Monday, September 17, 2012

Springfield Humane Society searching for stolen dog

On Friday, September 15, the Springfield Humane Society reported that Gibbs, a 5-year-old Lab/hound mix, was stolen from the shelter.


  1. Glad he is and sound.

    1. The publicity of this demonstrates how compassionate and caring our Springfield Humane Society truly is! They care so much about each and every animal they have. Thankyou SHS for reaching out to protect this little guy :)

    2. Lick! Wag, wag, wag. Slobber, slobber, slobber. Wag, wag, wag. Thank god the perp didn't get to keep a dog without paying the fees!

    3. Most likely if he/she wouldn't pay the fee to help support the shelter, he/she won't pay for shots, vet bills, pet food, etc. Clear indication of where their morals lay!

    4. Thanks for making up some baloney to justify excessively charging people that are willing to take on a pet and assume the responsibilities. Your story is a weak attempt to justify gouging those that desire a pet and holding them hostage with their emotions. It is most likely that you are a shill for the those that profit from selling pets to people that want to help out. Sounds like a real non-profit run to fleece the public while the employees prosper.

    5. Time Out, Anon 9:30pm. Have you been to the shelter? Tom Browe does a great job. The place does not smell. They have vet visits, vaccinations, food etc. If you can't afford the bill, believe me, the money drain for a pet is big time, if you take care of them correctly.

    6. So a non-profit charging people money will automatically make them good pet owners? We need to charge people to post here and that would automatically make the posters perfect. Without paying extra for everything people are incompetent and scum. Get a clue.

    7. 'Without paying extra for everthing people are incompetent and scum. Get a clue.'

      My dogs annual visit to the vet:
      exam/walking in door........$35.00

      If you can not afford the 'basics' don't get a dog. Do you think the shelter asks for money to annoy you? Get a clue.

    8. "Non-profits" charging people that are willing to supply a home and care for an unwanted pet does not make automatically them better or more qualified pet owners. It is an oxymoron. No one is saying they can't afford the "basics" for a dog and charging them a ridiculously high fee doesn't prove anything. It is only a way to separate people from their money. Your argument is irrational.

    9. They are being reimbursed for the money they've spent on the animal. Money the community has donated. Some animals need more help than others. Have a heart.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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