Sunday, March 4, 2012

The new youth vote

The Vermont Presidential Primary is nearly upon us and 17 year olds here in Springfield and throughout the state will be able to vote for the very first time.

As long as their 18th birthday is falls on or before November 6, the date of the general election, they are eligible to vote this Tuesday. An amendment to the Vermont Constitution in 2010, approved by voters, made this possible.

We've come a long way since the 5 major candidates for president were teenagers...

Past election laws made these guys wait
until age 21 to cast their first vote.


Candidates who are popular with young voters tend to draw larger crowds.

Click on image for more comparison of these 2 events

A news story about 17 year old Vermont voters:



  1. Voting For Paul3/5/12, 10:05 AM

    I am leaning toward Ron Paul. how about you?

  2. Paul is a Nutter3/5/12, 3:30 PM

    Hahahahaha! The image of Romney's crowd and Paul's crowd is totally taken out of context! The Romney on the Football field was more of a fundraiser with local businessman. I am pretty sure that Ron Paul's was free and open to all the MSU students. You people crack me up! Huntsman was the only Republican worth voting for! None of the Republican Candidates have a chance now. So yep 4 more years of Obama.

    1. A CNN commentator did say Paul's crowds are the envy of the other campaigns. Even Romney himself mentioned in one of the debates that he wished he was as good at drawing crowds as Congressman Paul.

    2. You know Paul does have some good ideas, but the fact is he is crazy as a loon!

  3. Last Chance to prevent the end of the world3/6/12, 11:10 AM

    Here is the answer.

    If Ron Paul is for real. THEN MAKE HIM YOUR PRESIDENT.

    Unless he is actually working for the FED and NWO, as a so-called sheep dog, rounding up the herd. THEN MAKE HIM YOUR PRESIDENT.

    Save the Union as Together We Stand

  4. March 14, 2012 - Ron Paul draws his largest crowd yet - 5,000 filling Huff Hall at the University of Illinois to capacity. What will come of this nation when older Republicans die off to be replaced by all these 2012 dedicated followers of liberty and the constitution?


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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