Thursday, October 31, 2013

Man sentenced for molestation

When Peter Gusha was asked if he had anything to say after he was sentenced to five years in prison, he simply said, “I’m sorry. I’m very sorry,”


  1. Are you kidding me! Five years for raping a child! If this is the punishment these people get from our local government its time for vigilant groups to rise again and deal with these people appropriately. Why do we allow people to get away with this! He gets out is five years to rape again!

    1. Vermont has the least time served when comes to sex offenders...they can get out in as little as 3 years if they have good time..

  2. @Anon 07:38, Its been pointed out before, whether it's child rapists or the likes of Amanda Bernier that prey on the elderly,liberal judges have no remorse about unleashing these criminals on our community. If you voted for Shumlin who appointed these judges, or any of the Democrat senators that confirmed them, you have only yourself to blame.

    1. Why are you assuming I voted Democrat? Why do you feel the need to blame me? I'm not even going to tell you how I voted believing you wouldn't understand by my tone of the previous post...

      Sounds like your feeling a little insecure about your own position and situations being so quick to "blame" others.

  3. Im sorry, I'm very sorry...I got caught

  4. In the courtroom, Judge Karen Carroll asked Gusha if he is willing to do the work that will be required as part of his sex offender treatment.

    “Yes, I’ll do all I can get,” Gusha said.

    And with that courtroom charade (the judge seemingly ignoring the recidivism rate of sexual predators of children), another lenient sentence is meted out by Vermont's injustice system. What a travesty...

    1. What's your basis for talking about the recidivism rate for sexual predators of children/ What is it?

  5. What a great person

  6. He should get the death penalty


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