Monday, September 17, 2012

Expensive solutions to Weathersfield Reservoir quandary

It’s going to cost serious money to do anything with the Springfield-owned Weathersfield Reservoir.


  1. Spend the $260K and breach it - it's not needed. Then sell the land - it's not needed.

  2. I disagree. That reservoir could be an asset to the surrounding area. If it were fully fixed and developed it could draw a great many residents and visitors to a fully stocked "lake" area. There is the possibility that hydroelectric could be added for extra income AND tax revenue to the town. People love living around water, they love spending vacations around water and with that comes revenue. IF that reservoir was fully filled! That ability to later connect it to our water system is also an added bonus. Can you imagine the cost of land surrounding it for those who wanted to build homes? Again, valuable tax dollars to our community and the grand list. I think the quick fix is to sell for most residents but a long term outlook such as what I presented is at the very least feasible and an option. To sell and allow somebody else to come in and take over and develop the land would be a crying shame on our part.

  3. yeah, except if the town keeps it for posible water supply the last thing you want is development around it. And there is a lot of other land around wtih much nicer ponds...there is not a shortage of real estate in the need for more...

  4. It would be a good site to store some toxic waste for a while and then apply for some tax payer funded cleanup monies. Seems to be a popular business around town.

  5. chuck gregory9/17/12, 1:45 PM

    It's a really bad idea to sell off public assets for private development. I think the study was done simply to push a privatization agenda. Find out who stands to benefit from the purchase of the property, and you'll find out why some people are so eager to see it sold off at the usual bargain basement price. There used to be a huge greenhouse covering the solids at the sewage disposal plant; it disappeared one day, gone to a private party for free. You can imagine what the Weathersfield reservoir will earn for some developer who picks it up for pennies.

  6. stop giving away our water to developers of biomass projects which are not green and never will be. Then they(the developers) collect rain water which decreases the water supply going back into the ground. This was all pointed out to the town and they still chose to support the biomass plant and promised the water.--now this. Yes fix the dam and keep it--we are going to need it. Water is becoming a critical asset everywhere. The drought conditions seen in the midwest this year are not new conditions and they are getting worse and more wide spread. WE NEED water for our future--but remember the biomass plant will get 500,000 gallons a day!!!!


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