CALLS FOR SERVICE ~ MAY 1 - 10, 2014
June 6, 2014 at 4:49pm
Number Nature Date Disposition
14SF01642 Noise Disturbance 01:41:01 05/01/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST; Movie Theater, Springfield, VT 05156
3 or 4 guys being very loud not sure if they were arguing with each other or not one wearing red another was heavy set with a beard
14SF01643 Agency Assist 04:22:26 05/01/14 COMPLETE
CONNECTICUT RIVER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a cell phone ping near Rt 5 North suicidal female
in a 2013 silver ford focus NH is suicidal unknown weapons
has RX pain meds with her
14SF01644 Noise Disturbance 04:43:21 05/01/14 COMPLETE
STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Neighbors are being loud talking been partying all night also a couple small children there with them
14SF01645 Traffic Hazard 08:01:40 05/01/14 COMPLETE
2 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Numerous calls adv of a disabled vehicle at the intersection of McDonalds broke down in the roadway
14SF01646 Fingerprints 09:03:48 05/01/14
14SF01647 Fingerprints 09:16:27 05/01/14
14SF01648 Foot Patrol 10:30:39 05/01/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01649 Public Speaking 10:57:38 05/01/14 COMPLETE
Drivers Ed class 09:50-11:10, 11:45-13:05 and 13:15-14:35
14SF01650 Suspicious 12:00:31 05/01/14 COMPLETE
CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
b/f is stealing her mail and won't give it to her
14SF01651 Child Abuse 12:34:44 05/01/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
DCF requesting an officer respond to Gateway to meet with them
to speak to a six year old boy who is allegedly the victim of physical abuse
14SF01652 Citizen Dispute 14:21:32 05/01/14 COMPLETE
MARTIN CT, Springfield, VT 05156
Someone taking his belongings, he wants the police there before he gets excited - all parties are separated
14SF01653 Accident Fatal 15:32:19 05/01/14 ACTIVE
0 VT ROUTE 10; County Road, Springfield, VT 05156
Initial report motorcycle vs pickup subj on bike was thrown - helmet on
14SF01654 Citizen Dispute 16:13:33 05/01/14 COMPLETE
SIOUX DR, Springfield, VT 05156
Request for police assistance female blocking doors swinging at people
won't let them leave
14SF01655 Welfare Check 16:20:22 05/01/14 COMPLETE
WALL ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Requesting welfare check on male – reportedly called RP multiple times claiming he is going to overdose because he doesn't have her and just wants to die in her arms. RP claims he would use heroin or crack or pills cause he just got his SSI check and knows a lot of drug dealers
14SF01657 Service Of Apo 16:46:51 05/01/14 COMPLETE
700 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01658 Service Of Apo 16:52:23 05/01/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Emerg Juv Protect Order
14SF01659 Citizen Dispute 17:18:48 05/01/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Statements regarding continuing intimidation and harassment by neighboring male subject. Called to advise that she believes he smeared cat litter clumped with urine on her door to her apartment
14SF01660 Wanted Person 18:11:31 05/01/14 ARREST
SUMMER ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Although she is not home she has been told Aaron Fitzgerald is at her res, that he has a warrant and she is afraid for her babies and her baby daddies who are there ...
14SF01661 Mv Complaint 18:22:42 05/01/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting subj in red minivan appears heavily intox leaving Foodstop with
rack of beer heading toward down town
14SF01662 Service Of Apo 19:30:24 05/01/14 COMPLETE
Springfield Area, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01663 Agency Assist 19:31:09 05/01/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist to DCF with ECO
14SF01664 Foot Patrol 00:45:57 05/02/14 COMPLETE
0 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot patrol
14SF01665 Agency Assist 08:16:43 05/02/14 COMPLETE
BALTIMORE RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Male subject is acting up Spitting and throwing things
14SF01666 Juvenile Prob 10:23:40 05/02/14 COMPLETE
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS, Springfield, VT 05156
7yo student being restrained by staff
14SF01667 Property Damage 10:28:06 05/02/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST; Family Dollar, Springfield, VT 05156
Female hit his car door with her door
14SF01668 Suspicious 11:03:26 05/02/14 COMPLETE
2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT 05156
4-5 Subjects on the foot bridge drinking and harassing people walking by
14SF01669 Agency Assist 11:45:32 05/02/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Service of paperwork for ECO
14SF01670 Citizen Dispute 12:45:52 05/02/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Complainant calling to advise there is a fight in the parking lot next to the movie theater - at least 4 people involved, one black male, 2 females and one other male she knows as ******* - no further information
Jason M. Shaffer alias Todd Swan Birthdate: October 10, 1990. Background check: A con artist who has resided in Middlebury, Westmore, Salisbury, and Springfield, VT.
LINCOLN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a domestic
14SF01672 Mv Complaint 16:33:59 05/02/14 COMPLETE
1 CHESTER RD; River Street, Springfield, VT 05156
Advising erratic op by veering sharply to the right almost
striking guardrails and going into the ditch on Chester road and almost
striking sidewalk on river st
14SF01673 911 Hangup 17:36:21 05/02/14 COMPLETE
14SF01674 Property Damage 18:01:00 05/02/14 COMPLETE
26 MAIN ST; PL, Springfield, VT 05156
Stone chip in windshield for INS claim
14SF01675 Citizen Assist 18:24:39 05/02/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
Male advising severe withdrawl symptoms sitting on his front porch asking for help
14SF01676 Mv Complaint 18:40:39 05/02/14 COMPLETE
VT ROUTE 106, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting high roller erratic op unsafe passing Rte 106 near Downers heading towards N Spfld gold 4-dr dodg pu rear taillight out unable to get plate
14SF01677 Citizen Assist 18:43:41 05/02/14 COMPLETE
120 MAIN ST; Lovejoy, Springfield, VT 05156
Reported that male subj weaved in front of him on a bicycle he wasn't struck by the truck the RP was operating but the bicyclist stopped by his truck then fell into the side of damage this is just for documentation should he later try to claim he was hit by the truck. Subj balding with pony tail ...
14SF01678 Stray Animal 19:17:54 05/02/14 COMPLETE
OLIVE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
White scruffy dog running loose has collar that says BENNY
14SF01679 Vandalism 19:37:21 05/02/14 ACTIVE
UNION ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reported Black King Cab ford Ranger type PU just up at Union St School tearing up the property unknown direction of travel
14SF01680 Accident Pd 20:04:32 05/02/14 COMPLETE
PARK ST; Prospect Street, Springfield, VT 05156
Car into telephone pole sign post at intersection
14SF01681 Suspicious 20:23:43 05/02/14 COMPLETE
43 UNION ST; UNION ST SCHOOL, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of subjects on the roof running around
14SF01682 Citizen Dispute 21:55:32 05/02/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST NS, Springfield, VT 05156
Hangup call from res male & female heard arguing in background 911
attempting to call back
14SF01683 Suspicious 22:01:14 05/02/14 COMPLETE
CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Rec’d a call from a friend advising someone was nosing around the vehicles in his service station lot would like an officer to check the area
14SF01684 Suspicious 23:17:52 05/02/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST; Springfield Auto Mart, Springfield, VT 05156
BMW Convertible in the lot running be out checking contact GMC
14SF01685 Suspicious 01:07:41 05/03/14 COMPLETE
Goodyear avenue, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting someone is outside ringing her door bell again
14SF01686 Foot Patrol 02:01:04 05/03/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF01687 Traffic Hazard 08:11:54 05/03/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Unknown subject spilled cord wood in the roadway up River Street. I'll be removing it.
14SF01688 Citizen Dispute 08:45:47 05/03/14 COMPLETE
25 RIDGEWOOD RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Male who is at the ER for HCRS is out of control
14SF01689 Citizen Assist 08:47:38 05/03/14 COMPLETE
PARK VIEW RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting female racing by his home at a high rate of speed
14SF01690 Citizen Assist 08:48:38 05/03/14 COMPLETE
PARK VIEW RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Husband won't give her the medication she was prescribed yesterday.
