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Food, Drink, Poison, You Know, The Usual… Murders!
Submitted by VT Journal on Wed, 05/09/2012 - 10:30am
Best friend of Mrs. Chuffington smiles for the camera.
SPRINGFIELD, VT – On Thursday and Friday evening, May 3 and May 4, the students from the River Valley Technical Center and Springfield High School Theater Arts hosted a Murder Mystery Dinner, The Chuffington Historical Society Gala. The event took place in the River Valley Technical Center.
“Mocktail Hour” and Silent Auction began at 5:15 p.m. with the meeting of the characters in the lobby: all in character and drinking (non-alcoholic). The characters were excellent at convincing the diners that they were going in to eat and donate too. Characters talked with each other arriving at different times. They sat with audience members and chatted. Audience members got “to know” the characters before the dinner.
The chef was in the front of house for most of the time except when he went to” check on his meal” being prepared by the students of the Technical Center’s “chefs”.
During the evening, a murder mystery unfolded. All was fine until the audience went into the River Valley Cafe to eat. A crispy salad was served and then the bodies – yes bodies, plural, began to be found. First was a body found in the kitchen, then another in the lobby and then one in the restroom and then… The murders continued until dessert was served. By then all those in attendance had become detectives as they tried to expose one of the dinner guests as the ‘murderer”.
“I think I know who the murderer is,” said Barbara Mathews of North Springfield, “I’ve been watching him all evening long. Every time he goes to the kitchen, someone is found dead!”
Each guest was asked to vote for the murderer. On Thursday six different characters got votes. The largest number: for the wrong character. The second Largest; for the correct murderer, The Chef!
The event was organized and coordinated by students in the two programs as a display of their skills and talents learned over the past two years. Proceeds from the event will benefit student college scholarship opportunities, Industry Recognized Credentials and future theater productions. Great job!
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