Saturday, September 29, 2012

Select Board targets Facebook chatter

The Springfield Police Department’s popular Facebook page is about to go comment-free.


  1. Little Dutch Boy9/29/12, 9:32 PM

    uh, no comment.

  2. I'll say something.

  3. now that is funny and I don't care who you are

    1. can't stand the heat.... get out of the kitchen....

    2. M. Zuckerberg9/29/12, 9:54 PM

      I guess this Blogspot IS NEXT !!!!

    3. The Undertaker9/30/12, 8:41 AM


  4. The funny part is that the people posting negative comments on the facebook are usually the ones in trouble.

  5. its funny all these people that are being listened to work for a non profit. its to negative. it makes the town look bad. what hole has your head been stuffed into for the last 20 years. the town officials have no problem embarasing the town. from tire chains to faslifing training records. non profit=no acountability.

    1. Homer Simpson9/30/12, 8:50 AM

      Okay we get it, no more bitching about Springfield, none! Therefore we want no change, the police to do nothing, the selectboard to hold stead fast on doing nothing, the town to keep ingoring issues, the schools to stay in decline and "experts" hired to build our imagine to keep telling us they are (like "Springfield Reinvented"). The only thing reinvented was ways to keep their jobs. Hey, it's a Facebook page, the Chief is right, now get over it. We have bigger problems here than a stupid Facebook page that I didn't even know about until I read this. Nobody can ever tell me our Village is missing it's idiot, seems we have several folks lined up for the position.

    2. Thank you for the belly laugh this morning. I just love this site!

  6. Homer, I like your sense of humor!

  7. I think the majority of the people that use the police facebook page are Springfield residents. They want to keep up to date on what is happening in their town. The selectboard is wrong in wanting to keep the townspeople in the dark. We have every right to be informed. Don't let the selectboard get away with this. Call them and let them know how you feel. Do it today.

    1. or you could request to be their friend...

      what about a #flashmob facebook rally outside the next meeting

  8. Anonymous9/30/12 9:51 AM sounds like a police department member

    1. Reply to Anonymous 9/30/12 2:30Pm No. I'm not a police department member. I am an individual who believes that I have the right as a taxpayer of this town to know what is going on. I don't feel the selectboard has the right to shut down the comments on the police facebook page. Many citizens are logging onto the police facebook page to stay informed of the current activity in Springfield. Whether that activity is positive or negative, it should not be censored.

    2. You can still go to the facebook page and read all of the information that they post. They are just eliminating fools from saying stupid things that make the town look bad.

  9. Someone may want to remind the Selectboard of the first amendment

    1. yes let them control what is said, not said....

    2. #censorshipsucks

    3. “Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas.” – Josef Stalin

    4. @ 4:00 Does that mean the Selectboard views Springfield Residents as enemies? Should Springfield Resdents all go get guns to place alongside of their ideas?

    5. "The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it."

      Dr. Joseph Mengele AKA "The Angel of Death"

  10. I did not realize that the selectboard made all the rules in this town and Springfield people--why do they? They want to change the town plan--you need to be on your toes folks--more power for them? Do we even get to vote on that or anything?

    1. #selectboardsucks

    2. The selectboard is ELECTED.

    3. Yes, you should run.

  11. Nazi Germany did the same thing by the Reichstag Fire Decree of President Paul Von Hindenburg, just as Adolf Hitler was coming to power. Control of information that is damaging those in power in Springfield is what this is all about.

  12. Fire the Selectboard, the facebook facade is kindergarten sandbox level.9/30/12, 3:29 PM



    You are only allowed to have a facade and a fake voice.

    any truth telling will be bottled and corked.

    what a town of rats rats leading rats

    rats leading rats leading rats.

    No Facebook ???? what a bunch of flouride drinkers !!!

  13. “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
    ― George Washington

    Baaaa, baaaaaaa!

  14. Over 9373 FRIENDS and Growing9/30/12, 5:28 PM

    ha ha ha ha ha ha hah aha h hhhaaa !!!!!!!

    SORRY !!!

    It's just that I can't stop laughing MY *ss OFF !!!!

    HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!

  15. agenda 21 in 051569/30/12, 7:56 PM

    Springfield, a shining star example of a new soviet

  16. Well I have a couple points to make. First, so the public speaking out, negative or not, somehow is not valuable? What would have happened if nobody spoke up the last time and over the last several months? Nothing, therefore the comments are productive and show an active community that WANTS to be involved. They just cant risk having their dirty laundry aired that's all.

    Second, let me just pose a question to the general public. Wasn't it the Edgar May Health Center that had financial troubles and wasn't making any money and were they not behind on their taxes? Wasn't that the BIG selling point to have the hospital take over operation and buy it? I could be wrong but pretty damned sure I am right and read the articles correctly as well as it is amazing what you hear board members talking about in the sauna there. So maybe that is why the chamber of commerce can't bring a plan for businesses into town. It isnt that hard to pitch an idea to companies who may be looking for manufacturing space. I mean we have a whole building right next door to the police dept. why hasnt that been pitched to varies companies?

