Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Irving station robbery thwarted

A man trained in Brazilian jiu jitsu took home some free energy drinks after he put his martial arts training to work to thwart a robbery at a convenience store in North Springfield.


  1. I love this story! Thank you to Nick and Jason, for not only being good citizens, but for just being cool.

  2. Mixed martial arts? It would have been a lot cooler if he was a ninja!

    1. If he were wearing a Ninja outfit.

  3. Thanks to Springfield's BEST (Nick and Jason) for thwarting the crime that Springfield's "finest" (SPD) can't seem to stop!

    1. a normal citizen5/16/12, 5:51 PM

      So according to you, the SPD should be positioned at every place of business that has cash? Before you bash the SPD think about what you type...they could probably stop more crimes if idiots like your buddy weren't smoking weed and burning their parents house down.
      Before I forget, Great job Nic and Jason!

    2. Gee, why so defensive and mean spirited? The fact is, Nic and Jason accomplished something that SPD has failed to do - be in the right place at the right time with the right skills to take down the perp. I'm guessing Nic and Jason could also probably solve alot of the unsolved crimes in Springfield, too, because they are men of action, not Bureaucrats with Badges!

  4. well they havent found who robbed rite aid or jasinskis market yet....just busting people for speeding...

    1. They know who did it. We all do.

    2. Oh tell me, tell me, i don't know who did it.

  5. Appreciative Citizen of Gotham5/16/12, 7:22 PM

    Such a great article! Good job Nick and Jason!!!

  6. Positive Outlooker5/16/12, 9:08 PM

    They did a great job in restraining her and bringing her back to wait for the cops. If I saw something like that, I can't say I would've been so brave. I admire that in people.

  7. Big thanks to Nick and Jason!!! Maybe more people should get trained so they to can fight crime around Springfield.


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