Thursday, February 6, 2014

Ham radio event set for Saturday

The Connecticut Valley FM Association invites everyone interested in amateur radio to a free swap fest on Saturday the 8th in downtown Springfield.

You are invited to a down town Springfield Amateur Radio Swap Fest. It is sponsored by the Connecticut Valley FM Association and supported by the ARRL with door prizes and membership information, along with Jenny Wren Café (formerly Apron String Café) for a discount breakfast, welcoming the CVFMA swap fest attendees to town.

Free admission for all attendees! There will be a $10.00 per table charge for hams and vendors with a two table maximum, (CVMFA members $5.00 per table).

Set up a table to make some room in your shack for that new radio you have been looking at, recycling some of your older equipment to another Ham. Maybe set up a table to show off your favorite aspect of the hobby. Can you demonstrate your logging program, do a satellite demo, showoff your home brew antennas? This day is for "us"(you), to socialize with each other, make new friends and catch up with old friend. Bring your favorite presentation and share it with others. There will be plenty of fun, good times and good friends to be had by all. Reserve your table by contacting the CVFMA at or calling Steve N1QDT at 802-885-8110.

Saturday Morning Talk In will be from the top of Mt. Ascutney on the 146.760 CVFMA repeater (-) Pl 110.9 The 4th Annual Connecticut Valley FM Association Swap Fest, Saturday, February 8th 2014
Event location: First Congregation Church Hall, 77 Main Street, Springfield, Vt 05156 .


Setup 7:00 – 8:00 in the AM

Main Event 8:00 – 12:00PM

W1UWS 146.760 PL 110.9

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