Monday, September 17, 2012

Disaster recovery funds may be available for small businesses

Two southeastern Vermont Regional Development Corporations are collaborating on an application for a small business Community Development Block Grant for Disaster Recovery.

The Brattleboro Development and Credit Corporation and Springfield Regional Development Corporation are collaborating on an application for a small business Community Development Block Grant for Disaster Recovery. The intent of the grant would be to provide direct funding assistance to area businesses that are still feeling the impact from Tropical Storm Irene.

At the urging of State officials, the two southeastern Vermont Regional Development Corporations (RDC) are working with affected companies to understand their remaining unmet financial needs. The RDC’s are reaching out to any businesses in their regions to collect this information, which will be part of the application for funding. If the application is successful, there will be a formal application process for companies that wish to access any available subgrants or loans.

The two RDC’s are interested in hearing from any area business that still has unmet financial needs. If a company is in Windham County, contact Laura Sibilia at BDCC at 802-257-7731 ext 217. For businesses in Southern Windsor County, call SRDC at 802-885-3061. A copy of the informational forms that businesses are being asked to complete can be found at CDBG-Business-Information-Form

Springfield Regional Development Corporation serves the Southern Windsor County area of Vermont, including the towns of Springfield, Ludlow, Chester, Weathersfield, Windsor, West Windsor, Reading, Baltimore, Andover and Cavendish. SRDC works with existing employers as well as redeveloping vacant commercial/industrial properties and helping businesses to create and expand in the region. Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation is a private, nonprofit economic development organization that serves as a catalyst for industrial and commercial growth throughout Southeastern Vermont. The primary objective of the BDCC is to create and retain a flourishing business community in the Windham Region that supports vibrant fiscal activity, and improves the quality of life of all its residents. BDCC serves the twenty-seven towns of Athens, Brattleboro, Brookline, Dover, Dummerston, Grafton, Guilford, Halifax, Jamaica, Londonderry, Marlboro, Newfane, Putney, Readsboro, Rockingham, Searsburg, Somerset, Stratton, Townshend, Vernon, Wardsboro, Westminster, Weston, Whitingham, Wilmington, Windham and Winhall.


  1. More free money? Who could have guessed?

  2. chuck gregory9/17/12, 1:49 PM

    It says something great about a society which makes it possible for its small businesses to pick up the pieces and get back on track after being devastated by a catastrophe. As with immunizations for children, a buck spent putting a business back on its feet produces many dollars in positive results.

  3. You mean, the only way to particpate is by calling BOB FLINT ? awhhh shucks..........

    1. But Bob is the town least according to those in the club.....

  4. Welcome to the real world of cold, hard business. No one owes you anything. Be it customers, banks, investors, goverment or B.F.

    If you don't have the equity to float your corn ball business venture, better be working on your resume.

    1. @ 10:13

      since most of us pay taxes it is wrong when tax money is misspent.

      since most of us are poor it is REALLY WRONG when tax money is misspent.

      so get it right.

      YOU owe it to us.


  5. facade world of warm, soft business where we get paid with your taxes... slaves.9/18/12, 3:52 PM

    @ 10:13
    Actually, you can have your own equity and others support on top a good idea and still get shafted by the idiots that ruin this town...

    Currently, the town is DESIGNED TO FAIL.....

    wake up shill


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