Friday, September 16, 2011

VTel financial assistance to storm victims in need

VTel is offering free telephone and Internet service assistance to customers experiencing hardships from Tropical Storm Irene and its aftermath

(Springfield, VT) – September 15th, 2011 – VTel announced today it would offer up to three months of free basic telephone and Internet service to any current customer whose home or business was affected by Tropical Storm Irene. The company is also suspending any telephone disconnections for up to three months.

Some of the most extensive damage and flooding from the storm occurred in VTel’s Southern Vermont service area, including Plymouth and Killington, two of the State’s declared “isolated communities.” To be eligible for the free service, a VTel customer must have applied for and received flood hardship aid from FEMA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, or the State of Vermont.

“We have a company mission of Vermonters serving Vermonters, and clearly, our neighbors are in need,” said Michel Guite, owner of VTel. “This is an emergency offer, and we are trying to help families in need by making sure they can continue to communicate with the people they depend on in this challenging time.”

Also, starting immediately, VTel is offering discounted Internet service to any family in the company’s service area with a full-time student who receives free lunches from the National School Lunch Program.

Families who qualify will receive basic Internet service for $9.95 per month for up to three years. Each family is also entitled to register for VTel’s basic WOW Wireless Broadband service when it becomes available for just $10 per month.

“These days, Internet access is as important a school supply as pencils and paper,” said Michel Guite, owner of VTel. “All children should be able to use the Internet as a learning tool, regardless of their family income. We hope this discount will level the playing field, giving all kids an equal chance for success in school.”

Customers interested in taking advantage of these offers are invited to call VTel at 1-800-279-4049.

Media Contact: Sharon Combes-Farr, Director of Marketing, Vermont Telephone Co. (802) 885-7744


  1. o.k............

    Bait and Switch....

    My Verizon 4G phone seemed to work everywhere. When Vtel was down I was on the internet through my cell phone.

    ?? Why put the victims of IRENE into your marketing campaign....

    Giving Outdated and slow technology that is obsolete for free is gonna keep people from moving to the functional current technology that works. Is this REALLY good for Vermonters? or just for Vtel. (and Big Brother)

    What I mean is that for less $ The people of these towns can upgrade to quality CELL PHONES. With 4G (@ Verizon and others) and leave Vtel is the dust.....

    THIS IS SO REAL someone has got to offer people free phones so that they don't figure this out on their own.

    Welcome to Vermont, soon (3 years) to have an outdated obsolete hard wired 4g network of their own.

    Who do we say thank you to? Oh Yeah!! Big Brother, The State, and Vtel !!!!
    Wait, isn't most of Vermont Telephone CO in Manhattan?............

  2. VTel's main switch is on Main Street, within a rock's throw of the town office. Cell phones are great for what they do, but when I want to watch a instant movie on Netflix, or browse the web on more than a 3" screen, I'm going to do it on my computer, over the much faster fiber landline.

    You may own a 4G capable phone, but currently NO wireless provider offers 4G in Vermont, and that includes your favorite, Verizon.

    I would link you to Verizon's 4G coverage map, but unfortunately, it uses Flash, so you probably won't be able to see it on your cell phone.


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