14SF01691 Suspicious 11:23:16 05/03/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, Springfield, VT 05156
Picking up syringes that were located by Green Up day volunteers
Located one on factory St
14SF01692 Suspicious 14:17:24 05/03/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Female is a lime green shirt steeling items and causing issue with the staff
14SF01693 Foot Patrol 14:43:28 05/03/14 COMPLETE
Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
Directed patrol
14SF01694 Suspicious 15:10:21 05/03/14 ACTIVE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Seized a pellet gun off from a juvenile on Main st
14SF01695 Agency Assist 20:47:27 05/03/14 ACTIVE
CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Charlestown PD requesting BOLO on short white male wearing black hoody backpack last seen on foot area of Lovers lane subj involved in stabbing unknown if still armed possibly cross over bridge to VT no other details available at this time
14SF01696 Citizen Dispute 21:11:20 05/03/14 COMPLETE
26 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting female & male fighting arguing small child taken from small
silver car placed in small silver PU Female heard yelling give me the bags in your pocket no indications of weapons no IDs on subj or plate numbers avail
14SF01697 Recovered Veh 21:40:15 05/03/14 COMPLETE
COUNTY RD; Rt 106 side, Springfield, VT 05156
Truck parked at end of drive for quite a while today doesn't know why its
There – recovered stolen vehicle out of Windham Cty
14SF01698 Mv Complaint 22:15:13 05/03/14 COMPLETE
MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01699 Suspicious 22:33:24 05/03/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST; Int N Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of male laying on sidewalk River @ N Main
14SF01700 Foot Patrol 10:36:58 05/04/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Directed patrol
14SF01701 Vandalism 11:11:32 05/04/14 ACTIVE
MAPLE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Mail box smashed sometime over night about $200.00 to fix the problem
14SF01702 Burglary Alarm 11:21:37 05/04/14 FALSE
14SF01703 Burglary 11:40:38 05/04/14 ACTIVE
HIGHLAND RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Found pool house broken into this morning.
14SF01704 Suspicious 12:07:05 05/04/14 COMPLETE
Pearl St, Springfield, VT 05156
RP is the owner of Gearworks on Pearl St.. Subject are drinking and dumping trash on his property. When the RP asked them to not dump the trash he was told off by them
14SF01705 Assault 12:37:31 05/04/14
PARK ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting that her son had a knife pulled on him last night by another male subject while walking to the store.
14SF01706 Suspicious 13:11:17 05/04/14 COMPLETE
Chester Rd, Springfield, VT 05156
Male subject walking up the road when asked what was the problem he stated that he was having a heart attack.
14SF01707 Alcohol Offense 13:39:35 05/04/14 COMPLETE
2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT 05156
Saw a male subject buy three juveniles beer from shaw's all three headed toward the foot bridge
14SF01708 Foot Patrol 14:46:40 05/04/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Directed patrol
14SF01709 Theft 15:11:54 05/04/14 ACTIVE
PEARL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting theft of computer
14SF01710 Accident Pi 17:16:03 05/04/14 ACTIVE
WALL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of veh into a telephone pole sheered pole off unknown number of occupants in vehicle a1 contacted & GMP contacted
14SF01711 911 Hangup 00:22:22 05/05/14 COMPLETE
14SF01712 Background 08:24:44 05/05/14 ACTIVE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01713 Citizen Assist 10:08:40 05/05/14 COMPLETE
SUMMER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Request to meet with an officer in person has some questions
14SF01714 Citizen Assist 11:25:34 05/05/14 COMPLETE
VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Request assistance at her brother’s apartment. She took him to
rehab yesterday and she went to his apartment today and found people living in the apartment. Apparently the landlord let someone move in while her brother was renting it and was away. She is trying to retrieve her nephew's games etc.
14SF01715 Vin Inspection 11:40:21 05/05/14 COMPLETE
14SF01716 Foot Patrol 13:30:31 05/05/14 COMPLETE
0 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot patrol on Main Street
14SF01717 Agency Assist 13:52:57 05/05/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Request service of citation
14SF01718 Service Of Apo 14:30:12 05/05/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
RFA to be served
14SF01719 Foot Patrol 14:47:15 05/05/14 COMPLETE
0 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot patrol on Main St
14SF01720 Assault 16:09:56 05/05/14 COMPLETE
105 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting Patient on Patient Assault
14SF01721 Vin Inspection 16:30:20 05/05/14 COMPLETE
14SF01722 Animal Problem 17:00:39 05/05/14 COMPLETE
DEWEY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Little tan dog running loose
14SF01723 Agency Assist 18:11:59 05/05/14 COMPLETE
SLACK AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01724 Vin Inspection 18:43:43 05/05/14 COMPLETE
14SF01725 Foot Patrol 19:01:30 05/05/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF01726 Mv Complaint 19:22:47 05/05/14 COMPLETE
30 SEAVERS BROOK RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Requested K9
14SF01727 Citizen Dispute 19:27:02 05/05/14 COMPLETE
MASSEY RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Rec’d text from son stating Dad I need you and cops hurry please - history of allegation of abuse to child
14SF01728 Mv Complaint 19:46:28 05/05/14 COMPLETE
WALL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting red mustang racing on Wall street - she is going to try to get video of it no license plate
14SF01729 Foot Patrol 20:28:25 05/05/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Main Street
14SF01730 Foot Patrol 21:49:49 05/05/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foots patrol
14SF01731 Burglary Alarm 23:17:57 05/05/14 FALSE
14SF01732 Suspicious 23:29:01 05/05/14 COMPLETE
Breezy Hill, Springfield, VT 05156
There is a car sitting out by his driveway 3rd house on the left has been
sitting there for approx. 10-15 mins, facing down the hill, would like someone to check why they are there
14SF01733 Suspicious 23:34:02 05/05/14 COMPLETE
River St, Springfield, VT 05156
2 guys lurking in the shadows by the dock of the empty factory with the mural on the side, one has white hair the other wearing a hoodie
14SF01734 Noise Disturbance 00:08:20 05/06/14 ACTIVE
Elm Hill, Springfield, VT 05156
Hollering, fighting, banging concerned it is a domestic upstairs
14SF01735 Assault 00:14:09 05/06/14 COMPLETE
VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
911 adv male assaulted - head injury - bleeding
14SF01736 Welfare Check 07:05:33 05/06/14 COMPLETE
Spring St, Springfield, VT 05156
Female walked out of the ER heading toward Spring St "very drunk"
14SF01737 Citizen Assist 07:24:12 05/06/14 COMPLETE
MARTIN CT, Springfield, VT 05156
Concerned about her sister who was involved in a domestic last week.
14SF01738 Suspicious 08:09:25 05/06/14 COMPLETE
STELLAFANE RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Unknown person put a VT plate on his van in his yard
14SF01739 Sex Offense 08:40:44 05/06/14 ACTIVE
100 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01740 Juvenile Prob 09:31:10 05/06/14 COMPLETE
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS; Gateway, Springfield, VT 05156
Juvenile out of control at the school
14SF01741 Citizen Dispute 09:37:22 05/06/14
BALTIMORE RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Male subject is assaulting the case worker and throwing items
14SF01742 Animal Problem 11:08:35 05/06/14 COMPLETE
BEECHWOOD LN, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a large black lab and a large german shepard, were in the backyard at and have gone over the embankment and now are in the area of
Vianor tire, caller is concerned they may get hit by a car, both reportedly have collars ...
14SF01743 Bad Check - NSF 11:11:46 05/06/14 COMPLETE
362 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a bad check, no address on check, did get his license number
14SF01744 Agency Assist 12:16:52 05/06/14 COMPLETE
I91 S mm39, Rockingham, VT
Assist 525 at accident at mm 39 sb, with injuries
14SF01745 Foot Patrol 12:49:44 05/06/14 COMPLETE
0 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot patrol on Main Street
14SF01746 Fingerprints 13:27:52 05/06/14 COMPLETE
14SF01747 Fingerprints 13:57:55 05/06/14 COMPLETE
14SF01748 Drugs 14:04:54 05/06/14 COMPLETE
WALL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Found a packet of believed to be heroin from accident scene (car v telephone pole)as subject was out checking the area
14SF01749 Welfare Check 14:21:13 05/06/14 COMPLETE
Spring St; Springfield, VT 05156
Request for welfare check on female - she was suppose to pick up subjects to go run errands and did not arrive, Michael went down by her apartment and knocked on the door with no answer and her van is in the driveway
14SF01750 Foot Patrol 15:05:36 05/06/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF01751 Sex Offense 15:12:00 05/06/14
100 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01752 Medical 15:17:46 05/06/14 COMPLETE
COTTAGE AVE; Springfield, VT 05156
Assist to A1
14SF01753 Welfare Check 15:35:33 05/06/14 COMPLETE
CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting Newer blueish grey veh was pulled off the side of the road near the toll bridge male subj approx 60ish in a red & white striped shirt was pulled over and appeared to be assaulting something be it animal/or person in the back seat.
14SF01754 Foot Patrol 15:56:57 05/06/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF01755 Intoxication 20:15:35 05/06/14 ECP
TOWN FARM RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting subj in a black hoody & tan pants went stumbling across his yard he went out, apparently armed, and the subject came out of the shed and went stumbling down thru and the RP shot one off "into the ground" and identified the male in question as ******** last seen heading toward Weathersfield Ctr Rd ...
