Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Library will be closed Thursday

The Springfield Town Library will be closed on Thursday, May 2 while staff receive intensive training on a new computer system that will become operational this summer.

The Library is a founding member of the Catamount Library Network, a consortium of 5 public libraries and the Vermont Department of Libraries that are merging their catalogs and collections using the Koha open source library software. Rutland Free Library, Brooks Memorial Library (Brattleboro), Fletcher Memorial Library (Ludlow) and Waterbury Public Library are the other member libraries in the Catamount Library Network.

When the Catamount Library Network goes online this summer, patrons of all five libraries will have access to over a quarter million books, audio, video and other materials. Requests for items in any of the five member libraries can be initiated by any patron with a click of the mouse and then picked up at their local library. For the Library staff, there will be new procedures and workflows to learn, new screen displays to adjust to, additional functionality, and many other changes.

In order to adjust to the new system and learn these new procedures, the staff will spend the day on Thursday in training. While the Library is closed that day, patrons will be able to access the Library catalog and their online Library accounts through the Library’s website, The Library will reopen as usual on Friday, May 3 at 9:00 am.


  1. I don't understand why they can't do this training on their day off like the rest of us.

    1. Just because you have a crappy employer, don't wish it off on the rest of us. If you don't like it find another job.

  2. It's a shame when a towns only claim to fame is a cartoon.

    1. Yeah, the whole "The Simpsons" thing is way overdone. It's stale, no longer funny, and elicits groans now. We won a movie contest 6 years ago. Big whoop for today. Matt Groening even said last year his Springfield was based on Springfield, Oregon near where he grew up.

      Let's find a better symbol for our Springfield than "The Simpsons". Along with our real issues we don't need to add to our image issues too.

    2. Very True, ask anyone outside of Springfield VT where the home of the Simpsons is and they'll have no idea except to say "Springfield".

    3. chuck gregory5/3/13, 10:41 AM

      Well, when you're raised in the culture of commercial media, you respond as you've learned to the stimulus offered. The whole Simpsons competition was just another ad gimmick from the very start, and it was painful not to see us engage in it, but to swallow it hook, line and sinker. It was another occasion of the media celebrating itself at the town's expense. The quintessential irony was that the Springfield shop that produced the sculptures folded the very next week, in an homage to the collapse of Precision Valley.

  3. Just to be clear, the justification for the closure of the library is due to the "intensive" nature of the training. Under "normal" circumstances, the facility could continue to operate. Based on historical use data, customer traffic and library fines collections are lowest on Thursdays, thereby providing the best day to accomplish this "intensive" training. Customers are encouraged to patronize the Springfield Wreck Center on the day of the library's closure, where they will find the staff there to also have been "intensively" trained to provide the highest level of service and support. The town government will continue to purue "intensive" training for all of its departments as part of its commitment to fully justified annual budget and tax hikes.


    The Management

  4. Wow, Management needs spell check!! If this was truly written by someone in management, Town Management, this is an embarrassment


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