    Please correct me if I am wrong.

    1. put a strip club in there and they money will come.....

  17. They aren't taking the page away. They are just not allowing comments. The majority of which makes Springfield look like the home of a bunch of un-educated morons. There will be plenty of ways for people to insult Springfield and attack fellow Facebook users. Not everyone in Springfield has the same views but the educated population don't have the same amount of time to post comments. They are too busy working and supporting themselves and the deadbeats.

    1. Anonymous@ 6:27, Speaking of morons it appears you also live in Springfield. I've read the police Facebook page for the first time and would agree there are a few dopey post (expected on Facebook as the whole idea of the site it dopey to me), otherwise it's nothing that I wouldn't expect to see on any Facebook page. What bothers me more is listing the names of those arrested, keep in mind they are not guilty of anything yet. We don't need a scorecard for the police department online. Of course the recording of those arrest are what sparks most of the comments. Otherwise it appears a good way for the police to get information out to the public while receiving public interaction.

      I would consider myself part of the educated population, yet I find time to read, write and support myself and family within a very busy work schedule. That's called multitasking. And yes I assume I'm supporting more than one deadbeat along the way (and possibility paying to keep you working). I would assume all those other educated hard workers could find time to comment themselves unless of course that is your job.

      Springfield needs to find a way to project itself in a positive light. I don't think a facebook page with a few dumb comments are going to change a business's mind about relocating here. The State of Vermont's lack of interest in growing business takes care of that itself, add the state of available property in Springfield and even the village idiot posting on facebook understands why we all work in New Hampshire and remaind overtaxed in Vermont.

      I encourge the free speech this blog site provides. Even from those that can't think of a creative pseudonym as it would be easier to follow one's thoughts and know you are reacting to the same person. It's an American value to challenge authority, even if you're a deadbeat.

    2. seriously, I had culture shock when I realized how many good people had ben named and made fun of on the P.D. Facebook page.

      Tracked Traced Databased DIGITAL FOREVER. Remember to Call The Springfield Police Dept next time you want to be laughed at on facebook.

      "but mom, their ALL going to LAUGH @ ME"

  18. Has anyone even looked at how other police departments handle their facebook pages? Do they allow comments? If they do how are they moderated? I think comments are fine as long as they are pertinent to the discussion and not vulgar and not illiterate.

    Keep the comments, but allow the administrator to delete the ones they feel shouldn't be there. This is not a first ammendment issue, you can post whatever you want on your own facebook page.

    I am embarressed at times with that page and how people speak to each other. It is a reflection of our town.

    1. I agree with you 100%. However, as we both know the people who say dumb, insulting and embarrassing things on that page and do get deleted are just going to complain even more and say that they are being "censored" and cry about it ...... there is no win here. Just don't let anybody comment, it's not that big of a deal. If people want to complain and bicker back and forth talk about it on your own wall and don't embarrass the whole town with the uneducated jibber jabber. Facebook commenting should not be this big of a deal to anybody, grow up and mvoe on. (not directed at you 10:06, this is directed at all of the cry babies)

    2. Aethelred the Unready10/1/12, 12:59 PM

      There is plenty of chatter here to amuse the locals, and allow sensible and some irrational venting. Its not important to broadcast to the outside world the fact we have local issues, and also a lot of local morons.

  19. Anonymous10/1/12 11:50 AM well said!

  20. Does the Springfield Chamber of Commerce have a Facebook page that will permit comments to be posted to it? My guess is that Christian Craig, censor extraordinaire, has already moved to close it down!

  21. No Football

    No Facebook

    No Facade

    No Favors

    No Fun

    1. Barn Stars!

    2. yes, lots of extra Barn Stars

    3. How did the barn star auction turn out for the elite? I have never seen a report after we had to endure all of the promotional baloney leading up to it. Perhaps in the future the town's elite can focus on more pressing issues like...stop destroying the town!

  22. How rude of the Police Department to publicly display people's names, identities, and situations that should not be shared ons FB. I'm sorry, but FB is not the place !! To allow public comment & scrutiny on arrests before someone is even found guilty of a crime is appauling. It isn't the comments on these posts that need turning off - IT'S THE ENTIRE POLICE DEPT FB PAGE -

    1. want a barn star?

    2. Don't be a moron and do something illegal and your name wont be on it.

    3. guilty till proven innocent?

    4. Homer Simpson10/4/12, 7:34 AM

      If they are found not guilty, then they didn't do anything illegal did they, moron. Doh!

    5. @ Homer....

      My neighbor's child is commented on.

      He may be 18 now, I am 63.

      He has been a great child, always helping out.

      Now for something he didn't do, his college and jog prospects are limited.

      I hope embarassing families and making life long enemies was their intent. They will pay for it in the long run.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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