14SF01756 Animal Problem 20:37:34 05/06/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Passenger in white for ranger type PU with a bunch of junk in the back just witnessed the passenger in the truck kick a german shepard in the face
14SF01757 911 Hangup 21:28:48 05/06/14 COMPLETE
14SF01758 Vandalism 23:02:26 05/06/14 ACTIVE
5 Spring Street, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting someone just vandalized his mother's van hood and door didn't see anyone unknown direction of travel
14SF01759 Unconsciousness 06:10:38 05/07/14 COMPLETE
UNION ST; Springfield, VT 05156
11 month old male unresponsive
14SF01760 Parking Problem 08:56:38 05/07/14 COMPLETE
Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
Red vehicle parked in the lower lot has been there all weekend
14SF01761 Mv Complaint 09:15:11 05/07/14 ACTIVE
Clinton St, Springfield, VT 05156
Attempt to stop motor vehicle
14SF01762 Theft 10:46:31 05/07/14 ACTIVE
MORGAN ST; Turning Point, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting his son stole his EBT Card and spent all the money on it.
14SF01763 Assault 10:48:34 05/07/14 COMPLETE
Mt View Dr, Springfield, VT 05156
Has two subject at the Parent Child Center reporting Domestic Abuse
14SF01764 Agency Assist 10:50:25 05/07/14 COMPLETE
700 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Serve RFA
14SF01765 Agency Assist 11:07:13 05/07/14 COMPLETE
MILL RD; Apt G, Springfield, VT 05156
Emergency juvenile protection order to be served
14SF01766 Suspicious 11:17:42 05/07/14 COMPLETE
110 VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a female sleeping in the apartment rented by male subject and Landlord(?) doesn't want anyone there
14SF01767 Juvenile Prob 13:39:56 05/07/14 COMPLETE
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of male out of control and not safe, need assistance in
transporting him to the ER as they cannot reach his mother, has thrown chairs and many other objects at staff and others and has had to be restrained 3 times today ...
14SF01768 Foot Patrol 14:32:52 05/07/14 COMPLETE
0 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot patrol on Main Street
14SF01769 Drugs 15:00:58 05/07/14 COMPLETE
2 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of 2 subjects just left the bowling alley and were snorting pills,
remnants were left in men and women’s bathroom at bowling alley.
14SF01770 Agency Assist 15:19:04 05/07/14 COMPLETE
354 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Serve subpoena to VTel
14SF01771 Assault 15:46:26 05/07/14 COMPLETE
Park St, Springfield, VT 05156
Female hit him in the head a couple of times and he wants the police to
Respond - parties have separated and both are saying no statements, no injury, no pain, ...
14SF01772 Citizen Assist 16:53:00 05/07/14 COMPLETE
MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Vehicle was struck while at the State bldg
14SF01773 Citizen Dispute 17:33:26 05/07/14 COMPLETE
MASSEY RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Mother has locked him out of the house - he says she is saying she is afraid of him and won't let him in to use the bathroom or anything.
14SF01774 Suspicious 17:46:36 05/07/14 COMPLETE
SUMMER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Caller wants to remain anonymous adv they heard breaking glass and slamming around sounds like someone breaking in or vandalizing the place.
14SF01775 Suspicious 18:00:22 05/07/14 COMPLETE
74 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
She was driving by and appeared to be someone playing around at the garage, with a red veh with broken glass, may be trying to take inspection sticker
14SF01776 Mv Complaint 20:26:46 05/07/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Female driving all over the road on Route 11, last seen at
the People's Bank
14SF01777 Noise Disturbance 21:26:57 05/07/14 ACTIVE
67 VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Group of people out in the parking lot hollering and yelling would like them to move along off the property
14SF01778 Sex Offense 22:14:55 05/07/14 ACTIVE
14SF01779 Suspicious 05:11:53 05/08/14 ACTIVE
Springfield, VT 05156
Advised she's a key holder for her neighbor’s house and he is out of state he called her and advised he saw a back and an arm on a camera located inside the residence around 0400 nobody is supposed to be in the house.
14SF01780 Burglary Alarm 07:10:37 05/08/14 FALSE
14SF01781 Assault 10:43:02 05/08/14 ARREST
22 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting that Dwight Bundy is assaulting her
14SF01782 Fraud 11:08:47 05/08/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Unknown person opened up a Comcast account at the above address in 2010.
14SF01783 Suspicious 11:36:59 05/08/14 ACTIVE
10 HOOVER ST; ELM HILL SCHOOL, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting possible tampering with a child’s medication
14SF01784 Suspicious 11:56:33 05/08/14 COMPLETE
LINHALE DR, Springfield, VT 05156
Male subject dressed in all black on a bike walking around his neighbor’s house
14SF01785 Vin Inspection 15:54:32 05/08/14 COMPLETE
14SF01786 Citizen Dispute 16:23:42 05/08/14 COMPLETE
BRIDGE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Driving by the blue house that was just foreclosed on and there is a male poking and pushing a female who is crying, yelling at her and pointing a finger in her face - a couple of cars slowed down but no one stopped.
14SF01787 Citizen Assist 17:32:22 05/08/14 COMPLETE
COMMONWEALTH AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01788 Citizen Assist 18:11:37 05/08/14 COMPLETE
POPLAR ST, Springfield, VT 05156
In the lobby would like to speak to an officer about his son whom he
believes broke into his house and his mother’s house while they
were away on vacation, also has no trespass notices for these 2
locations. ...
14SF01789 Unconsciousness 18:39:21 05/08/14 COMPLETE
CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Elderly male passed out/collapsed in the bathroom
14SF01790 Citizen Assist 20:04:31 05/08/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Male in the lobby adv he is being threatened via cell phone
14SF01791 Animal Problem 20:33:11 05/08/14 COMPLETE
ELM HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Numerous calls adv of a Bear in the back yard
14SF01792 Vin Inspection 20:48:55 05/08/14 COMPLETE
14SF01793 Agency Assist 21:27:30 05/08/14 COMPLETE
STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Serve subpoena
14SF01794 Animal Problem 22:10:15 05/08/14 COMPLETE
WALL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Bear is on their porch - he has called 3 times - first it was just in the back yard and knocked over the bird feeder then it went down over the bank toward the river and now it is on their porch and they want it scared away or shot
14SF01795 Agency Assist 22:13:13 05/08/14 COMPLETE
PARK ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Young male missing from Chester possibly coming over to see inhabitants
of the Woolson Block, if he is found scoop him up and call Chester.
14SF01796 Mv Complaint 22:26:24 05/08/14 COMPLETE
Summer St, Springfield, VT 05156
Out screening the female
14SF01797 Wanted Person 00:54:27 05/09/14 ARREST
33 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
95 with Cody Greenslit
14SF01798 Suspicious 01:18:49 05/09/14 COMPLETE
90 MAIN ST; Wall St, Springfield, VT 05156
Saw a couple guys going through her car parked out back of 90 Main St she scared them off they didn't take anything and her car was unlocked. They left unknown direction in a white 2 door chevy car with temp plate one was a heavyset male wearing shorts and possibly a blue shirt the other was identified by name ...
14SF01799 Foot Patrol 04:29:11 05/09/14 ACTIVE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol Main St
14SF01800 Background 07:36:05 05/09/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01801 Suspicious 08:42:48 05/09/14 ACTIVE
307 SOUTH ST; TECH CENTER, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01803 Vin Inspection 10:17:34 05/09/14 COMPLETE
14SF01804 Theft 10:50:42 05/09/14 COMPLETE
2 WHITE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Theft of money and Rx drugs
14SF01805 Mv Complaint 11:21:40 05/09/14 COMPLETE
SOUTH ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of female operating VT reg. a red Malibu pulling out of high
school without looking and almost causing him to hit her, followed her to
South Street where she parked the car and ran into the house, complainant is sitting in front of the residence in his red Chevy pickup king cab awaiting an officer ...
14SF01806 Fraud 12:11:03 05/09/14 ACTIVE
TERRACE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of fraud that has been occurring using her information and accounts since October 2013
14SF01807 Animal Problem 12:45:41 05/09/14 COMPLETE
CRAIGUE HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Animal cruelty issue that Anne (*from humane society) needs to speak to an officer about that is occurring at Craigue Hill Road
14SF01808 Vandalism 13:54:10 05/09/14 COMPLETE
353 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Vandalism to the store; has a picture, possibly video of persons who did it - work at Precision Valley next door.
