Sunday, May 13, 2012

Vermont Towns Have an Image, and They Say Dollar Stores Aren’t Part of It

Springfield Family Dollar
The spread of dollar stores has come during a period of decline of the general store, a Vermont institution that in many towns served as a meeting place and all-purpose emporium.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Too much of Vermont continues to live in denial of the modern age, with visions of Norman Rockwell innocence obscuring their pathways to economic progress. Sure, it would be nice to be able to afford to retain the general stores and small town charm, but the facts are that the service based economy that Vermont instituted under Kunin is unable to generate the wealth and well paying jobs for locals to be able to prosper. As it is, many of them are barely subsisting, and the future prospects don't hold much "hope" of improvement or "change" for the better.

  3. It'd be funny if it weren't so sad that some people think the 'modern age' and economic growth has anything to do with the insurgence of national chains that are purely profit motivated and are based on the distributing the cheapest goods made overseas and being sold by the lowest paid, no benefit, part-time employees.

    1. Obscured vision continues to live in la la land.

    2. Hey new vision are you talking about another ski area coming in and raping the mountain sides along with having the lowest paid, no benefit, part-time employees. If this were put in close to Chester I'll bet you would support it. If your no benefit, part-time employee can save a few cents by shopping at a dollar store why is that not a good thing?

  4. I think for some towns the Dollar Stores are innappropriate, but for Springfield which has for the most part lost its general stores except for a few markets that deal more in fresh meat, etc. It probably makes sense since the only alternative for this type of product is Shaw's which is expensive. I don't think they compete much with the places like the COOP -- they really are only competing with Shaw's. But, that is a completely different story for the small towns which are served solely by general stores...there they can do damage to the Vermont brand of lifestyle.

  5. Sadly every time there is an article like this the opponents are transplants from the city who came here for an idyllic lifestyle. Unfortunately, hardworking Vermonters, who choose to live here, not only because of Vermont's beauty and peacefulness but because it's the place our our birth or our family anscestry, need certain ammenaties. The Springfield Ames was one of the only in the country still making a profit when the company closed up now, with the other national chains not being able to get a foot in the door, I have to travel to Claremont for many things that I can not afford to buy on a regular basis in Springfield because the lack of price competition allows stores like Shaws to over charge for things. I can think of a lot better things to do with the hour of drive time once a week...but it is what it is, when you're trying to scrape together a living for your family...

    1. I agree about Ames, except that seems to be the case with the large corporate stores, it doesn't matter that one store is making a profit -- its fate is tied to the parent company.

  6. (I should add that I'm not personally a fan of $ Stores...there has to be a reasonable option in between that and the high priced stores we are stuck with)

  7. Why can't they put it where Zachary's is located. That place has been empty and doesn't fit the landscape anyway. If they put a new building there with wood siding, etc, it would look better than the empty Zachary's building and empty, overgrown lot.

    But I have to say, dollar stores are just kind of gross, and the Dollar General in Springfield doesn't have very good deals if you compare prices.

  8. I drove by the new Family Dollar in Walpole (on Rt 12, north of Pinnacle View) for the first time today. I was surprised at how 'modest' it looked. Although I'd vote against a Dollar Store moving in if I had a choice, I gotta say, the store in Walpole didn't look all that bad.

    1. Unfortunately they built that one on very fertile farm land that was in use by Pete's Stand, and next to a farm house that was owned by this wonderful old couple who passed away years ago. They would have hated seeing their property used like that.

  9. Don't we ALREADY have 2 of them?
    Next will be pawn shops, tattoo parlors and bail bonds offices. We have the prison, we have a toxic wood plant coming in and we have a haven for mentally challenged individuals. This town is going downward so fast it is like a toilet flushing. Hmm I wonder why?

    1. You know you can leave at any time right?

      buh bye...

  10. The dollar store business shines a light on Springfield and unfortunately a harsh one. Time Magazine's Brad Tuttle put out an article yesterday about the dollar stores and sadly eviserated Springfield. Here's the relevant paragraph.

    "Dollar General already operates more than a dozen stores in Vermont, including one that’s a 10-minute drive from Chester, in Springfield. Springfield is the kind of town where one would expect a dollar store: It’s a down-on-its-luck former manufacturing hub on the river near the New Hampshire border. There are several fast food chains and strip malls in town. For the most part, the only tourists visiting Springfield are just passing through, en route to cuter places."

    I'm a flatlander and I really love living here in Springfield. This is not the kind of press that we need. At the same time, I can understand the critique. Notwithstanding Tuttle's condescending vitriol, a drive down Main St. does not inspire awe. Many of the buildings are really beat up and in need of at the least... paint. Bicycles hang from porches with for sale signs, there are piles of mattresses next to the post office on the side of the multi-family unit and of course the painful eyesore building (now with mural).

