Monday, September 17, 2012

SHS improves graduation rates

Springfield High School officials say they will stay the course in improving their Annual Yearly Progress graduation rates.


  1. Having teachers need to attend professional development class to comprehend motivating students to learn by relating real world examples proves just how bad SHS really is.

    Where the hell to they hire these teachers? Oh, that's right, they go to diploma mills with majors in art history, women's studies, and liberal studies. The pain, the pain.

    What happen to the high caliber teachers we had 30-40 years ago? Career professionals, semi retired, then generously returning to share their knowledge. Respected professionals that were able to rivet the attention of a whole classroom relating first hand experience. Think I have a pretty good idea why they and I would never set foot there again with any expectation of a positive time investment.

    1. They died along with the good lawyers, bankers, plumbers, carpenters, electricians, doctors, and dentists.

    2. 8:07Am, i see where you are going and generally agree. However, your last statement describes college professors, not primary educators. semi-retired, professionals with no taching experience were ok in college but not what children in primary education environments need. They need structure, curriculum and teachers go to college to learn how to teach in different environments. It is always changing in a classroom and our teachers that went to college (where they majored in education either primary or secondary depending on where they teach)know how to react and get the most out of all students willing to listen (which is hard enough these days)

  2. Typical Springfield...crap all over the one school that has shown growth in this town!

    1. If it were only isn't. The Springfield School System is badly broken and will remain so until the people revolt and can those in charge.

  3. Let me get this straight--people are patting themselves on the back because the drop out rate is now only 20% instead of 30%? Either one is completely appalling. This is what I always ask myself--why would anyone with school age children ever move Springfield? Especially if you are a parent with a college or graduate degree. I never would. The graduation rate should be close to 100%.

    But then maybe this is a partial explanation as to why Springfield is the way it is.

    1. Aethelred the Unready9/19/12, 11:21 PM

      The children of parents who would investigate the school before moving here aren't the ones dropping out. A large percentage of the ones dropping out are just carrying on a family tradition. What has happened is that their parents are now a greater percentage of the overall school parent population. The schools have generally improved over the long haul, its the adult community that has been in a downward death spiral, and that is not going to change until we get a Selectboard with some imagination, innovation, and will to experiment in this Town.

  4. but they cant get enough of those kids to play football thou........


    1. Aethelred the Unready9/19/12, 11:22 PM

      Stupidity stagnates, this has little to do with socialism and lots to do with lack of innovative leadership at the Town level.

    2. Got your Number9/20/12, 8:01 AM

      @ axlerod...

      the lack of innovative leadership at the Town level spawned from socialist actions..

      Stop stagnating this Blog.


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