Monday, January 30, 2012

Smart meter opponents take to the air

Opponents of smart meters have started an advertising campaign to force the state’s largest electric utility to back off on plans to install the wireless meters on homes, businesses and public buildings.


  1. We hope the Senate Finance Committee really follows up on this to get a favorable resolution to hard wire option and avoid future health distaste and cost to cure people and specially children from cancer and other sicknesses smeters will cause.
    What is the cost of our life verse saving money to utilities?
    WE UNDERSTAND clearly that utilities rushing to be first in telecommunication business and that is they main agenda the money from it, and don't care about our life.

  2. I'll be using the opt out option.

  3. I love smart meters! They are the most amazing thing since sliced bread!! How can you hate them so much! Face it technology is going to take over the planet. There is nothing you can do about it! Prepare for assimilation. Resistance is futile!

    1. curious vermonter1/30/12, 10:23 PM

      What are your reasons for liking them so much? What are the advantages to us as customers?

    2. I understand they can tell you your exact energy usage every 15 minutes. I understand they'll have a web page where I can see my usage. I'm going to be checking how much energy each appliance uses by unplugging items. I've also wondered how much energy my computer uses if I leave it in standby vs turning it off vs unplugging it, and now I should be able to figure it out. Also, sometimes the meter guy can't get to the meter, because there's a 10' snow drift and he has to estimate my usage. That won't happen anymore.

    3. You don't need a computor to live by the simple rule of use only what you need.

      First turn off all of your power, and then turn on what you need. When your done, turn it off again.

      It also
      Sounds like you need a shovel.

    4. I like them so much because I am tired of hippie vermonters thinking technology is so bad!! Machines will rule the world one day! I can not wait for the technological armageddon!

    5. Vermont Ludite2/1/12, 12:13 PM

      Your such an agent provocateur !!


  4. Smart meters make ugly snowflakes.

    It is true,
    my science class froze water while transmitting the same way the smartmeters do and the frozen crystal water pattern was damaged in comparison to the control and a third that was next to an analog processor.


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