Saturday, June 9, 2012

Park Street School: What will become of this old relic?

Park Street School served the town of Springfield as a public school for over 115 years bringing knowledge and social skills to the children of our community from kindergarten through high school graduation throughout the years.


  1. Great article, although don't care for the title so much. This is the spirit we need to get the job done.

  2. Aethelred the Unready6/9/12, 5:06 PM

    Oh Alpin, don't be so snotty about titles, the word "relic" connotes power in many religious traditions and it is certainly used in the sense in the article. It not used like the negative sense like the nineteenth century economic relics who often spout off their negativity on this blogsite. It is my understanding that on the Facebook group Park Street Reuse they have talked about a post-secondary educational institution specializing in training therapists of all types in part of the building and an expanded Gateway program in another part. These thoughts are similar to those expressed in the article. I say three cheers for people willing to publish articles in support of saving this place of emmotional power in the community!

  3. I think the best thing to do is over the Alumni Weekend it should be opened up to any and all visitors who will be given sledgehammers, picks and shovels along with a copious amount of brewskis. All graduates will be allowed to take whatever they can carry away. Bricks, lockers, tiles, urinals, etc. Everyone will have their own personal memento of the school and it won't cost a thing except for the kegs of brew and maybe some minor first aid. Viola! Problem solved! How many of you can claim tiles from the Adna Brown Hotel, bricks from the Shoddy Mill, and now parts of Springfield High School c. 1895? Cancel the golf tournament and the parade and break out the beer!

    1. Need new kitchen countertops!6/12/12, 11:03 AM

      As long as I get all the Vermont Soapstone partitions from the locker rooms I think this is a great idea!

  4. Tear the damn place down..raze it and build something useful like housing for mental patients like the Brat retreat.


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