Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Valley Street melee results in trespass, drug charges

Four people are facing charges in connection with a tumultuous fight involving knives, a baseball bat, a BB gun and a bag of heroin that broke out in an apartment on Valley Street late Friday evening.


  1. I am confused, why were Soto and Torres (or Sanchez) allowed to leave the scene?

    Either the writer of this story confused the sequence of events or the Springfield Police Department allowed the two individuals to leave the scene.

  2. quien es el heche?

  3. Antoniaa Danza9/19/12, 3:12 PM

    es un casa completa

  4. quien es Antoniaa ?

  5. Aside from the completely crazy series of events and the obvious pointed out above..Am I the only person wondering why (Carr) was re-released after she violated terms of release as well as why was she re-released after admitting she was involved in attempting to conceal evidence in this case AFTER SHE WAS ALREADY AWAITING TRIAL ON DRUG CHARGES??? WTF is up with the system and WHY are we all not calling the judge and the prosecuter demanding they lock these scumbags up!

    1. Don't be silly....this is Springfield. If you are looking for justice and law and order move to another location. Nothing in this town makes sense for normal citizens but that is by design. If the criminal element hasn't found you yet, thank your lucky barnstars because sooner or later they will.

    2. Aethelred the Unready9/19/12, 11:13 PM

      Very good question. Isn't the Prosecutor running for re-election this year? Perhaps we need a write in candidate, someone from outside the current Prosecutor's office.

    3. drugs don't kill people.

      people kill people.

  6. Springfield Vt.9/20/12, 8:17 AM

    drugs to the left of me
    Attempted murder to the right.

    Here I am

    Stuck in the middle with you!

    1. ...Prison to the south of me
      BioMass + HCRS to the north of me
      Woe to me.

  7. Going to hell in a handbag--time to get out and let the biomass pick up all the taxes and have all the water and the criminals, mentally ill, run the whole thing--hey maybe they will make great selectmen and finally do something right.


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