Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Springfield's Family Center looks to downsize

The Springfield Family Center wants to sell its current home so it can spend less money on maintenance and more on services.


  1. This seems very unfortunate I doubt there are may buyers for this building at $575,000. With the need for affordable housing, drug and alcohol treatment and many other social services, shouldn't there be a way to make use of any empty space in the existing building? Although winter is now past, there continues to be no warming shelter in Vermont between Brattleboro and White River, and there are many, many homeless and semi-homeless in Springfield. Given the current state of affairs in this community, "downsizing" doesn't seem to be what should be happening with the Family Center.

    1. Bellows Falls had one for a short time. The problem is those places become a magnet for needy people, local and otherwise. Springfield has more than it's fair share of problem people as it is, we really don't need to attract more do we? I'm sorry that sounds callous, but go ask BF why they closed theirs.


  2. How about these drug and alcohol abusers take alittle responsibility is finding their own housing. Give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach a man to fish.......

    1. you are really uninformed aren't you. The Family Center does not provide housing.

  3. re: "there are many, many homeless and semi-homeless in Springfield" ....Will Hunter

    BS! There are ample jobs available to anyone ambitious enough to work, and endless social services for those legitimately unable or just too lazy. There is no one on the street that hasn't made a conscious choice to be there. Every large town and city has mentally ill and addicts that CHOOSE to shrug all responsibility and exist as parasites. It's the underbelly of a free society.


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