Monday, June 25, 2012

'Vermont-Scale' approach to renewable energy

Lukas Snelling, Executive Director of Energize Vermont will be in town this Tuesday night detailing a new approach to developing renewable energy in Vermont. The public is invited to attend this free presentation.

A “Vermont-Scale” Approach to Renewable Energy: How We Return Power to the People

Vermont is facing a "gold-rush" towards renewable energy development, but as projects get proposed they almost immediately generate opposition and controversy. Lukas Snelling, Executive Director of Energize Vermont examines what’s wrong with the process of developing renewable energy in Vermont today and proposes a new path towards a renewable energy future that supports community input, combats climate change, and ensures appropriate "Vermont-scale" energy development.

All are welcome to attend this special presentation hosted by North Springfield Action Group.  It should make for one of the more interesting pieces of anti-big biomass propaganda yet put forth in Springfield.

The presentation takes place Tuesday, June 26 at 7 p.m. Location is the Unitarian Universalist Church at 21 Fairground Road, just above Riverside Middle School.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions, and refreshments will be served at the conclusion.


  1. I assume this going to be another attack presented by NOSAG

  2. Just Google Lukas Snelling before wasting your time on the attending the freak show.

    Vermont is fortunate to already have an ample supply of clean, safe, reliable, inexpensive energy. Last thing we need is another wannabe hippy, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, that can't earn a living working for a profit telling us how to live.

  3. Forget burning wood. There is plenty enough of bullsh*t and horsesh*t to burn from the Springfield town manipulators errr management to heat all of Vermont. BullSh*t....the real sustainable biomass. A Springfield specialty product. Manufactured daily at your expense.


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