Monday, January 2, 2012

Seek support in race

 Our community is fortunate to have a hospital. We can receive care locally from people we know. The Breast Cancer and Cancer Clinics are wonderful. My wife is a survivor of breast cancer. 

We all know someone who is battling cancer. A dear friend is currently doing just that. To have clinics and treatment so close is a blessing.

I am fortunate to be on the John Hancock Team to run in the 2012 Boston Marathon. My training is going well but at this age there are more aches and pains than I care to mention.

To do this, I need to raise money for a charity.

I have actually chosen three. The first is our local Springfield Hospital Foundation. The money will be directed to the Breast Cancer and Cancer Clinics. It will be used for patient care. The second is the Boys & Girls Club of Boston. Myra Kraft, a well-known philanthropist and owner of the New England Patriots, passed in 2011. In her name, John Hancock is asking me to raise money for the B & G Club of Boston.

The third charity is Compassionate Care ALS. My brother-in-law and another friend have ALS (Lou Gerhig’s Disease). The cause is not known and there is no cure. Once diagnosed, the life span is not often more than four years.

Please consider supporting one of these causes. To donate, my website is You will be able to pick one or all three charities. Please consider any size donation. Our community will benefit greatly. If you see me running, please honk. I can use the support.


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