys, Dulaney, Dylan Patrie, ESPN, Ed Wilkins, Edwards, Elaine Quigley, Eleanor Aquitaine, Electronic Student, Elizabeth Goddard, Elm Hill, Em, Emmanuel, England, Erin, Erin Chlebak, Erin Hunter, Ethan McAllister, Everything, Fab, Farnsworth, Features Hurry Up., February, Feminism, Feminists, Fontaine, Forest Jade, Frank, Freshman Chelsey Harmer, Freshman Dmitri Freeman, Freshman Jacob, Freshman Jed Duquette, Freshman Nathan Barbour, GSA, Gabby Ruggiero, Gail, Gamers Club, Gamers Club Graffiti AO, Games, Gilbert's, Goddard, Graffiti, Grandma, Grandma Linda, Grandma Linda’s, Ground Trash, Hailee, Halle Berry, Hampshire, Harmer, Hartness House, Haskell, Hathorn, Health Granola Girls, Health Teacher Ruth Haskell, Hear Toth, Hildreth, Horn April, Hunnington, Hunter, Internet, Irish-American, Jacobs, Jade, Jake Patoine, James Karkowski, January, Jason Farnsworth, Jeff Lavin, Jen Dodge, Jenn Kollman, Jenn Stein Amanda Frank, Jennifer, Jennifer Fribush, Jennifer Hudson, Jennifer Stein, Jeremy Moore, Jessie Haskell, Jill Rushton, Jim, Joanna Coleman, Joe Ankuda, John, John Harmer, John Kendall, Jon Sebastian, Josh Dikeman, Julie Bombria, June, Junior, Junior Aaron Wallace, Junior Alec Benoit, Junior Kristen Cook, Justin Derosier, Karkowski, Katlyn Daly, Kaylee Haskell Cell, Kelsea Edwards, Kelsey Christensen, Kelsey Christensen Feminism, Kelsey Hildreth, Kendra Dana, Kevin Coen, Kevin Spaulding, Kirk Perham, Knoras, Kollman, Korean War, Kotter, Kristen Aiello, Kyrstie Parker, LGBT, LaRosa, Labor, Larkin, Larry Partridge, Laurel Porter, Lauren Bolduc, Lauren Fountain, Lavin, Layout Editor, Leah, Lefty, Liberties Union Director Allen Gilbert, Lindsay Bolduc, Lisa Murray, Liza Fontaine, Liza Fontaine, Ethan McCallister, Lots, Lucero-Keniston, Lunch, LycŽe Paul Louis Courier, M.I.A., MLB, MSJ, Maggie Stevens, Mandy Moore, March -March, Margaret Sanger, Maria, Marilyn Monroe, Marisol Bello, Martin McDonough Gymnasium, Matt Aiello, Matt Wright, Max Blake, May, McAllister, McCarty, Medieval Times, Michael Janiszyn, Michael Patrick MacDonald, Michael Pianka, Michael Whittemore, Middlebury, Mike Pianka, Mike Wood, Mila Kunis, Milanya, Milanya Ballou, Molly Stevens, Mount St. Joseph, Mr. LaRosa, Mrs. Heslop, Mt. Mansfield, Mt. Mansfield Union, Murphys, Murray, NH, National, Neutrogena, News Amanda Frank, Nichole, Nick, Nicole, Nikka, November, Oakland Athletics, October, Octopus, Odds, Olivia, Olivia Thayer, Oscar, Oscars, PM, Parker, Partridge’s, Patrie, Pea, Peg, Perham, Phoebe Prince, Photo, Pianka, Pole, Pole Vault, Poseidon, Princess Winnifred, Prom, RM, RVTC, Raymond, Recruting, Rhode Joe Ankuda, Richie Thomas, Riverside Gym, Robert Thibault, Ruth Haskell, Rutland, Ryan Brady, Ryan Moorhead, SAP Director Danielle Dulaney, SHS, SHS Auditorium, SHS Guidance Counselor Hear Toth, SHS Junior Kristen Cook, SHS Students Assistance Program, SPF, Samuel L. Benton, Sarah, Sarah Collins, Sarah Vredenburgh, Scarlett Johansson, Scarlett Johansson Jennifer Hudson Hallie Berry Amy Adams Nicole Kidman Haliee Steinfeld Jennifer Lawrence Mandy Moore Mila Kunis, School Aristotle, School Assistant Field Hockey Coach Ruth Haskell, Scott Hafferkamp, Section, See Ballou, See Barton, See GSA, See Gamers, See Graffiti, See Hollywood, See Lunch, See Pole Vault, See Recruting, See Trash, Senior, Senior Desmond Dana, Senior Forest Jade, Senior Maria, Senior Matt Aiello, Senior Max Messier, Senior Michael Pianka, Sequin Mesh Tank, Sequin Mini Skirt, Seth Gammon, Shelby Reardon, Siena College, Siera Lavin, Siera Lavin Oakland Athletics, Skin, Sky Lucero-Keniston, Sophomore, Sophomore Gordon Eglintine, Sophomore Jeremy Moore, Sophomore Keith Destromp, Sophomore Matt Wright, Sophomore Michael Mur, Sophomores Taylor Mackenzie Knoras, South Hadley, South Royalton, South Royalton School, Sox, Spaulding, Sports McAllister, Springfield Cinderella Story, St. Joseph's College, St. Louis Cardinals, St. Michael’s College, Stevens, Stores, Student Health Risk, Student Publication, Style, Suffolk, Suffragette, Sun Protection Factor, Superintendent Frank Perotti, Susan, Susan B. Anthony, Susanna, Susanna Impi, Susanna Impi Frank, TJ Wallace, Tabitha Celani, Taylor Mackenzie Knoras, Teacher Terry Carter, That’s, Thayer, se, Thibault, Thomas, Thursday, Tim Wallace, Timer, Tom, Toth, Tour Springfield, Tours, Trash, Tuesday, U.S. Army Corps Engineers, USA Field Hockey Futures, USA Today, UVA, UVB, UVM, VTel, Valley