Sunday, May 13, 2012

Lael Will named Vermont fisheries biologist

Lael Will was recently hired by the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department as a fisheries biologist at the department’s southern regional office in Springfield.


  1. Anybody want to bet that while she'll be assigned to the state offices lcoated in Springfield, Ms. Will will take up residence outside of Springfield?

  2. Out of Towner!5/14/12, 9:58 AM

    What is wrong with that? Just because she works in Springfield, doesn't mean she has to live here! Sometimes I wonder about you anonymous commenters.

  3. We wonder about you out of towners, too.

  4. Right on. Out of towner obviously has applied their own bias in interpretting a simple question. That said, maybe Springfield Schools aren't that bad after all!

  5. This is a State funded position, not a position funded by the town of Springfield. Because of this, the argument that Ms. Will should be living in Springfield is completely illegitimate and makes no sense whatsoever. As long as the tax dollars paid by the collective citizens of VT are staying within VT no one should have anything to complain about.... and this is coming from a property tax paying Springfield resident.

  6. No out of towners should be allowed to work in Springfield.
    No Springfield residents should be allowed to work out of town.

    There.....that settles it.

  7. Who cares where she lives?


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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