Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Springfield Police Department activity year end stats

In all of 2011, there were 39,052 Calls received into Dispatch on the 3 primary phone lines. This does not include the calls received on those lines that are strictly administrative lines.

There were 2,361 additional calls received on the "Fire Hotline". Officers responded to 4,001 Law calls for service, not including miscellaneous calls such as VIN checks and a multitude of various Citizen Assists, which jumps the total to 4,649.

There were 24 Juveniles and 330 Adults arrested for a variety of offenses.

Officers conducted 3,927 Motor Vehicle Stops; Issued 1,024 Citations for Motor Vehicle Offenses; Issued 2,218 Written Motor Vehicle Warnings; Made 48 Arrests for DUI (alcohol /drug or both); 78 Arrests were made for Operating Criminally Suspended ; 194 operators were issued tickets for operating after Civil Suspension; 67 tickets were issued to persons failing to provide Proof of Insurance and another 141 warnings were issued reminding persons to carry their insurance cards with them.

We responded to 269 Motor Vehicle Accidents, of which 36 involved injuries. There were 46 Arrests on Warrant and an additional 8 Arrests of Fugitives who had sought refuge in our town. 30 Juveniles were directed to Diversion for alcohol related offenses and an additional 13 were criminally charged for possession/consumption.

Officers responded to 66 Burglaries; 163 Larcenies (theft of items from vehicles, etc.); 9 Automobile thefts; and are knee-deep in reports of fraud totaling 42 acts, from Bad Checks to Impersonation. There were 9 reports of Aggravated Assault; 24 Domestic Assaults; with another 84 falling into the category of Simple Assault.

Officers mediated or made the above arrests when responding to 255 Citizen Disputes and another 89 classified as Family Disturbances/Quarrels. 49 Arrests were made for Disorderly Conduct & Disturbing the Peace by Phone while answering 108 complaints for same. Not included is the overwhelming number of complaints for “cell phone/texting harassment” & “Facebook Harassment” which don’t have a specific category in which to track these complaints.

While this list is not all-inclusive, without a doubt, Springfield Dispatchers are continuously busy answering phones and handling calls for service and Officers are constantly kept busy with a multitude of investigations, many of which require ample time to investigate properly, paperwork processing and of course, Motor Vehicle Enforcement. So as 2011 fades in our rearview mirrors, we say Buckle Up, Stay Safe, and Have a Joyous 2012!!!!

Source: Springfield Police Department


  1. Machine towner1/3/12, 8:19 PM

    Thank you, Springfield police for all you do.

  2. Oh come on...this article has been up a whole day, and the beefaroni eating, drooling blathering fool "your next selectman" hasn't chimed in with his usual rhetoric and agenda fueled idiocy over how things should be run. Little disappointed - I was in the mood for a good chuckle.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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