Thursday, February 6, 2014

Moxley Union Saturday night

Moxley Union is a young Springfield-based classic rock and blues band formed in 2012. This weekend they will hit the big time, taking stage at the Claremont Opera House.
Justin DuMoulin, Rio Mueller, Nathaniel Titorenko-Geary, Kyle Chivers and Tristan Bellerive   (Photo by Jeffrey Starratt)

The band is this week's performers in the Opera House’s Cafe 58 series. The night of music with complementary desserts and beverages begins at 7 p.m. Tickets are $17.64 in advance and $20 at the door, and can be purchased from Copies of the band’s demo CD of six original compositions will be available at the show. When you hear "Morning Time", you'll wonder why you haven't heard it on the radio.

Acrobatics included

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