Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Opinion: Reservoir is valuable asset

Good things sometimes take a long time getting resolved. I have been involved for about 40 years in saving the Weathersfield reservoir, our former water supply. This very valuable resource has the capacity to hold 56 million gallons of water.


  1. Thank you Mr. Sysko. Water is such a valuable commodity and we need to keep the reservoir in good condition. Kaye Dwinell

  2. I agree and it is a resource that has the ability to DRAW people to the area for vacations, fishing etc. That translates into revenue and tax dollars locally which we need in our community if we want to reshape it into a safe, functional, family community.

  3. well tell me why the town of Springfield has supported the biomass project which will use large amounts of water and the developers even plan to collect rain water on their roof top--thus not allowing it to soak back into the acquafir...and now the towns want to redevelop the reservoir at the cost to the taxpayer of millions of dollars. Its a good idea but why give your water to a biomasss plant that will negate everything else and in the process possibly cripple the water supply and future good development.

  4. You can't reshape a biomass community into anything called safe! see Rutland Herald article dated 9/18/2012

  5. guess the taxpayers want to spend about 15 million to have the reservoir as a back up.......


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