Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sidewalk grants awarded

About a dozen Vermont communities, including Springfield, received word Wednesday they will share $2 million in Agency of Transportation grants — most for building new sidewalks.


  1. "Engineer" a sidewalk? $410,000 for a 2,682 foot sidewalk! Incredible.

  2. It's a bargain at $152.87 per foot!

    1. Of course shovel leaning time costs money.

  3. Here's a thought Bob. Tear up what's there, grade it, pour new sidewalks. Hey! I may have just engineered it! WOW, what have things come too.

  4. What are these sidewalks made of, gold? Who ever gave the quote is making a mint.

  5. Another example of the INFLATED COST of government!

  6. It is not the engineer who makes the money.
    It's the CEO, manager and accountant who rake it in.!!
    I know this is true cause I is one.

  7. chuck gregory2/7/14, 11:41 AM

    Anybody know of any studies that show the relative costs for either a government doing a job and a private contractor doing the same job? Sources involving a Murdoch-owned company are not to be relied on.

  8. Why don't they call a local concrete place and see how much that would cost? Money stays in our community, more jobs and a local company gets free advertisement.

  9. Benny the Builder2/10/14, 5:43 PM

    WOW! All these years I've believed the term 'sidewalk superintendent' was a euphamism for the clueless people that stand on sidewalks with their arms folded commenting on how "they" could build it (the bridge, the building, etc) better.
    Now I see they ACTUALLY EXIST!
    This is like finding Sasquatch!!!!

  10. Why do we need sidewalks when there is no place to go in Springfield?


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