The 2nd annual Taste of Winter Market was held Sunday at the Springfield Area Parent Child Center in North Springfield and featured the Springfield Stringers with George Ainley on fiddle. |
Live music was not the only attraction at this event; local vendors were on hand selling their wares ranging from fresh eggs, baked goods, jams and relish, wooden bowls, paper crafts, handmade jewelry, knit goods, paintings and books. There were prizes for winners of a raffle and a baking contest along with free activities for children. Mona Frye from Body Art by Mona was also offering her artistic face painting for those interested.
SAPCC staff were on hand to provide tours of the center and answer questions about the center's services.
Jen Johnson, the new director of the Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce, had the honor of announcing the winners of the "Ultimate Chocolate Chip Baking Contest".
The 2nd annual Taste of Winter Market at Springfield Area Parent Child Center. The Taste of Winter Market serves as a community event designed to provide a fun, family afternoon activity that brings together families and members of the business community in our service area of North Windham and South Windsor Counties. The Center will be open to showcase our local community businesses and artisans as well as the many programs and services we provide to parents and young families. Activities for children will be offered in our PlayWorks Child Center along with music and vendors in our Conference Center/Café. Caseworkers, Home Visitors, Learning Together Participants and Work Site Supervisors from SAPCC will be at various stations available to talk in depth and in person about our programs and offer activities for children in our meeting areas and common rooms as well.
Please visit our website for the official Baking Contest Rules and entry form for our "Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie Baking Contest" sponsored by King Arthur Flour, and held at our Taste of Winter Market, Sunday March 9th. http://www.sapcc-vt.org/
We are now accepting applications for Vendors for this event. Contact Jan Zona at SAPCC, 802-886-5242 x245 if you are interested in receiving an application. The table rate is only $10.00.
Springfield Stringers featuring George Ainley on Fiddle to Perform at Taste of Winter Market
On Sunday March 9th, the sweet sounds of country strings will be heard from 2-4 during the Taste of Winter Market. The Springfield Stringers were a highlight at last year’s event, and we look forward to welcoming them back again for our 2nd Annual Taste of Winter Market at Springfield Area Parent Child Center.
Live Music is not the only attraction at this event; local vendors will be hand as well, selling their wares ranging from fresh eggs, baked goods, jams and relish, wooden bowls, paper crafts, handmade jewelry, knit goods, paintings and books. Mona from Body Art by Mona will also be a vendor offering her artistic face painting for those interested.
SAPCC staff will also be on hand to provide tours of the center and can answer questions about our services. Free Children’s activities will be conducted, and weather permitting, a short demonstration of sugar on snow is planned as one of the activities.
And finally, new this year we will be conducting “The Ultimate Chocolate Chip Baking Contest” with prizes provided by King Arthur Flour. For more information or to receive the official rules and entry form for the contest please visit our events website: www.eventsatsapcc.weebly.com or give Jan Zona a call at 802-886-5242 x245.
So, please come out and join us for a fun filled Sunday Afternoon at SAPCC’s Taste of Winter Market on March 9th, from 2 -4pm.
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