Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Man faces assault on officer, slew of charges

A Springfield man spent the holiday weekend in jail following a domestic fight that also involved allegedly kicking a police officer.


  1. Apple don't fall to far from the tree here. Don't allow this clown to create more victims. Keep him locked up!

  2. Our wonderful justice system at work again; it is outrageous that this individual could have been "released on conditions". I sometimes wonder why the cops keep showing up for work every day. This action shows nothing but utter contempt for the safety and well being of our police officers.

  3. RE: "it is outrageous that this individual could have been "released on conditions". "

    Any rational person would agree. But as mentioned before, Judge Karen Carroll was confirmed by Windsor County Senator Alice Nitka. Springfield overwhelmingly voted for Nitka in 2012 election. So my friend, you have the government you deserve.

  4. In Singapore he would be caned for this type of behavior. A few good smacks with the rattan would straighten him out.

  5. In Singapore they cane people who behave like this man. A few good whacks with the rattan would straighten him out.

  6. So when will voters wake up and toss the progressive, liberal left-wing politicians who have created and continued to enable this insanity???

    Sadly, probably never...


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