Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Three arrested for heroin trafficking with child in car

Two men and a woman were arrested in Springfield in the early morning hours today on charges of trafficking $15,000 worth of heroin and possession of cocaine and marijuana following a traffic stop.


  1. Yup, I'm innocent again.

  2. Fortunately the article stated that they were held at the "Southern State Correctional Facility'" and not the Springfield Prison. The one time that excluding "Springfield" from the formal moniker of one of its more well know facilities is a blessing!

    1. Southern State Correctional Facility is the correct name.
      It was never the "Springfield Prison".

    2. You missed the point.

  3. shame to see these scum balls from from conn & NJ use this state as a get rich scheme.
    Need to clear out some prison space with some long jail terms but we as a state need to be prepared to pay for it.
    Most likely these guys will be shipped out of state to a private prison in KY.
    The Vt population at this prison was just in the news last week.
    We pay $65 dollars a day for each prisoner - a 20 year stay will cost 474,500.
    That money doesn't grow on trees - or does it?

    I say legalize weed & let the kids do that!
    Use the tax money to fight hard drugs
    I rather have to deal with my kid addicted to cookies than smack.

    And another thing...
    What is wrong with these women right now, how the hell do you get hooked up with these low lifes.
    Hello, these guys are just using you & what you get in return is a ruined life. WTF

  4. Well maybe the girl who overdosed last night and died here in Springfield on this junk will open all of these junkies eyes. Maybe that is what this town needed was for some young people to die before they realize how dangerous this stuff is. My advice is if you have any loved ones who is addicted to help them get treatment before it is too late. The regret you will have if you could have done something will be something you will never forget.

  5. The person who got her started, precipitated her death as assuredly as if they stabbed her and left her bleed.

    1. Very true. The person who sold it to her better face manslaughter charges and do a long stint in "The Southern State Correctional Facility".

    2. As sorry as I am to see someone die needlessly, it is illegal for a reason. It is not regulated. You take a chance every time you use. Most times, no one forces someone to start taking drugs. She is as responsible for this as anyone. Still feel bad for her family and friends. Senseless.....

  6. From what I have read on heroin, it pass thru quite a few hands before it gets to a user, each time it gets cut down with what ever white powder is at hand thus making it weaker. If the heroin misses a "couple of hands" then the user ends up with a drug that is more potent than they are use to. Smack....
    "Ask your doctor if heroin is right for you"

  7. And another overdoses again today!!! That makes 2 people dead in three days! Something has to give...

  8. Aethelred the Unready2/7/14, 5:46 PM

    Okay, so if they were arrested within the Town of Springfield, does that mean we are stuck with them for the duration of their parole and probation if they are convicted?

  9. What? Two people in Springfield died of drug overdoses?

  10. Them's dumb in VT. Anything we sell'em dey put in thar arms.

  11. Why is there no media coverages on the deaths? Any one wanna gives names? I have not heard of this and live in this town!


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