    1. Holy cow.

    2. Yeah, the article is a bit over the top, though it has some truth...trying to figure out where the other strip mall was...and the multiple fast food Friendly's considered a fast food chain, if so somebody forgot to inform them about "fast"...having one McDonald's does not constitute several fast food chains in my book compared to towns outside of Vermont. Springfield has its problems, don't think having a Dollar Store and a General Dollar are significant...the whole State doesn't have to appeal to granola snobs.

    3. "several fast food chains" What?? Friendly's and McDonalds. Where are the rest of them? I'd hate to see what they call the amount in Claremont or the "big city" of West Lebanon!

    4. The Time Magazine article and the NY Times article were published at the same day, likely due to the efforts of Cynthia Praire and husband Shaun Cunningham. The pair are Dollar General opponents and representatives of the non-native population of Chester.
      Apparently they are also part of the NIMBY (Not In My BackYard) group.

    5. Confused Springfielder5/30/12, 1:31 PM

      Richard K. I live in the building you speak of next to the post office. There are no piles of mattresses here. Yes, when you wrote this the neighbors upstairs were moving and were having a moving sale. They used a twin mattress and sheet and wrote MOVING SALE 3RD FLOOR on it and had it out front for a couple days. It is the only mattress I have seen, so don't know where you saw the piles of mattresses... Also, the plaza is the only "mall" in Springfield. Yeah, there used to be a smaller mini mall in the People's United Bank building downtown years ago, but nothing like a "strip mall." I have lived here pretty much all my life and the only fast food place has always been McDonalds.. So, no disrespect, just wondering if you have actually seen these places or are you confusing Springfield with another town?

  11. even thou you deleted my comment, dosent make it less true, what happen to freedom of speech, and its not like a swore or was lieing

    1. do you mean lying?

    2. Good for you @ 9:27. When did you become the 'Spelling Bee' champion? I'm just happy residents can voice an opinion. ALL RESIDENTS!

      Unfortunately, this no-good blog isn't the place to do it. There's a REASON newspapers....since the inception of our nation....require people to SIGN their names.

      Write to the dope controlling this blog (see address at bottom) and demand accountability....just like REAL newspapers do!

    3. First read what the retired editor of has to say about anonymous comments:

    4. Dear Admin,
      I get what the author is trying to say about anonymous comments, but the problem I have with comments on news sites such as this or the WP or the NYT is that in most cases they are written by the authors and editors of said article or newspaper.

      Yup, that is right, it is the journalist or "admin" creating the most inciting and angry comments to elicit a response from others. Think about it, when you read an article on a cite, you would only read it once to get the information and most likely never comeback. With the news sites and sites like this getting paid by advertising on each page, they get paid more if they get mor the more page views. If you are just going once to read the story they aren't going to get paid very much. BUT, if they can drive you to come back over and over again to read these vile and angry comments then they are compensated more. Follow the money people.

      What is even funnier is they this site is set up there is no way to even tell if the people leaving their names are in fact the real person. Mr. Admin, how do i know Ethan Mcnaughton is in fact Ethan Mcnaughton or Chris Coughlin is in fact Chris Coughlin.

      But, I am very sure that DB is in fact a Dbag.

  12. dont really care what some editor has to say about anonymous comments,yes i meant lying,was thinking and typing, so omg i miss spelt, it's the end of the world.if you didn't want anonymous comments,why set it up so people can,

  13. Positive Outlooker5/30/12, 1:47 PM

    I read the article about anonymity. It was enlightening. There are many people who choose not to reveal their identity for various reasons. Some do not post their names because they choose to not be harassed over a difference of opinion. Some because of death threats for revealing the truth. I can agree that here (this blog spot) seems agressive at times and I can see where the fear of being who we are is greater than being someone unidentified. People should have closure when they are presenting a fact or idea that they are anonymous and they shouldn't have to worry about the consequences of someone finding out their true identity. For fear they will be shot or what have you. People should be able to post opinions based on facts without being ridiculed or called stupid. Everyone should be heard whether or not, they choose to be anonymous. And an FYI for the admin. I went to your anon tracker website you have and it says that I am in a whole different state and the IP address is not correct. Yes, the browser and OS are right. ;) Just thought I would let you know.

  14. I am having a hard time figuring out how many "Anonymous" folks are on this site. Or are they all the same person? Could initials be printed rather than "anonymous" or a way to figure out how many folks are responding to an article?


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