Blizzard, Vermont American, Vermont Division, Vermont Grade Expectations, Vermont State Trooper, Vicki Kopidakis, Vicky Jacobs, Vintage Hollywood, Wallace, Westboro Baptist Church, Westminster College, We’d, We’ll, Wheeler, While Frank, While Thayer, Wilkins, Will, Windham County Baptist Church, Windsor Yellow Jackets, Winners, Wright, Yeah, York City, Yuliya, Yuliya Ballou, Barton, Benton, Boston, California, Castleton, Charles, Florida, France, Gilbert, Grantham, Greece, Haiti, Hollywood, Ireland, Japan, Leslie, Maine, March, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mexico, Michigan, Milton, Moore, Nerlands, Oakland, Rhode Island, Riverside, Springfield, Utah, Vermont, Westminster, Windsor, Worcester, students, school, School, Springfield, Gilbert, Festival, classes, Graduation, festival, seniors, members, decided, lawsuit, student, Senior, Annual, sculpture, Jacobs, ceremony, Poseidon, because, thought, Vermont, Director, people, projects, completed, decide, challenge, students, speech, center, program, liberties, presentations, interested, Hunter, Editor, working, really, Students, Amendment, questions, survey, Harmer, decision, Center, believes, Alexis, period, School, People, classes, Vermont, people, periods, Farnsworth, happen, C0-Editor, carpentry, completed, Co-Editor, protect, Because, students, senior, French, school, center, exchange, Springfield, seniors, Hunter, Florida, Aiello, However, teaches, program, suggested, Atrium, career, payment, longer, teacher, wanted, experience, 1-night, president, School, course, Maryland, Mountain, Eglintine, student, interested, co-advisor, Senior, established, Hartness, Thayer, exchange, students, school, juniors, Hollywood, French, Springfield, School, should, chairs, cafeteria, Katlyn, Vintage, Fontaine, tables, people, decorations, seniors, health, Ballou, students, teacher, biology, Russian, Thibault, School, Susanna, daughter, husband, school, maternity, yearbook, Amanda, welcomed, beginning, December, teaching, Frank’s, returned, number, science, newborn, Springfield, curriculum, LaRosa, worked, father, Hollywood, Milanya, speaking, Ballou’s, maturity, Yuliya, Welcome, Vermont, learning, always, minutes, Ballou, teacher, School, Janiszyn’s, Springfield, believes, longer, outside, English, housework, teenagers, students, amount, cafeteria, building, sandwich, period, become, matter, enough, Brooks, school, father, teacher, Coleman, Springfield, School, students, Stevens, because, Street, having, Joanna, teaching, parents, though, career, testing, faculty, Coleman’s, However, Chlebak, already, Education, teaches, Bellows, left-handed, people, message, Gamers, teacher, pitcher, Springfield, School, difference, meeting, cutting, recognition, Fribush, likely, batters, right-handers, Thursday, right-handed, family, members, according, allergies, numbers, reporter, Heather, something, better, Coleman, centuries, Patrie, school, Although, should, graffiti, people, students, school, drinking, problem, allowed, phones, School, Thomas, Edwards, Springfield, during, rights, underage, Department, addicted, Control, prejudice, Forest, Gamers, because, alcohol, Kelsea, Benoit, creative, Dulaney, Student, Knoras, sophomore, environment, Mackenzie, Liquor, However, become, Vermont, Underage, Taylor, student, handwriting, alcohol, students, desires, Vermont, speech, pressure, expression, emotions, thoughts, School, writing, Cursive, personality, another, January, writer, former, friends, indicates, consumed, Handwriting, Menning, cursive, underlying, learning, 15-year-old, planned, visible, soccer, Although, Aristotle, 16-year-old, drinking, graphology, Brattleboro, bullying, people, school, suicide, Bullying, depression, students, pressure, others, victim, School, Springfield, problems, person, counselor, Though, Amelia, overbearing, Vermont, because, iceberg, bullied, sports, relationships, having, Danielle, causes, texting, Dulaney, grades, stress, Thomas, pressures, victims, “Bullying, underwater, reaction, social, Texting, texting, messages, Parker, students, straight, Alliance, School, Straight, around, Haskell, Hildreth, Harmer, members, Springfield, However, Kyrstie, contact, become, Mattress, communication, likely, support, unlimited, adults, physical, face-to-face, Kelsey, inactive, grader, abbreviations, Fashion, Princess, Internet, feminist, Jennifer, affordable, Forever, people, perspective, Hudson, Academy, through, students, radical, individual, Charlotte, Awards, disassociate, carpet, fashion, Johansson, Nicole, called, popular, you’re, Sequin, spring, simple, Scarlett, headband, feminism, sequins, sports, Facebook, someone, people, People, social, feminist, they’re, Dropkick, ridiculous, what’s, instead, actually, stalking, gotten, everyone, technology, themselves, things, because, sexism, little, myself, Murphys, another, without, society, lineage, Connie, therapy, guitars, Dropkick, Meanest, instruments, traditional, feature, Murphys, “1953”, background, connected, concept, tracks, obituary, clearly, number, people, didn’t, Murphys’, Larkin, charts, artwork, Hardest, fictional, Connie’s, therapy, Cosmos, people, athletes, player, football, Sports, senior, physical, picture, officials, children, cross-country, sports, experiences, communication, junior, Pianka, soccer, Haskell, talking, believe, However, school, competition, Wallace, insult, basketball, playing, feeling, Barton, Springfield, talking, athletes, Wilkins, Barton’s, player, Bladyka, Oakland, average, baseball, Partridge, School, players, baseman, constantly, career, Cameron, father, thinks, basketball, Michigan, football, people, batting, themselves, rookie, anything, inspires, teacher, league, school, starting, Athletics, Cinderella, motivate, season, finished, athletes, school, season, Springfield, decathlon, Barton, Dikeman, Wright, spring, events, fundraising, strong, practices, School, enough, Cafeteria, different, players, workouts, requires, McCarty, summer, absence, coaches, participate, practice, raised, cancer, sunscreen, Dikeman, Alexis, School, Milton, online, athletes, pretty, equipment, really, Cosmos, Springfield, sunblock, Dangers, tanning, mutations, radiation, needed, coming, student, burned, sports, college, college, soccer, school, University, Pianka, Aiello, students, Chlebak, Karkowski, College, sports, Vermont, Castleton, Ankuda, Michael, attend, career, practice, played, Westminster, Rutland, caught, Senior, undecided, Island, Emmanuel, Porter, currently, although, Errair, senior, McAllister, season, Porter, Perham, Vermont, Aquitaine, Springfield, Cosmos, players, Windsor, legend, invited, all-star, ranked, remembered, League, Aiello, either, Wheeler, experience, moment, Division, school, numerous, played, husband, better, simply, Seniors, points, Though, compete, school, Springfield, yearbook, School, atmosphere, excited, different, students, opportunity, people, concluded, really, Frank’s, McAllister, student, community, learned, Lauren, Rutland, mother, LaRosa, Condon, students, people, technology, Barton, school, Wallace, graffiti, bathrooms, Lucero-Keniston, left-handed, however, Edwards, Springfield, student, drinking, Graffiti, opinion, concluded, really, Patrie, Ballou, Benoit, better, Molten, during, students, suicide, bystander, bullying, cursive, commit, should, person, school, Thibault, victim, community, people, Education, factors, believes, instruction, contribute, Dulaney, family, teenagers, received, bullies, because, others, involved, depressed, thinking, friends, doctor, committing, anything, English, depression, students, student, people, Another, college, Neutrogena, called, blocked, record, sunblock, example, someone, concept, Alexis, support, Connie, anonymous, points, between, public, Cosmos, express, exposure, compete, Division, because, senior, always, students, pulled, classroom, because, Stevens, exchange, College, finish, should, teachers, friends, forward, school, little, looking, meetings, working, without, people, Facebook, school, always, feminist, friend, deleted, Goddard, really, rarely, approved, change, friends, fiance, without, relationship, ratings, teacher, anything, learning, something, Though, mature, college, though, difficult, saying, Freshman, Haskell, family, unsportsmanlike, service, community, Grandma, things, always, Springfield, wedding, should, parents, played, Before, really, didn’t, conduct, picture, Nichole, ejection, Footprints, someone, memory, friends, seemed, people, students, between, School, memories
Wow! I continue to be so impressed with the quality of this publication. It's a shining example of the possibilities of engaging students in multi-purpose, creative outlets. Helps keep hope alive for our students, our schools and our communities.
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