14SF01809 Agency Assist 14:52:26 05/09/14 COMPLETE
25 RIDGEWOOD RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Subpoena to be served on Springfield Hospital for Windham Criminal Court
14SF01810 Agency Assist 15:19:28 05/09/14 ACTIVE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist to DCYF NH
14SF01811 Assault 16:33:16 05/09/14
105 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting Patient on Patient assault
14SF01812 Assault 17:59:13 05/09/14 ACTIVE
2 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Statement of cup of coffee thrown at her
14SF01813 Littering 18:00:55 05/09/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of trash being dumped at 57/52 Wall Street
14SF01814 Burglary Alarm 19:13:03 05/09/14 FALSE
14SF01815 Wanted Person 20:45:12 05/09/14 ARRESTED
OLIVE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Shanice Nieves warrant
14SF01816 Service Of Apo 20:47:02 05/09/14 ACTIVE
700 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Service of various paperwork
14SF01817 Agency Assist 21:00:38 05/09/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Service of selectboard packets
14SF01818 Suspicious 22:21:58 05/09/14 COMPLETE
10 WILL DEAN RD; Lower Level, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting group of young people about 8 of them wandering around on the sidewalk outside arrived in a veh doesn't know who they are or what they are doing
14SF01819 Assault 22:53:53 05/09/14 COMPLETE
Reporting being assaulted at the High School today subject slammed
a door in his face causing him (RP) to sustain a black eye. Advised he reported the incident to the principal
14SF01820 Traffic Hazard 23:52:55 05/09/14 COMPLETE
Connecticut River Rd, Springfield, VT 05156
Tree across the roadway blocking both lanes no lines with it
14SF01821 Dui - 00:15:57 05/10/14 ARREST
CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01822 Agency Assist 00:53:52 05/10/14 COMPLETE
MARK ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Assisting A1 with an extremely intoxicated male in the basement
14SF01823 Accident Pd 01:59:07 05/10/14 COMPLETE
VT ROUTE 106; CO Rd, Springfield, VT 05156
Subject dozed off hit the guard rail advised no injuries does not
need an ambulance for himself or female passenger no fluids leaking just a flat tire. On Star is going to take care of the tow truck..
14SF01824 Service Of Apo 07:33:40 05/10/14 ACTIVE
700 CHARLESTOWN RD; Johnson, Springfield, VT 05156
Serve TRO at SSCF
14SF01825 Trespassing 07:40:54 05/10/14 ACTIVE
POPLAR ST, Springfield, VT 05156
They have a no trespass in place - subject was just there at their
house trying to get in
14SF01826 Alarm 08:13:40 05/10/14 ARREST
33 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Has photos etc of a malicious pull of a fire alarm
14SF01827 Vandalism 10:09:29 05/10/14 ACTIVE
115 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
VTel is there now it appears that someone cut the phone lines to the bldg
14SF01828 Citizen Assist 12:01:26 05/10/14 ACTIVE
57 WALL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
R/P requested copy faxed to PD from the Div of Fire Safety to remove his
personal items.
14SF01829 Agency Assist 13:05:18 05/10/14 COMPLETE
PLEASANT VALLEY RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist w/control burn out of control,
14SF01830 Agency Assist 14:37:13 05/10/14 ACTIVE
CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Closure of I91 on ramp for Ascutney intercept
14SF01831 Citizen Dispute 15:45:52 05/10/14 COMPLETE
BALTIMORE RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Requesting assistance with male subject advised he has been yelling screaming for 3 hours now and is just uncontrollable keeps trying to leave – apparently not permitted to do so
14SF01832 Suspicious 17:15:37 05/10/14 COMPLETE
FRENCH MEADOW RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting basket of bones in swamp wrapped in rope
14SF01833 Mv Complaint 18:44:50 05/10/14 COMPLETE
WHITCOMB ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting white cobalt or cavelier with temp tag operating erratically came flying down whitcomb squealing tires and swerving on to Pine headed towards Lewis St
14SF01834 Foot Patrol 19:30:20 05/10/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF01835 Citizen Dispute 20:01:50 05/10/14 COMPLETE
SOUTH ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting 2 males fist fighting - separated but continued to look agitated with each other
14SF01836 Citizen Assist 20:48:02 05/10/14 COMPLETE
BALTIMORE RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Male Subject out of control throwing furniture - screaming
14SF01837 Accident Pd 22:15:16 05/10/14 COMPLETE
Tarbell Road, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of Chev blazer on its side Tarbell Road no one with the veh
14SF01838 Foot Patrol 23:46:44 05/10/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF01839 Agency Assist 23:49:23 05/10/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST; Mobil, Springfield, VT 05156
Serve trespass paperwork and citation
Total Incidents for This Report: 197
CALLS FOR SERVICE ~ MAY 11 - 17, 2014
June 6, 2014 at 4:51am
Number Nature Date Disposition
14SF01840 Suspicious 00:29:23 05/11/14 COMPLETE
GOODYEAR AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
People outside ringing her doorbell
Jason M. Shaffer alias Todd Swan Birthdate: October 10, 1990. Background check: A con artist who has resided in Middlebury, Westmore, Salisbury, and Springfield, VT.
BACON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
2 subjects with flashlights going through a truck across the St
14SF01842 Citizen Assist 04:03:50 05/11/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Male was in a 10-50 earlier he's RP's ex and she's wondering where
her kids are - they were with him.
14SF01843 Citizen Assist 10:04:35 05/11/14 COMPLETE
9 ELM HILL RD; MILLER ART CTR, Springfield, VT 05156
2 subjects at the bottom of Elm Hill voluntary xport to PD re pulling of fire alarm from Woolson Bldg. 14S01826
14SF01844 Accident Pd 10:15:43 05/11/14 COMPLETE
89 CLINTON ST; Edgar May Rec Center, Springfield, VT 05156
Vehicle scraped along the side of the Rec Ctr, no PI female oper inside of the Center w/ RP.
14SF01845 Citizen Assist 11:42:59 05/11/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
14 yo out of control is Bipolar
14SF01846 Suspicious 11:57:20 05/11/14 COMPLETE
WALL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting bike on sidewalk wasn't there earlier is there now concerned it may be Stolen
14SF01847 Suspicious 14:10:29 05/11/14 COMPLETE
COTTAGE AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Found white cap with white substance in it on his property advised there has been a lot of activity in the area that he had previously reported as well
14SF01848 Foot Patrol 15:07:22 05/11/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF01849 Theft 17:32:38 05/11/14 ACTIVE
WHITCOMB ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting $260 in fundraiser money and her husband’s oxy was stolen sometime between 11 am and they climbed in thru open bedroom window while people were in the house
14SF01850 Mv Complaint 17:59:00 05/11/14 COMPLETE
SCHOOL NS; Main Street NSP, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting white & blue PU bearing vt reg racing around skidding sideways
and high rates of speed back and forth out school street and main streets
14SF01851 Animal Problem 18:46:07 05/11/14 COMPLETE
PINE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Loose dog in area of Pine belongs to yellow house near pre-school constant problem it defecates on everyone’s lawn
14SF01852 Theft 20:06:25 05/11/14 COMPLETE
SIOUX DR, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting her husband's wallet stolen out of car while at address came out and found passenger side door open wallet was in glove box
14SF01853 Agency Assist 22:33:24 05/11/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Body relay – Male Subj from BF PD To Spfld....midway meet on I91
14SF01854 Foot Patrol 01:11:50 05/12/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01855 Theft 05:57:35 05/12/14 ACTIVE
2 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Left his bike at the foot bridge in the Plaza and was stolen happened about 2 weeks ago.
