Thursday, January 17, 2013

Former principal arrested in NH

Police say a former Springfield school principal has been arrested on a shoplifting charge at a New Hampshire Wal-Mart.


  1. she was making a documentary1/17/13, 1:43 PM

    quick !!! SPRINGFIELD snatch her up for the Select Board or better yet a development project.

    Ever since she left the school, the school has been loosing money... Imagine all the crafty things she did with out question to keep the school afloat. She carried the school system for quite some time.

    1. I don't believe for one minute that she could have done this. What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? On everything I know about her just doesn't set right. There has got to be more to it.
      Janice from Lowgap

  2. Keep telling us there is nothing wrong with the Springfield School System and the clowns running it.

    1. She doesn't work there anymore there dude (ette?).......

    2. Ya. She is retired. They did not fire her and she was a principal at Union dude (ette?).......Try using your brain cell before you post.

    3. Just to clarify she was forced to retire due to her medical issues and poor management of Elm Hill School before she left. She missed more days than she worked and still continued to collect a paycheck from the tax payers of Springfield.

  3. Im glad she doesnt work at any school anymore. Maybe her cancer is affecting her judgement. It seemed that way just before she retired. I was a student of hers at Riverside, and she was a principal for my four kids and it was like she always had a hidden agenda.

  4. I agree, innocent until proven guilty. The year before the schools consolidated and they closed Park Street, I believe she was the principal for both Elm and Union. I think it is sad that it made headlines just because she used to work in the school district.

  5. I'm so glad I escaped this sad little town years ago.

    1. we are glad you are gone.

    2. I am with you anon 5:56 I am happy my kids are in a different school also. Not because of this but because the residents turn on each other at the drop of a dime. So HAPPY!

  6. Anonn 831 just so u know, Susan Whittemore was the principal who set up the now know as the "abuse room" at elm hill. Rather its adult against adult, not adult against child. Ask her kids or foster kids how she is outside of work. Or for that matter, her ex-husband.

    1. Um correction that room was set up in the building plans and your school board approved it. As it has been mentioned before they have one of these rooms at riverside also that they had hidden and she wasn't there to build and set that up. So let's put the blame for that where it solely belongs which is on the school board because they had to approve the building plans!

  7. I wish that people would relize that if wal-mart called the police, they would have to have caught her either on camera or with the merchedise. The police didn't arrest her because they were bored, there was obviously enough evidence to take her into custody. I agree with innocent until proven guilty but wal-mart isn't new to shop lifters, they don't just call on a whim.

    1. I have accidently taken out 2 newspapers because the newspaper was so thin I didn't realize I had 2 in my hand until I got to my car. I did however take one back and told them what had happened. They didn't even flinch. Then a few weeks ago, (At Walmart) I had thought when I got home that I hadn't picked up my soda that I had bought. So I called walmart and told them. they told me to just come in and they would replace it. When I went to put it in the trunk of the car, the soda that I thought I hadn't got must have moved in behind some boxes I keep there. Anyway I took the soda that I had just got and brought it back to the guy in the office. So you see accident can happen. I'm saying don't jump to conclusions

    2. Stay away from the drugs. It appears you have difficulty functioning as a normal person. Losing your soda in the back of your car and taking two papers at once. Wow!

    3. First of all I don't do or ever have done drugs nor do I hang around with anyone who does them. And my point was that when one is too much in a hurry people can make mistakes.

  8. I know her and worked with her, I will not believe this story until it is proven in court. She is a wonderful person, teacher, and principal who was a joy to work with. Who knows what is going on. These people crucifying her here are closed minded and cruel. She has been struggling with cancer for years and God only knows what else. If she is guilty, then so be it, but I am with innocent until proven guilty. This whole thing makes me absolutely sick! People just love to pounce on others when their down - it makes them feel better. CHECK YOURSELVES! TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN AND DO NOT JUDGE - IT'S NOT YOUR JOB!


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