Saturday, June 9, 2012

Police log

Recent activity of the Springfield Police Department.

DATE/TIME OF ARREST: 06-06-12 / 0006 hours
1) Driving Under the Influence
2) Driving While Suspended
3) Negligent Operation
4) False Information to Law Enforcement Officer

DEFENDANTl Benjamin Carr
AGE: 22

SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: During a traffic stop for operating a motor vehicle in a People's Bank parking lot without headlights at a little past midnight, Benjamin was found to have a criminally suspended drivers license and had been consuming alcohol. During the investigation the officer determined that Benjamin was under the influence of alcohol. Carr was released on a citation to appear in court at a later date.

Offense: Retail Theft

DEFENDANT: Kristin Kenreich 
AGE: 46 
Town of Residence: Springfield Vermont

Victim: Rite Aid

SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On June 2nd, 2012 The Springfield Police were called to the Rite Aid in the Springfield Plaza for a shoplifting complaint. On arrival an Officer contacted Kristin Kenteich(Williams) of Springfield, Vermont. Kristin was cited into The Windsor Superior Court, Criminal Division to answer to the charge of Petit Larceny. The total cost of the items was over $160.

DATE: 05/30/12 

VIOLATION: Trespassing and VCOR

DEFENDANT: Vincent Turcio 
AGE: 23

SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Turcio was at the hospital, but due to his behavior and lack of need for medical attention, he was given a trespass order to keep off Springfield Hospital property. He was escorted off the property, but moments later returned. He was subsequently arrested and transported to the Springfield Police Department for processing, where it was found he was on conditions of release. He was then transported to court Where he was later remanded to he custody of the Southern State Correctional Facility.

DATE: 05/29/12

DEFENDANTS: Jesse Emerson / Thomas Thompson 
AGES: 32 / 26
TOWN OF RESIDENCE: Windsor, VT / Springfield, VT

SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: On May 29, 2012 Emerson was stopped on Eureka Road, Springfield, Vermont for speeding. During the stop it was found that he was criminally suspended and on Conditions of Release. During the stop, the passenger Thomas Thompson was found to be in possession of marijuana. Both subjects were cited to appear in court and released.

VIOLATION: domestic Assault & 2nd Degree Unlawful Mischief
DEFENDANT: George Simonds
AGE: 42
CITY, STATE OF RESIDENCE: Springfield, Vermont

SUMMARY OF INCIDENT: Assaulted and Restrained Wife

Released on a citation to appear in Windsor County Superior Court Criminal Division at a later date

Source: Springfield Police Department

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