14SF01856 Burglary Alarm 06:09:07 05/12/14 FALSE
14SF01857 Foot Patrol 10:08:40 05/12/14 COMPLETE
Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
Directed Patrol
14SF01858 Threatening 10:36:35 05/12/14 COMPLETE
Reporting on student threatened to bring a gun into school and shoot another. That student has been suspended
14SF01859 Accident Pd 11:37:16 05/12/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of complainant striking a parked vehicle with his vehicle in People's United parking lot
14SF01860 Theft 12:20:30 05/12/14 COMPLETE
UNION ST; UNION ST SCHOOL, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of theft of $301 in jump rope for heart money back reported to her
05/07/14 by PE teacher from the desk drawer, desk not locked but room was
14SF01861 Disorderly 12:29:42 05/12/14 COMPLETE
33 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a male subject shooting some sort of a gun from the second or third window of the Woolson Block window at a can and objects on the sidewalk, caller could only advise it was a male subject wearing a red McDonald's arch t-shirt
14SF01862 Suspicious 12:52:05 05/12/14 COMPLETE
73 VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a hypodermic needle on the ground at the corner of Pleasant and Valley St
14SF01863 Citizen Dispute 13:22:44 05/12/14 ARREST
COMMONWEALTH AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Mail lady and another female saw a domestic between two females and two males
14SF01864 Theft 13:33:26 05/12/14 ARREST
2 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Alec Supernois - shopping lifting
14SF01865 Threatening 14:49:00 05/12/14 COMPLETE
47 SOUTH ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Report of threatening text messages being received from one female to another because she will not go buy drugs for her
14SF01866 Juvenile Prob 15:29:59 05/12/14 COMPLETE
PARK ST; Main Street, Springfield, VT 05156
Group of subjects obstructing the sidewalk at the corner of Main & Park refused to move for woman with stroller
14SF01867 Theft 16:12:56 05/12/14 ACTIVE
2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting theft of bottle of 409 cleaner
14SF01868 Mv Complaint 16:15:35 05/12/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting that female who is operating a blue Saab with stickers in the
back window and VT reg is operating erratically doing 50 on Main St in a
25mph zone weaving around cars
14SF01869 Citizen Dispute 16:47:03 05/12/14 ARREST
1 spring street, Springfield, VT 05156
Initial Report of Male female in physical altercation second call from male advising assaulted by female no weapons but both have been drinking
that things are smashed all over she has gone back to her apartment and locked the door
14SF01870 911 Hangup 17:53:06 05/12/14 COMPLETE
14SF01871 Sex Offense 18:25:26 05/12/14
25 RIDGEWOOD RD, Springfield, VT 05156
ED Fast Track room @ Hospital reporting sexual assault occurred
last night in Springfield
14SF01872 Suspicious 19:17:49 05/12/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Male subject staggering all over the place on Main St near the Congo church
14SF01873 Threatening 19:57:06 05/12/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting male has left his res in a vehicle and is under
the influence of alcohol or bath salts or something after threatening the RP and his children
14SF01874 Mv Complaint 20:21:25 05/12/14 COMPLETE
RANDALL HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting small red car racing up and down road allegedly being driven by a 14 yo
14SF01875 Citizen Dispute 20:40:15 05/12/14 ARREST
MAIN ST; Park Street, Springfield, VT 05156
Initial report that truck was following her around town then old male operator started yelling at her boyfriend about his possible drug dealing
activities then multiple calls came in for a 4+ person 10-10 corner of Park & Main 4 young males one black and older males maybe 30s /40s in a fight ...
14SF01876 Suspicious 21:34:44 05/12/14 COMPLETE
ST MARY’S CEMETERY, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting susp activity in St Mary’s Cemetery veh up in the back on the Orchard Lane side veh up in there lights go on and off
14SF01877 Citizen Assist 21:44:55 05/12/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Calling advising he is highly intoxicated and feeling suicidal and
wants to speak to an officer
14SF01878 Citizen Assist 22:03:20 05/12/14
EUREKA RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting female has his van and needs to return it
14SF01879 Service Of Apo 22:23:27 05/12/14 COMPLETE
700 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01880 Theft 23:05:03 05/12/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Claiming female stole 30 of his Klonipin
14SF01881 Vandalism 23:20:48 05/12/14 COMPLETE
SCHOOL NS, Springfield, VT 05156
Male broke into the Apt - broke a window told the RP who prefers to
remain anonymous that "they are going to pay" he is now hiding out and prowling around the elem school waiting for them to get home
14SF01882 Mv Complaint 23:34:07 05/12/14 COMPLETE
People up at the HS burning out and being ridiculously loud with their vehicles
14SF01883 Foot Patrol 23:41:40 05/12/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01884 Agency Assist 00:58:03 05/13/14 COMPLETE
25 RIDGEWOOD RD, Springfield, VT 05156
They have a female subj there brought in by GCA, she's trying to leave and she can't leave. -She has left the Hospital on foot
14SF01885 Suspicious 01:57:24 05/13/14 COMPLETE
Chester Road, Springfield, VT 05156
Some sort of disturbance at the residence behind the redemption center
14SF01886 Citizen Assist 10:08:12 05/13/14 COMPLETE
43 UNION ST; UNION ST SCHOOL, Springfield, VT 05156
Child had the hair pulled by an assistant teacher while at school on Monday
14SF01887 Suspicious 10:10:56 05/13/14
Student reported to the school that she has received Nude Photos from a man in New York on her cell phone
14SF01888 Bad Check - NSF 10:36:18 05/13/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Received a Bad Check from a subject out of Reading VT
14SF01889 Accident Pd 10:50:53 05/13/14 COMPLETE
105 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
2 vehicle 10-50 no PI
14SF01890 911 Hangup 11:44:23 05/13/14 COMPLETE
14SF01891 Fingerprints 12:55:59 05/13/14
14SF01892 Fingerprints 13:09:15 05/13/14
14SF01893 Fingerprints 13:35:13 05/13/14
14SF01894 Foot Patrol 14:04:41 05/13/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Directed patrol
14SF01895 Fingerprints 14:40:38 05/13/14
14SF01896 Suspicious 15:05:40 05/13/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a group of subjects set off a smoke bomb the size of a basketball in front of movie theater
14SF01897 Citizen Assist 16:02:06 05/13/14 COMPLETE
Developmentally Challenged subject residing in home throwing dishes at
14SF01898 Suspicious 16:43:14 05/13/14 COMPLETE
High Street, Springfield, VT 05156
Complaint of drug smell in her apartment coming from the neighbors
14SF01899 Citizen Dispute 18:00:46 05/13/14 COMPLETE
SPENCER HOLLOW RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting active domestic out front of residence with daughter and father of child out on front lawn
14SF01900 Mv Complaint 18:05:39 05/13/14 COMPLETE
2 VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Anon Male reporting female operating erratically in the Valley St area
that she will be heading toward interstate and that there is a shotgun in the vehicle
14SF01901 Wanted Person 18:37:09 05/13/14 ARREST
Spring street, Springfield, VT 05156
Tammy Getty Active Warrant FTA
14SF01902 Welfare Check 19:16:34 05/13/14 COMPLETE
Springfield Area, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting 16 yo sending her suicidal text messages - they had been
dating and according to the rp had a bad break up
14SF01903 Assault 20:42:21 05/13/14 ARREST
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Advising assaulted by male subject when he arrived to pick up babysitter – appears to be obvious injury to shoulder and road rash
14SF01904 Assault 20:49:23 05/13/14 ARREST
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting of a domestic 3rd flor child could be heard screaming in the
background male & female
14SF01905 Burglary Alarm 20:57:08 05/13/14 COMPLETE
14SF01906 Burglary Alarm 06:08:06 05/14/14 COMPLETE
14SF01907 Citizen Assist 07:04:28 05/14/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting his 14yo daughter giving sexual favors to a 20 male
14SF01908 Agency Assist 09:33:41 05/14/14 COMPLETE
VT ROUTE 106, Springfield, VT 05156
Request from VSP Rock to have an officer assist due to M447 being tied up on an arrest and no trooper in the area to check on a report of coca cola stuck in a ditch about 1 mile north of deli in Weathersfield on Route 106. Causing traffic hazard...
14SF01909 Agency Assist 10:08:21 05/14/14 COMPLETE
SLACK AVE, Springfield, VT 05156
Request for service of subpoena Faxed to us from Hardwick PD
14SF01910 911 Hangup 10:51:22 05/14/14 COMPLETE
14SF01911 Suspicious 12:58:31 05/14/14 COMPLETE
PARK ST; Main, Springfield, VT 05156
Group of people setting off smoke bombs
14SF01912 Citizen Assist 13:53:47 05/14/14 COMPLETE
BALTIMORE RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist with male subject behavioral issues
14SF01913 Vin Inspection 14:05:38 05/14/14
14SF01914 Foot Patrol 15:21:26 05/14/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01915 Agency Assist 16:08:32 05/14/14 COMPLETE
BALTIMORE RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist HCRS with male subject...
14SF01916 Traffic Hazard 16:54:58 05/14/14 COMPLETE
BAKER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Tree down / hanging on the Comcast Wires partially obstructing the roadway
14SF01917 Animal Noise 18:42:03 05/14/14 COMPLETE
VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
She lives on Elm Hill and can hear this poor dog yelping and barking and whining all day and she is finally at her breaking point and had to call.
14SF01918 Trespassing 19:17:51 05/14/14
VALLEY ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Got to the residence to take care of the dogs and found subjects there, one male was inside the house. 2 males 1 female one subject has khaki shorts and orange t shirt, the female was wearing an orange tank top, the other male was wearing jean shorts and purple shirt. went up over the hill towards Elm Terrace...
