Tuesday, April 30, 2013

New trial sought in Vt. murder

Victim's parents

Two years after watching a jury convict their son of murder, David and Kathy Bolaski stood outside the hushed chamber of the Vermont Supreme Court last week, hoping to win a new trial for Kyle.



  1. Because the murder victim may have been suicidal he deserved to be murdered?? Really?

    1. If you are suicidal it makes other people want to kill you. It is not their fault if they shoot you in the back while you are running away from them.

  2. if he was suicidal how'd he get shot in the back running away ???

  3. David and Kathy are as bad and mixed up as much as the Boston Bombers nutty parents are.

  4. By running away from the gun, he therefore created plausible deniability that he was suicidal, thereby making Bolaski appear to have actually murdered him. Genius. A perfectly masterminded plot, leaving his victim behind bars to twist in the legal winds for all eternity. Don't you people see???

  5. Celtics in 7 anyone?

  6. To Blog admin: You hatee SPFLD.... He/She but more than likely IT only posts articles to make people fight and banter and make us all look like dirt balls. When Google searching Springfield, Vermont you find this idiotic blog... Naturally, people read a couple articles and think we are all as idiotic and crappy as the blogger.... Of course if everything you post is negative people write negative things. If you post positive things people will be more attracted to town, this goes for any town, for any problem in the world whether it be Craptown, Indiana or Greenwich CT, this logic applies. So IT... why dont you start controlling your rat nest here and stop making us all look like crap? This affects you, me and everyone else, grow up Peter Pan, act like a professional for once, get your Shi%%% together and help contribute to SPFLD instead of acting as, in my humble opinion, a catalyst to all the weed smoking, drug dealing, "gang" member pond sucking scummer's in town trying to bring our community down to a new low instead of helping us rise to our potential.

  7. Well 10:02, why don't you show us the way by posting a positive comment or bit of positive news instead of making like a citizen of "Craptown" and haranguing the administrator?

  8. Like I said in the previous entry, this is complete bull. Whether Vinnie wanted to kill himself or not should not have been up to Kyle Bolaski. He and Kyle had never even met, what is giving Kyle the right to think that he was justifiable?
    Kyle was a jerk in high school, very stuck up and never thought he could do wrong. He freaking MURDERED SOMEONE and is still trying to blame the victim.

  9. How many times has someone on this blog got to tell you,Its cheaper to rehab convicted murderers than to vindictivly keep them in jail?
    Jail does them no good,its expensive for us taxpayers and a waste of time.
    Just think if he gets a new trial,then gets the conviction overturned (for shooting the victim in the back)he will be back in society without us spending any money even on rehab!
    Its a win win for all till the coward kills another person.
    This rehab talk being all toungue in cheek of course.
    This is a serious matter and he was convicted fairly in court unlike the way he killed the victim.
    There are times that a retrial is certainly called for but I dont feel based on the evidence I have researched that this is a case that needs retrial.

    1. We don't care about "cheap", we only care they're out of society. That's what prisons are for. It's not supposed to be "good" for them.

    2. I was being sarcastic when I wrote the piece at 7:18,I am all for jail and a full term at that.Then
      they can have all the rehab that the libs want to pay for.
      If you cant do the time dont do the crime


    Lavoie, the crooked prosecutor in the case evaded service concerning my motion to intervene in the district court.

    Zimmerman who i successfully sued in federal court for civil rights charges ruled on my motion to intervene in the district court with a conflict of interest.

    Zimmerman is now retired --Justice has prevailed.

    I would be very surprised if Lavoie stays on, If he does I will file to intervene again based upon his wholesale violations of attorney ethical precepts. THis Lavoie character must be stopped.

    I have no opinion about guilt or innocence, I only can swear to the fact that Lavoie engages in prosecutorial misconduct and any case he is involved in violates Due Process.



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