Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Police log

Recent activity of the Springfield Police Department.

DATE/TIME OF ARREST: 5/14/2012 / 2128
VIOLATION: Assault and Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Possession of a Weapon while Commiting a Felony, Simple Assault, Reckless Endangerment, Petit Larceny
DEFENDANT: Mckennie L. Gabert
AGE: 22

SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On May 14, 2012 at about 2116 hours, officers were dispatched to the Irving Gas Station in North Springfield for a report of an armed robbery. While en route it was learned that a citizen that witnessed the offender leaving the store had run her down and brought her back to the store. Investigation revealed that Mckennie Gabert, 22 of Saxtons River, had entered the store with a gun and taken the money from the cash register. She then left the store at which time she was seen and apprehended by the citizen. Gabert was found with the cash still on her person. The gun was later found to be a BB gun. Gabert was taken into custody and lodged at the Southern State Correctional Facility. She will be arraigned on May 15, 2012 at 1230 in White River Junction.

COURT: Windsor County Criminal
COURT DATE: 5/15/12
LODGED AT: Southern State Correctional Facility-Springfield
BAIL: $10,000

DATE/TIME OF ARREST: 5/11/12 / 1321

VIOLATION: Aggravated Sexual Assault, Aggravated Stalking, First Degree Aggravated Domestic Asssault, Lewd and Lascivious Conduct, Cruelty to Animals

DEFENDANT: Moses Allen
AGE: 32
Springfield, Vermont / Charlestown NH

SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Moses Subjected the victim to repeated nonconsensual sex and lewd and lascivious conduct. The offender also threatened to kill the victim with a gun on several occasions. Moses continued to stalk to victim, to include breaking into the home, writing several letters, and made repeated unwanted telephone calls. Moses also, while stalking the victim, chained the victim's dog outside for an extended period of time with no food, water, or shade on an extremely hot day causing the dog to become ill.

Lodged at Southern State Correctional Facility in lieu of $50,000.00 bail.

Source: Springfield Police Department

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