14SF01919 Theft 20:50:48 05/14/14 ARREST
RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Works at Dollar General and there are 2 girls shoplifting
14SF01920 Suspicious 21:13:09 05/14/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
RP adv she needs the Springfield Police and the State Police to come to
Brattleboro, she is in need of help and they won't help her, she says they are all corrupt (among other things)
14SF01921 Service Of Apo 23:56:29 05/14/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Service of Juvenile Protection Order ..
14SF01922 Foot Patrol 00:09:54 05/15/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF01923 Citizen Dispute 02:05:01 05/15/14 COMPLETE
UNION ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Female out of control yelling got into an argument shoving some hitting there is a firearm in the bedroom where she just was both have been drinking this evening.
14SF01924 Fingerprints 09:40:29 05/15/14
14SF01925 Fingerprints 09:53:56 05/15/14
14SF01926 Vandalism 10:57:33 05/15/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of hair salon front window at Main Street shot at with what appears to be a BB gun
14SF01927 Welfare Check 11:15:00 05/15/14 COMPLETE
Requesting welfare check on student who is not at school
14SF01928 Foot Patrol 12:48:26 05/15/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Directed Patrol
14SF01929 Foot Patrol 14:22:42 05/15/14 COMPLETE
0 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot patrol on Main st
14SF01930 Welfare Check 14:40:07 05/15/14 COMPLETE
HERRICK ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Request for welfare check on complainant's son. He has not heard from him in a long time and no return calls from his messages.
14SF01931 Background 15:57:14 05/15/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
background check
14SF01933 Found Property 16:12:54 05/15/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01934 Welfare Check 16:14:10 05/15/14 COMPLETE
STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Male reported that he got ahold of medication that is not his and they
would like him checked on
14SF01935 Citizen Assist 16:44:59 05/15/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Woman and her daughter getting harassed by cell phone and Facebook
messages by a juv male
14SF01936 Intoxication 17:57:38 05/15/14 COMPLETE
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS, Springfield, VT 05156
Adv rec’d info 3rd party adv there is an intoxicated individual near one of the fields at the Middle School
14SF01937 Suspicious 19:02:13 05/15/14 COMPLETE
STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Heard the sound of a gun pop just before a bullet whizzed past her head
14SF01938 Mv Complaint 19:45:32 05/15/14 COMPLETE
WALL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Car all over driving like an idiot - Red Acura no plates at all on the vehicle
14SF01939 Wanted Person 21:54:44 05/15/14 ARREST
700 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Lawrence Daniels picked up from NH and delivered to SSCF has a warrant that needs to be served.
14SF01940 Agency Assist 23:29:01 05/15/14 COMPLETE
14SF01941 Foot Patrol 02:01:07 05/16/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF01942 Burglary Alarm 03:33:17 05/16/14 COMPLETE
14SF01943 Agency Assist 07:06:58 05/16/14 COMPLETE
170 ROCKINGHAM RD, Rockingham, VT
Assisting BF PD
14SF01944 Juvenile Prob 09:22:37 05/16/14 COMPLETE
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS, Springfield, VT 05156
Need help with a juvenile that is running around outside and won't come in
14SF01945 Wanted Person 09:37:39 05/16/14 ARREST
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS, Springfield, VT 05156
Shane T Allen
14SF01946 Misconduct 14:46:02 05/16/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01947 Suspicious 17:18:06 05/16/14 COMPLETE
2 SPRINGFIELD PLZ, Springfield, VT 05156
Subj in neon green Fiesta hatchback making sexual gestures at him and keeps driving by him in the plaza staring at him
14SF01948 Citizen Assist 19:25:40 05/16/14 COMPLETE
105 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting 82 yo homicidal ideations acting violent has Seroquel
on board no effect
14SF01949 911 Hangup 20:57:17 05/16/14 COMPLETE
14SF01950 Agency Assist 21:10:05 05/16/14 COMPLETE
STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Stand by with HCRS on a welfare check
14SF01951 Burglary Alarm 01:28:18 05/17/14 FALSE
14SF01952 Foot Patrol 10:53:16 05/17/14 COMPLETE
Main Street, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot patrol detail.
14SF01953 Foot Patrol 13:26:17 05/17/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol on Main St.
14SF01954 Citizen Dispute 13:52:40 05/17/14 COMPLETE
105 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Violent male resident at H&R threw walker at staff.
Jason M. Shaffer alias Todd Swan Birthdate: October 10, 1990. Background check: A con artist who has resided in Middlebury, Westmore, Salisbury, and Springfield, VT.
CLINTON ST; Penguin Mart, Springfield, VT 05156
Male was on the store grounds outside in a Subaru in violation of trespass notice
14SF01956 Citizen Dispute 14:59:08 05/17/14 COMPLETE
90 Main Street, Springfield, VT 05156
Attempting to remove personal belonging in Apt and his friend is not allowing him to do so.
14SF01957 Citizen Assist 16:28:02 05/17/14 COMPLETE
25 RIDGEWOOD RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Pam from ED requesting officer for male trying to leave AMA there on
crisis watch no other authorities watching over him he's been there 13.5 hours
14SF01958 Suspicious 18:25:28 05/17/14 COMPLETE
33 MAIN ST; corner, Springfield, VT 05156
Advised witnessed older woman approach black male on corner with his pants hanging down around his ass she bought a package from him and left walking heading toward state office complex has grey & black hair dark/black shirt & sweatpants on ...
14SF01959 Directed Patrol 18:35:05 05/17/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Attempt to shut down or at least slow down drug dealing on Main Street
14SF01960 Foot Patrol 18:42:27 05/17/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF01961 Suspicious 19:03:58 05/17/14 COMPLETE
Park Street, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting each weekend a male subj looks to be in 50s wearing tshirt shorts sandals pot belly shows up at old store gets greated by subject and then comes out with "brown bags of groceries" which is odd as the store is closed. Last week he brought out 3 bags
14SF01962 Welfare Check 19:08:17 05/17/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
Can't reach 80 yo grandmother that comes to stay with her son in N Spfld usually hears from her every week can't reach by phone
14SF01963 Agency Assist 19:48:00 05/17/14 COMPLETE
BAKER HTS, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist to Bratt PD
14SF01964 Intoxication 21:36:51 05/17/14 COMPLETE
MAPLE DELL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Male subject on her front porch intoxicated would like him removed
14SF01965 Suspicious 22:40:31 05/17/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Suspicious activity Bank Block parking lot & 33 Main St
14SF01966 Foot Patrol 23:47:09 05/17/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
Total Incidents for This Report: 126
CALLS FOR SERVICE ~ MAY 18 - 24, 2014
June 6, 2014 at 1:43am
Number Nature Date Disposition
14SF01967 Citizen Dispute 00:00:33 05/18/14 COMPLETE
PARK ST; , Springfield, VT 05156
Male came to her apartment and kicked at her door he's intoxicated
demanding items of his that RP says are not inside he's since left unknown direction of travel unknown weapons
14SF01968 Citizen Assist 08:25:20 05/18/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Wants to harm self and is very stressed. Wearing purple skirt/grey shirt. In front of USPO.
14SF01969 Foot Patrol 10:27:35 05/18/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Main St detail.
