Sunday, February 9, 2014

Cheap, Plentiful, Deadly: Police See Heroin 'Epidemic' in Region

Vermont and New Hampshire are lucrative markets for dealers, law enforcement officials say. A postage stamp-sized bag that costs $5 in New York will go for three times that around here.


  1. This is such a sad event for this area. The court system is to blame for a lot of this. People KNOW that they will get a second, third or even forth chance if they go to court in VT.
    The police are doing the best they can with what they have. Last night a friend of mine was pulled over and searched going northbound on 91. He allowed the officer to search him as he knew that he had nothing to hide. He thanked the officer and was sent on his way. I am totally cool with being subjected to that kind of search if it gets this crap off the streets. I have nothing to hide.

  2. On Dr. OZ awhile back, he interviewed Stephen Tyler. Stephen look him in the eye and said something like this. "Dr OZ do you know where alot of pills that people abuse come from ?....No..... From doctors." Dr OZ was'nt expecting that comment. Stephen said that doctors are to quick to give out meds when they are not needed. So between doctors, and the courts and the lawers, (plus the hoodlums from out of state) the problem keeps going on. It is good that now the prescriptions are being monitored more by the Rx's.

  3. People see the problem, but am not seeing any clear statement of a solution. Prescription drugs apparently set off the bubble, but working to solve the prescription drug problem just expanded the bubble. We need a better approach to this.

  4. Why has it taken so long for the powers that be to acknowledge the drug problem in Springfield? Just wondering....

    1. Simple, you are innocent until proven guilty and after you are found guilty you are deemed innocent to start the process over.
      Hence forth seeing and paying yer attorney again. $$$$$ :-)
      Vermont Law # 9765 Rev K

  5. Completely agree about the doctors being quick to prescribe opiates when they are not needed. Check this out and scroll down to the section "Pain Pill Nation"

    I know of one Springfield Dr who was let go from Ridgewood Associates a few years ago because she was too quick to hand out prescriptions for opiate pain meds.

    Prescription drugs are the entry point for many addicts.

  6. Hmmmmm, I wonder what the answer to this "epidemic" is? Could it be............MORE GOVERNMENT SPENDING???? Naturally!

  7. Nobody takes the pills and shoves them down your throat even if they are prescribed. Stop whing and do 't take them in the first place. Simple enough.

  8. chuck gregory2/12/14, 9:55 PM

    What you people fail to realize is that if we legalized these mind altering drugs our government could regulate them and the strength of them allowing users and our town to have a much less impactful outcome. Our leaders would also be able to tax them at a level which would allow us to continue to support the users and their habits with less taxation to society.


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