14SF01970 Fall 11:10:01 05/18/14 COMPLETE
MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
57 yo fem fell down flight of stairs laceration to head and wrist
injury no loss of consciousness located on 3rd floor – Assist to A1
14SF01971 Foot Patrol 14:25:11 05/18/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF01972 Mv Complaint 15:44:19 05/18/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting black Harley weaving in and out of cars passing on the left & right 2 subj on bike followed from dollar store to 106 intersection
14SF01973 Vin Inspection 16:55:35 05/18/14 COMPLETE
14SF01974 Mv Complaint 17:51:29 05/18/14 COMPLETE
0 FAIRGROUND RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting subject racing around again in junk white durango almost backed
over her husband at one point
14SF01975 Mv Complaint 19:17:57 05/18/14 COMPLETE
FAIRGROUND RD, Springfield, VT 05156
2 small black cars racing side by side x3 on Fairground road believes one of them is young female and the other is a small black car with an air
spoiler on the back. Advised they have been thru Fairground road x3 today at high rates of speed and almost hit a subject with his kids
14SF01976 Welfare Check 20:38:03 05/18/14 COMPLETE
PARK ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Advising female highly intox expressing suicidal ideations
14SF01977 Noise Disturbance 22:19:07 05/18/14 COMPLETE
157 PARK ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Tenants in apt 4 playing music loudly
14SF01978 Suspicious 00:31:26 05/19/14 COMPLETE
Spring St, Springfield, VT 05156
Suspicious veh on Spring St male in the veh - will make contact
14SF01979 Foot Patrol 01:16:02 05/19/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01980 Suspicious 07:49:30 05/19/14 COMPLETE
Summer St, Springfield, VT 05156
Request assist with a tent in Hartness park
14SF01981 Theft 08:14:46 05/19/14 COMPLETE
159 FAIRGROUND RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting that 25-30 old Battery's were stolen over the weekend from the
Recycling Center
14SF01982 Agency Assist 08:33:47 05/19/14 COMPLETE
700 Charlestown Rd; Springfield, VT 05156
Serve a temp RFA
14SF01983 Citizen Assist 08:54:09 05/19/14 ACTIVE
CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Vehicle was entered sometime between Friday night and Sunday morning
14SF01984 Agency Assist 10:11:30 05/19/14 COMPLETE
700 Charlestown Rd; Springfield, VT 05156
Serve an RFA
14SF01985 Theft 11:01:25 05/19/14 ACTIVE
140 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of wallet stolen out of a locker in the men’s locker room at the Edgar May Health Center on Sunday between 1000 and 1100 hours
14SF01986 Burglary Alarm 11:05:00 05/19/14 FALSE
Panic alarm received received the wrong response on call back
14SF01987 Mv Complaint 11:19:06 05/19/14 COMPLETE
Spoonerville Rd, spr, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF01988 Citizen Assist 15:25:16 05/19/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Complaint about officers harassing her kids. Boyfriend yelling and screaming obscenities in the background.
14SF01989 Safety Hazard 17:06:54 05/19/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST NS, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting 3 kids 7-5-baby unattended roadside 5 yo riding into roadway
14SF01990 Mv Complaint 17:30:01 05/19/14 COMPLETE
I91 NB, Springfield, VT 05156
Rockingham requesting officers to I91 ref Uhaul all over the road just passing x6
14SF01991 Foot Patrol 18:02:33 05/19/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Multiple calls about subj setting off smoke bombs in the center of town some off the fountain some off into the roadway
14SF01992 Citizen Dispute 18:37:17 05/19/14 COMPLETE
242 TOWN FARM RD; Springfield, VT 05156
Trying to obtain son's property from foster parents - got locked out then yelling swearing
14SF01993 Citizen Assist 19:16:35 05/19/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Requesting to speak to Shift supervisor about officer harassing her son
14SF01994 Runaway Juvenile 20:11:33 05/19/14
CENTRAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting daughter just took off from res concerned she may be suicidal found razors in her bedroom LSW jeans & white shirt/blouse other info to follow
14SF01995 Welfare Check 21:02:01 05/19/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Anon called advising male’s girlfriend leaving him he allegedly
restrained her and has since cut his forearm width wise unsure how deep as caller is not on scene but in the area female is not under his control at the moment but is in the vacinity...A1 notified and is staging in area
14SF01996 Misconduct 21:32:07 05/19/14 COMPLETE
14SF01997 Citizen Dispute 21:48:35 05/19/14
33 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Requested by officer
14SF01998 Burglary Alarm 03:29:45 05/20/14 FALSE
14SF01999 Animal Problem 03:47:08 05/20/14 COMPLETE
Interstate 91 S; 53/4, Springfield, VT 05156
VSP dispatch called to ask if we could go and dispatch a deer that has been hit and still alive in the roadway
14SF02000 Animal Problem 06:18:12 05/20/14 COMPLETE
Chester Road; French Meadow, Springfield, VT 05156
Raccoon covered in porcupine quills they think it might be rabid and afraid to go out of apt past it
14SF02001 Misconduct 08:34:49 05/20/14 ACTIVE
14SF02002 Background 09:08:08 05/20/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Background checks for the Town Clerk
14SF02003 Agency Assist 09:59:15 05/20/14 ACTIVE
33 MAIN ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Serve a Subpoena
14SF02004 Foot Patrol 10:16:38 05/20/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Directed patrol
14SF02005 Agency Assist 10:17:29 05/20/14 COMPLETE
96 Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
Assist with missing male subject located at 96 Main St
14SF02006 Citizen Assist 10:24:47 05/20/14 COMPLETE
43 SUMMER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Subjects who were evicted are now sitting on the steps of the apartment building.
14SF02007 Suspicious 10:50:31 05/20/14 ACTIVE
OLIVE ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Found drug paraphernalia in her apartment
14SF02008 Foot Patrol 11:43:34 05/20/14 COMPLETE
0 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot patrol on Main Street
14SF02009 Animal Problem 11:53:52 05/20/14 COMPLETE
JUNIPER HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of dogs left in a car at hair salon on Juniper Hill, VT reg. a
dark blue Honda Accord
14SF02010 Animal Problem 12:23:56 05/20/14 COMPLETE
47 SOUTH ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Dog left in the car windows up not running
14SF02011 Suspicious 12:47:50 05/20/14 COMPLETE
STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Report from complainant that his wife just returned home and entered the home to find the back door open and boot prints leading into the house. She thinks someone is in the cellar.
14SF02014 Foot Patrol 13:07:50 05/20/14 ACTIVE
0 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot patrol on Main Street
14SF02012 Fingerprints 13:24:54 05/20/14
14SF02013 Citizen Assist 13:26:48 05/20/14 COMPLETE
CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Tenant is in an area where he is not allowed
14SF02015 Fingerprints 13:38:44 05/20/14
14SF02016 Fingerprints 13:55:53 05/20/14
14SF02017 Fingerprints 14:10:40 05/20/14
14SF02018 Mv Complaint 14:26:15 05/20/14 ACTIVE
209 RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Stopped VT reg. at 1422 hours at Mobil on River Street.
14SF02019 Fingerprints 14:30:40 05/20/14
14SF02020 Fingerprints 14:37:29 05/20/14
14SF02021 Agency Assist 14:49:43 05/20/14 ACTIVE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Emptied the drug box.
14SF02022 Accident Pi 15:30:58 05/20/14 COMPLETE
PARKER HILL RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting off with veh attempt to evade on Parker Hill? Requesting a1 subj with broken lower leg? Need another unit for traffic control road is blocked a1 off on scene with roll over mva 1 patient
14SF02023 Citizen Assist 17:38:35 05/20/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting 7 yo squeezed a cat to the point blood came out of it's mouth cat had to be put down
14SF02024 Welfare Check 18:17:36 05/20/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Requesting welfare check on godfather to RP tried calling for 1.5
days line is constantly busy
14SF02025 Foot Patrol 18:45:41 05/20/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot patrol
14SF02026 Accident Pd 18:55:49 05/20/14 COMPLETE
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS, Springfield, VT 05156
Black Mazda hit her Toyota
14SF02027 Phone Problem 19:04:33 05/20/14 COMPLETE
WESTVIEW TER, Springfield, VT 05156
Threatening text message from unknown source
14SF02028 Breathing 21:45:11 05/20/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
A1 Assist - Link to Life call 2 nitro on board Diff Breathing no other details
14SF02030 Agency Assist 01:11:00 05/21/14 COMPLETE
25 RIDGEWOOD RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Assisting with a blood kit and paperwork
14SF02029 Foot Patrol 03:16:03 05/21/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF02031 Accident Pi 07:23:33 05/21/14 COMPLETE
4 HILLSIDE RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Vehicle into the back of a box truck, 26yo female with chest pain she did have airbag deployment.
14SF02032 Animal Problem 08:18:48 05/21/14 COMPLETE
MAYS RD, Springfield, VT 05156
The dog is loose again
14SF02033 Juvenile Prob 08:53:54 05/21/14
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS; Gateway, Springfield, VT 05156
7yo student attacking the staff
14SF02034 Animal Problem 09:48:43 05/21/14 COMPLETE
25 RIDGEWOOD RD, Springfield, VT 05156
NH reg vehicle with two dogs in the vehicle
14SF02035 Mv Complaint 09:57:59 05/21/14 COMPLETE
South St, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting a tailgating issue
14SF02036 Fingerprints 10:38:35 05/21/14
14SF02037 Foot Patrol 11:16:11 05/21/14 COMPLETE
0 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Request for foot patrol on Main St
14SF02038 Suspicious 12:23:19 05/21/14 COMPLETE
MATTSON RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting a pile of needles in a pull off at the town line
14SF02039 Foot Patrol 12:38:37 05/21/14 ACTIVE
0 MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Requested card for foot patrol on Main St
14SF02040 Suspicious 12:39:17 05/21/14 COMPLETE
2 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Working on flower beds in plaza by Merchants Bank drive through and found a needle
14SF02041 Theft 12:56:43 05/21/14 ACTIVE
47 SOUTH ST ; Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a $300.00 money order stolen from him while staying at 47 South Street happened last weekend, he has been in contact with them and asked them about it, both deny it, he told them if they have it to rip it up.
14SF02042 Burglary Alarm 13:34:13 05/21/14 FALSE
14SF02043 Citizen Assist 17:09:24 05/21/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Questions regarding identity theft due to a credit card lost at Riverside Middle school and a student finding it and using it.
14SF02044 Welfare Check 17:17:26 05/21/14 COMPLETE
Wife is not answering the phone - it has been going to voicemail which is not like her, she has a history of stroke and heart attacks, would like someone to go check on her, he is on the road.
14SF02045 Accident Pd 17:49:20 05/21/14 COMPLETE
CHERRY HILL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
2 car MVA no injuries, no fluids
14SF02046 Citizen Dispute 18:52:22 05/21/14 COMPLETE
STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Female adv someone better get there soon or it's gonna be a domestic – she doesn't want him there - Chester Unit out assisting officer
14SF02047 Welfare Check 18:58:56 05/21/14 COMPLETE
WESTVIEW TER; Springfield, VT 05156
Would like her 1 y/o daughter checked on - she is with the father and
grandmother in Westview. He was supposed to return her today and hasn't.
14SF02048 Welfare Check 19:27:05 05/21/14 COMPLETE
STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Phone consultant with HCRS would like a check done on female and her
children. HCRS will call back in an hour. HCRS tried to call female to let her know we would be coming up there and received a recording about a safety lock on the phone and the call can't go through.
14SF02049 Assault 20:03:16 05/21/14 Uncooperative
CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Employee has been assaulted
14SF02050 Agency Assist 08:22:43 05/22/14 COMPLETE
33 MAIN ST; Springfield, VT 05156
Serve a subpoena for Lebanon Pd
14SF02051 Accident Pi 08:38:06 05/22/14 COMPLETE
1 CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting a two vehicle 10-50, one vehicle has two pregnant female and a 16mo old child in it
14SF02052 Juvenile Prob 09:31:20 05/22/14 COMPLETE
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS, Springfield, VT 05156
Student walked out of school, is on his bike
14SF02053 Fingerprints 10:00:51 05/22/14
14SF02054 Fingerprints 10:05:36 05/22/14
14SF02055 Fingerprints 10:23:32 05/22/14
14SF02056 Agency Assist 12:10:42 05/22/14 COMPLETE
BROCKWAY MILLS RD, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF02057 Agency Assist 12:46:42 05/22/14 COMPLETE
STANLEY RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Advising male is intoxicated and stating he is going to kill himself,
possibly trying to leave on foot
14SF02058 Foot Patrol 13:24:21 05/22/14 ACTIVE
Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
Directed Patrol
14SF02059 Foot Patrol 14:29:21 05/22/14 COMPLETE
Main St, Springfield, VT 05156
Directed Patrol
14SF02060 Suspicious 14:31:06 05/22/14
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
While cleaning out she found Marijuana
14SF02061 Agency Assist 15:40:56 05/22/14 COMPLETE
CENTRAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF02062 Agency Assist 17:06:56 05/22/14 COMPLETE
SUMMER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Serve an ECO order – multiple PD & VSP unit out with DCF at the residence - family is being uncooperative.
14SF02063 Suspicious 19:58:42 05/22/14
1263 CHARLESTOWN RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Found a bone at the boatlanding believe it looks like a human knee cap etc - followed the complainant back to the boat landing to see where the bone was found – further investigation by ME believe animal not human

14SF02064 Citizen Dispute 20:15:16 05/22/14
Fairground Road, Springfield, VT 05156
Want the police at her house her daughter was with friends when someone took a screwdriver to her car
14SF02065 Citizen Dispute 20:34:16 05/22/14 COMPLETE
47 SOUTH ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Complaint against female and friends with their vehicles etc
shortly behind this call rec’d call from female adv someone better get up
there before she kills her neighbor
14SF02066 Assault 21:02:59 05/22/14
25 RIDGEWOOD RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Springfield ER reporting an assault - uncooperative victim
14SF02067 Foot Patrol 05:01:19 05/23/14 ACTIVE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF02068 Citizen Dispute 05:43:27 05/23/14 ARREST
3 WALL ST; , Springfield, VT 05156
Female neighbor is fighting with a male believe it's her boyfriend in
Apartment out back upstairs heard something about he put his hands on her
then RP's boyfriend went outside to check on her and the male went after him started pushing and hitting him.
14SF02069 Accident Pd 07:23:01 05/23/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Car stopped to let her cross the road and a TT unit hit the car from behind 911 call adv no injuries, no fluids and vehicles have been moved out of the roadway
14SF02070 Found Property 08:01:15 05/23/14 COMPLETE
100 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Works at the dam on Mineral St by the state offices and found a wallet in the water, SS# card and Green Mountain Care Card inside
14SF02071 Family Fight 08:47:30 05/23/14 ACTIVE
WOODLAND DR, Springfield, VT 05156
Adv being attacked by her children, could hear arguing fighting in the
14SF02072 Suspicious 12:11:13 05/23/14 COMPLETE
RIVER ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a needle found in front of his residence, second time they have found one
14SF02073 Welfare Check 12:19:10 05/23/14 COMPLETE
Springfield, VT 05156
Request for welfare check - reportedly in her apartment yelling obscenities and other residents have complained
14SF02074 Animal Problem 14:12:21 05/23/14 COMPLETE
SOUTH ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Two loose dogs at residence, one is a husky/shepard mix and other is black lab, one has Spfld dog license from 2014
14SF02075 Assault 14:41:42 05/23/14
13 FAIRGROUND RD; RIVERSIDE MS, Springfield, VT 05156
Report of a student on student assault that occurred at the end of the school day
14SF02076 Threatening 14:45:44 05/23/14 ACTIVE
HILLCREST RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Threats via text being made to her daughter and via others
14SF02077 Fraud 17:18:41 05/23/14 ACTIVE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting someone used his Credit Card drawn on Bank of America at Spfld Irving 24 - 102 Spfld Irving.... withdrawls of $500 x 2 and $495 x1
14SF02078 Citizen Dispute 17:51:28 05/23/14 COMPLETE
CHESTER RD, Springfield, VT 05156
Dispute with neighbor over land boundaries
14SF02079 Agency Assist 18:04:54 05/23/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
14SF02080 Agency Assist 19:38:59 05/23/14 COMPLETE
201 CLINTON ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Selectboard Packet Delivery
14SF02081 Dui - 00:15:20 05/24/14 COMPLETE
Missing Link Rd; Circle K Truck Stop, Springfield, VT 05156
DUI a the truckk stop
14SF02082 Suspicious 02:37:29 05/24/14 COMPLETE
PARK ST; High Street, Springfield, VT 05156
Smells people cooking up drugs in the whole neighborhood
14SF02083 Foot Patrol 04:01:51 05/24/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot Patrol
14SF02084 Found Property 08:56:12 05/24/14 COMPLETE
100 MINERAL ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Located driver's lic purse and contents in the river grate in the Slack Dam.
14SF02085 Citizen Assist 10:01:09 05/24/14 COMPLETE
0 RIVER ST; Royal Diner, Springfield, VT 05156
Female has no trespass and/or RFA against female - she was just at
the Diner and exited.
14SF02086 Citizen Dispute 10:08:39 05/24/14 COMPLETE
FAIRVIEW ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Request for an officer w/no info sounds like a domestic.
14SF02087 Vin Inspection 16:06:45 05/24/14
14SF02088 Foot Patrol 19:29:31 05/24/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Foot patrol
14SF02089 Citizen Assist 20:26:17 05/24/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Request for officers to break up the congregation in front of the Woolson
block...reportedly someone has a baseball bat in the group
14SF02090 Citizen Dispute 21:30:25 05/24/14 COMPLETE
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Reporting sitting on his fire escape and the "punks" that hang in front of the Woolson block are back out there yelling and screaming
14SF02091 Directed Patrol 22:08:58 05/24/14 ARREST
MAIN ST, Springfield, VT 05156
Main St
14SF02092 Citizen Assist 22:37:55 05/24/14 COMPLETE
Old Chester Road; Springfield, VT 05156
Requested officer go to her apartment and check on her brother who she can't call via phone...has issues with ex who has threatened to go to
the residence and do harm including to a dog that is there
Total Incidents for This Report: 126

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